130 research outputs found

    Impartial coloring games

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    Coloring games are combinatorial games where the players alternate painting uncolored vertices of a graph one of k>0k > 0 colors. Each different ruleset specifies that game's coloring constraints. This paper investigates six impartial rulesets (five new), derived from previously-studied graph coloring schemes, including proper map coloring, oriented coloring, 2-distance coloring, weak coloring, and sequential coloring. For each, we study the outcome classes for special cases and general computational complexity. In some cases we pay special attention to the Grundy function

    Adding Isolated Vertices Makes some Online Algorithms Optimal

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    An unexpected difference between online and offline algorithms is observed. The natural greedy algorithms are shown to be worst case online optimal for Online Independent Set and Online Vertex Cover on graphs with 'enough' isolated vertices, Freckle Graphs. For Online Dominating Set, the greedy algorithm is shown to be worst case online optimal on graphs with at least one isolated vertex. These algorithms are not online optimal in general. The online optimality results for these greedy algorithms imply optimality according to various worst case performance measures, such as the competitive ratio. It is also shown that, despite this worst case optimality, there are Freckle graphs where the greedy independent set algorithm is objectively less good than another algorithm. It is shown that it is NP-hard to determine any of the following for a given graph: the online independence number, the online vertex cover number, and the online domination number.Comment: A footnote in the .tex file didn't show up in the last version. This was fixe

    A Dichotomy Theorem for Circular Colouring Reconfiguration

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    The "reconfiguration problem" for circular colourings asks, given two (p,q)(p,q)-colourings ff and gg of a graph GG, is it possible to transform ff into gg by changing the colour of one vertex at a time such that every intermediate mapping is a (p,q)(p,q)-colouring? We show that this problem can be solved in polynomial time for 2p/q<42\leq p/q <4 and is PSPACE-complete for p/q4p/q\geq 4. This generalizes a known dichotomy theorem for reconfiguring classical graph colourings.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    The Complexity of Online Graph Games

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    Online computation is a concept to model uncertainty where not all information on a problem instance is known in advance. An online algorithm receives requests which reveal the instance piecewise and has to respond with irrevocable decisions. Often, an adversary is assumed that constructs the instance knowing the deterministic behavior of the algorithm. From a game theoretical point of view, the adversary and the online algorithm are players in a two-player game. By applying this view on combinatorial graph problems, especially on problems where the solution is a subset of the vertices, we analyze their complexity. For this, we introduce a framework based on gadget reductions from 3-Satisfiability and extend it to an online setting where the graph is a priori known by a map. This is done by identifying a set of rules for the reductions and providing schemes for gadgets. The extension of the framework to the online setting enable reductions from TQBF. We provide example reductions to the well-known problems Vertex Cover, Independent Set and Dominating Set and prove that they are PSPACE-complete. Thus, this paper establishes that the online version with a map of NP-complete graph problems form a large class of PSPACE-complete problems

    Mixing graph colourings

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    This thesis investigates some problems related to graph colouring, or, more precisely, graph re-colouring. Informally, the basic question addressed can be phrased as follows. Suppose one is given a graph G whose vertices can be properly k-coloured, for some k ≥ 2. Is it possible to transform any k-colouring of G into any other by recolouring vertices of G one at a time, making sure a proper k-colouring of G is always maintained? If the answer is in the affirmative, G is said to be k-mixing. The related problem of deciding whether, given two k-colourings of G, it is possible to transform one into the other by recolouring vertices one at a time, always maintaining a proper k-colouring of G, is also considered. These questions can be considered as having a bearing on certain mathematical and ‘real-world’ problems. In particular, being able to recolour any colouring of a given graph to any other colouring is a necessary pre-requisite for the method of sampling colourings known as Glauber dynamics. The results presented in this thesis may also find application in the context of frequency reassignment: given that the problem of assigning radio frequencies in a wireless communications network is often modelled as a graph colouring problem, the task of re-assigning frequencies in such a network can be thought of as a graph recolouring problem. Throughout the thesis, the emphasis is on the algorithmic aspects and the computational complexity of the questions described above. In other words, how easily, in terms of computational resources used, can they be answered? Strong results are obtained for the k = 3 case of the first question, where a characterisation theorem for 3-mixing graphs is given. For the second question, a dichotomy theorem for the complexity of the problem is proved: the problem is solvable in polynomial time for k ≤ 3 and PSPACE-complete for k ≥ 4. In addition, the possible length of a shortest sequence of recolourings between two colourings is investigated, and an interesting connection between the tractability of the problem and its underlying structure is established. Some variants of the above problems are also explored

