68 research outputs found

    Linkages between corporate social responsibility and sustainability in manufacturing organisations: An empirical study

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    This study aims at exploring the interrelationships between sustainability factors (commitment and motivators) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) factors (commitment and motivators) and how they affect each other in manufacturing organisations. Data were collected using a survey from 47 food manufacturing organisations in Palestine and were analysed using the PLSSEM modeling technique. The results suggest there are strong linkages between CSR factors (commitment and motivators) and sustainability factors (commitment and motivators). The CSR commitment factors have the strongest relationship with CSR motivators and sustainability motivators, which indicate that corporate commitment to CSR positively influences the level of corporate sustainable performance

    Determinants of Behavior Intention and Use Behavior among Bukalapak’s Consumers

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    The development of communication and information technology has touched the marketing and sales industry. In recent years, there have been many market places in Indonesia, where people buy and sell without meeting face to face. This study investigates the influence of people's intention on the use of behavior to buy at the market place in Indonesia. The market, which becomes the research object is Bukapalak. The data were obtained using the questionnaire. This study obtained 210 respondents, and the data were processed by the method of partial least square. There is a positive and significant influence of behavioral intention from Bukalapak’s consumer on the use (usage) behavior. The dominant determinant indicator in this study is the degree of the purpose of using the market place

    Analisis Pengaruh Laporan Keberlanjutan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Ukuran Perusahaan Sebagai Moderasinya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendapatkan bukti empiris pengaruh pengungkapan laporan keberlanjutan terhadap nilai perusahaan dan pengaruh pengungkapan laporan keberlanjutan terhadap nilai perusahaan yang dimoderasi oleh ukuran perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang diambil dari data laporan tahunan perusahaan sektor industri pertambangan pada periode 2015 sampai 2019. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 47 perusahaan pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) namun dengan menerapkan teknik purposive sampling maka yang menjadi sampel hanya 15 perusahaan. Nilai perusahaan diukur dengan price to book value (PBV), pengungkapan laporan keberlanjutan diukur dengan item GRI-G4 dan ukuran perusahaan diukur dengan menggunakan dummy 0 dan 1. Data diolah dengan Partial Least Square (PLS). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, ditemukan bukti bahwa luas pengungkapan laporan keberlanjutan berpengaruh negatif terhadap nilai perusahaan dan ukuran perusahaan mampu memoderasi hubungan pengungkapan laporan keberlanjutan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan informasi kepada perusahaan untuk dapat berkontribusi dalam peningkatan nilai perusahaan dengan memperhatikan seberapa luas perusahaan dalam mengungkapkan laporan keberlanjutan. Perusahaan besar atau kecil wajib mengungkapkan laporan keberlanjutan. Investor yang cerdas tidak akan tertarik pada perusahaan yang abai dengan laporan keberlanjutan. Kata Kunci: Laporan Keberlanjutan, Nilai Perusahaan, Ukuran Perusahaa

    Pengaruh Internet Terhadap Intensi Migrasi Internasional Kaum Muda di Perdesaan (Studi Kasus di Desa Tambakasri)

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    Tambaksari Village is one of the villages located in Sumbermanjing Wetan District, the main activity of which is agriculture. However, data from Malang Regency in Figures for 2019 shows that 316 residents were recorded leaving the Sumbermanjing District to work as migrant workers. Migration of people outside the village can result in reduced resources for village development and agricultural land managers, most of whom are in rural areas. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of the Internet on young people 's intention to migrate abroad in terms of use. Based on the survey results, the entire Tambakasri Village area has been served by a mobile Internet network, as well as WiFi hotspots in several locations (Tambakasri Village Office and several coffee shops). Descriptive statistics and SEM-PLS were the data analysis method used. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the variable with the greatest total effect in the measurement of the INTENSE variable is the KONTEN variable + 0.001 (INFRAS and USE are negative). This means that the variable CONTEN is the variable that has the most dominant influence on the INTENSI variable in international migration, but can not be separated from INFRAS and USE. Based on the results of the test hypotheses, it is known that the Internet Influence variable consisting of indicators A, B and C has a significant effect on the International Youth Migration Intents variable in rural areas with an effect value based on the R-Squared value of 0.47 or 47 percent

    Factors Influencing Adoption of Cryptocurrency-Based Transaction from an Islamic Perspective