    The Complexity of Change

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    Many combinatorial problems can be formulated as "Can I transform configuration 1 into configuration 2, if certain transformations only are allowed?". An example of such a question is: given two k-colourings of a graph, can I transform the first k-colouring into the second one, by recolouring one vertex at a time, and always maintaining a proper k-colouring? Another example is: given two solutions of a SAT-instance, can I transform the first solution into the second one, by changing the truth value one variable at a time, and always maintaining a solution of the SAT-instance? Other examples can be found in many classical puzzles, such as the 15-Puzzle and Rubik's Cube. In this survey we shall give an overview of some older and more recent work on this type of problem. The emphasis will be on the computational complexity of the problems: how hard is it to decide if a certain transformation is possible or not?Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    The Complexity of Graph Exploration Games

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    The graph exploration problem asks a searcher to explore an unknown graph. This problem can be interpreted as the online version of the Traveling Salesman Problem. The treasure hunt problem is the corresponding online version of the shortest s-t-path problem. It asks the searcher to find a specific vertex in an unknown graph at which a treasure is hidden. Recently, the analysis of the impact of a priori knowledge is of interest. In graph problems, one form of a priori knowledge is a map of the graph. We survey the graph exploration and treasure hunt problem with an unlabeled map, which is an isomorphic copy of the graph, that is provided to the searcher. We formulate decision variants of both problems by interpreting the online problems as a game between the online algorithm (the searcher) and the adversary. The map, however, is not controllable by the adversary. The question is, whether the searcher is able to explore the graph fully or find the treasure for all possible decisions of the adversary. We prove the PSPACE-completeness of these games, whereby we analyze the variations which ask for the mere existence of a tour through the graph or path to the treasure and the variations that include costs. Additionally, we analyze the complexity of related problems that ask for a tour in the graph or a s-t path

    The Minimum Backlog Problem

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    We study the minimum backlog problem (MBP). This online problem arises, e.g., in the context of sensor networks. We focus on two main variants of MBP. The discrete MBP is a 2-person game played on a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E). The player is initially located at a vertex of the graph. In each time step, the adversary pours a total of one unit of water into cups that are located on the vertices of the graph, arbitrarily distributing the water among the cups. The player then moves from her current vertex to an adjacent vertex and empties the cup at that vertex. The player's objective is to minimize the backlog, i.e., the maximum amount of water in any cup at any time. The geometric MBP is a continuous-time version of the MBP: the cups are points in the two-dimensional plane, the adversary pours water continuously at a constant rate, and the player moves in the plane with unit speed. Again, the player's objective is to minimize the backlog. We show that the competitive ratio of any algorithm for the MBP has a lower bound of Ω(D)\Omega(D), where DD is the diameter of the graph (for the discrete MBP) or the diameter of the point set (for the geometric MBP). Therefore we focus on determining a strategy for the player that guarantees a uniform upper bound on the absolute value of the backlog. For the absolute value of the backlog there is a trivial lower bound of Ω(D)\Omega(D), and the deamortization analysis of Dietz and Sleator gives an upper bound of O(DlogN)O(D\log N) for NN cups. Our main result is a tight upper bound for the geometric MBP: we show that there is a strategy for the player that guarantees a backlog of O(D)O(D), independently of the number of cups.Comment: 1+16 pages, 3 figure