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    This paper presents a user study of 201C;perception of the cryptocurrency-based transaction from the Islamic views201D;. The motivation lies with the fact that some users of cryptocurrency-based transaction raised concern on the nature of transactions with Bitcoin. Specifically, some argued that Bitcoin can be easily used for illegal purposes. Therefore, 201C;Technological Acceptance Model201D; was adopted and quantitative research methodology was utilized, to formulate and test some hypothesis that will lead to an establishment of a model. Sample of 306 participants was used in the study. The result of the hypothesis testing indicates that 201C;Behavioral Intention to Use Cryptocurrency from the Islamic perspective201D; is influenced directly by Shari2019;ah Compliance, Perceived Ease of Use, Emotionality, Perceived Usefulness, and Financial Concern. As evident from the analysis, Emotionality is influenced directly by Financial concern and Shari2019;ah Compliance. Whereas, Behavioral Intention is influenced indirectly by Financial Concern. The sample is general and does not specify a specific group of study. This study has contributed to understanding the Islamic issues behind the implementation of Cryptocurrency. This study adopted

    IT Operations and Firm Performance

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    This article emphasises the competencies in IT market, and how IT affects the Performance of Firms. We have tested our hypotheses within the structural modeling technique, using data collected from international firms focusing on Chinese manufacturing firms. We conclude with discussion of the results and their implications, accordingly, develop and test hypotheses representing: a) IT operation is positively associated information sharing b) Information sharing is positively associated firm performance. c)  (IT) Operation is positively associated firm performance .d) the relationship between information sharing and IT operation is moderated by a human capital human .The results represent a complexity of the relationships between IT operation tasks, information sharing capability, human capital role, and firm performance. This study provides additional Insights that some firms may not be realizing benefits from investing in IT, even with allocating time and money on the human capital if this human capital study is not related to the information technology based context. Firms which allocate money on IT they can have a good ROA if also consider the information sharing factor. The paper proceeds as follows. The first section is about Introduction. Next three sections are Literature Review, Theoretical background and Research methodology respectively. Part five; we will present our analysis of Firm Performance and IT Operation. Finally, Section six concludes. Keywords: ROA, IT Operations, Information sharing, Firm performance and Human capita

    Green site practices and environmental performance: how project complexity moderates the relationship

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    The characteristics of a project that makes it hard to understand, predict, and manage its general behavior despite the availability of required information relating to the project dynamics is referred to as project complexity. A good knowledge of project complexity at the construction phase of a project, as well as a well thought out plan to manage complexity will determine how proficiently construction projects are planned, managed, and executed in an environmentally friendly manner. The level of complexity of construction projects to a large extent determines the performance or otherwise of the projects with regards to achieving specific environmental standards. At construction sites, the effects of adopting green site practices on environmental performance is largely dependent on the level of complexity inherent in the project’s construction processes. This study investigates the moderating effects of project complexity on the relationship between various green construction site practices and environmental performance of construction projects. A survey was conducted on class A contractors in Nigeria and 168 usable responses were received. The data were analyzed using the partial least squares structural equation modelling technique. The results show that project complexity moderates the relationship between waste management and environmental performance, and the relationship between materials management and environmental performance. But project complexity does not moderate the relationship between energy management and environmental performance. The study provides important theoretical and practical information for construction managers in understanding the dynamics involved in managing of projects with different degrees of complexity, while adopting certain green site practices with the aim of delivering projects with high degree of environmental performance

    Gain More Insight from Common Latent Factor in Structural Equation Modeling

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    There is a great deal of evidence that method bias is really sure influences item validities, measurement error, correlation and covariance between latent constructs and thus leading the researchers to erroneous conclusion due to inflation or deflation during hypothesis testing. To remedy this, the study provides a guideline to minimize the method bias in the context of structural equation modeling employing the covariance method (CB-SEM) using medical tourism model. A practical approach is illustrated for the identification of method bias based on the new construct namely common latent factor. Using this latent construct, we managed to identify which item has potential to permeate more variance from common latent factor. Nevertheless, we figure out that the method bias is do not exist in our developed model. Therefore, this measurement model is appropriate for structural model in order to achieve the research hypotheses. We hope that this discussion will help the researchers anticipate which items are likely exposed on method bias before proceed to advance modeling

    Gain More Insight from Common Latent Factor in Structural Equation Modeling

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    There is a great deal of evidence that method bias is really sure influences item validities, measurement error, correlation and covariance between latent constructs and thus leading the researchers to erroneous conclusion due to inflation or deflation during hypothesis testing. To remedy this, the study provides a guideline to minimize the method bias in the context of structural equation modeling employing the covariance method (CB-SEM) using medical tourism model. A practical approach is illustrated for the identification of method bias based on the new construct namely common latent factor. Using this latent construct, we managed to identify which item has potential to permeate more variance from common latent factor. Nevertheless, we figure out that the method bias is do not exist in our developed model. Therefore, this measurement model is appropriate for structural model in order to achieve the research hypotheses. We hope that this discussion will help the researchers anticipate which items are likely exposed on method bias before proceed to advance modeling