182,840 research outputs found

    One-Shot Observation Learning

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    Observation learning is the process of learning a task by observing an expert demonstrator. We present a robust observation learning method for robotic systems. Our principle contributions are in introducing a one shot learning method where only a single demonstration is needed for learning and in proposing a novel feature extraction method for extracting unique activity features from the demonstration. Reward values are then generated from these demonstrations. We use a learning algorithm with these rewards to learn the controls for a robotic manipulator to perform the demonstrated task. With simulation and real robot experiments, we show that the proposed method can be used to learn tasks from a single demonstration under varying conditions of viewpoints, object properties, morphology of manipulators and scene backgrounds

    Learning, words and actions : experimental evidence on coordination-improving information

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    This paper reports experimental results from a one-shot game with two Nash equilibria: the first one is efficient, the second one relies on weakly dominated strategies. The experimental treatments consider three information-enhancing mechanisms in the game: simple repetition, cheap-talk messages and observation of past actions from the current interaction partner. Our experimental results show the use of dominated strategies is quite widespread. Any kind of information (through learning, words or actions) increases efficiency. As regards coordination, we find that good history performs better than good messages; but bad history performs worse than bad messages.Coordination game, communication, cheap-talk, observation.

    Penggunaan Media Awetan pada Materi Jamur untuk Meningkatkan Ketuntasan Belajar Siswa Kelas X-1 SMA Negeri 1 Sekaran

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    This research aim was to (1) discover the appropriateness of student worksheet which is developed in observation activities; (2) analyze the concept understanding which is used to reach learning outcomes; (3) describe student activity; and (4) describe students’ and teacher’s response towards the observation activities. Type of research is applied research using one-shot case study. The result showed that the developed worksheet was appropriate to be used in field by score of 85, 71%. The classical learning outcomes was 91% and performed by 31 students. Student’s activities were categorized very well for each aspect by score 3,00. Teacher’s and students’ response towards the observation activities was also positive. Keywords- fungal wet-preserved media, observation, learning outcome

    Google Forms in Library Instruction: Creating an Active Learning Space and Communicating with Students

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    The many programs offered through Google’s G Suite for Education have steadily found their footing across the varied fields of librarianship, including instruction. One such program that has potential in encouraging and developing information literacy skills in undergraduate students is Google Forms. From the observation of a Google Form activity used in four sections of a 100-level History course, utilizing Forms during one-shot instruction can create active learning experiences, be a valuable tool in aiding the continuation of a lesson after a completed one-shot, and can play an important role for the librarian when assessing if learning outcomes have been met. These experiences assist in creating a more robust learning environment for students and inform librarians of potential changes to improve their role as an instructor


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    Abstract Shot put is one of athletics are easy to do and achieve but  need good learning of effectiveness especially for  elementary school students. Learning effectiveness is often overlooked, despite the fact that is very important in the learning process. the effectiveness of learning  to be a measurement of educational success in learning process, if the learning process is effective then the goal will be achieved . Learning effectiveness can be created through how to teach methods. A good learning of effectiveness in the shot put educators can use a modified game that make students will be more active in learning process and learning  environment that are not too rigid or monotonic. The method that are used here is the pretest and posttest. The design of it is “One Group Pretest - Posttest Design” and instruments were used are : (1). Class Observation Sheet Dikjasor, it is a sheet that contains an observations that are used for comparison between pretest and posttest at the learning  process. (2). FCE Questionnaire (Formative Class Evaluation) is used to determine the opinion of  the students towards learning process.(3). Rubric Assessment Mastery Learning is used to determine learning process result in learning student mastery. Based on SPSS data processing results in research of 24 students is known that α (0.05) Z value is -3,684b  and with Asypm. Sig. ( 2-tailed ) ,000. This is indicates there is a difference if Sig < α (0.05) then it means the received  is effect of using games in learning effectiveness modification shot put with an increased amount of learning that is 9.46 % . Conclusions of this study shows that Sig < α (0.05) then acceptable  can be concluded that the application of Learning Effectiveness Shot Put At Elementary School Fifth Grade Students Wonoplintahan I/276 Prambon Sidoarjo With Modification Game are effective in the shot-put learning and improve student learning result. Keywords : Modification Games, Effectiveness Learning Shot Pu


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    This study aimed to describe students' collaboration skills with the application of NHT type cooperative learning models to vibrational and wave materials.  This study used quantitative descriptive with One Shot Case Study design. The subject of this study was class VIII in one of the public junior high schools in Sidoarjo regency. Data collection techniques use observation when learning using observation sheets collaboration skills. The results showed that at the first meeting the average collaboration skills were 73 with the collaborative category and the second meeting was 88 with the very collaborative category. The conclusion of this study is that the NHT learning model has an influence on students' collaboration skills on vibration and wave material


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan Handout, keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan Handout, dan hasil belajar siswa kelas X DPIB yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan Handout. Desain yang digunakan adalah Pre-Experimental Design dengan model One-Shot Case Study. Sasaran penelitian yaitu siswa kelas X DPIB 2 SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya dengan jumlah 36 siswa. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui validasi perangkat pembelajaran, teknik pengamatan dan tes. Validasi digunakan untuk mengetahui kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran. Teknik pengamatan digunakan untuk memperoleh data keterlaksanaan pembelajaran yaitu aktifitas mengajar guru dan aktifitas belajar siswa, sedangkan tes digunakan untuk memperoleh data hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran silabus sebesar 82,67%, RPP sebesar 82,22% dan materi 83,33%. Keterlaksanaan pembelajaran menunjukkan rata-rata kegiatan guru sebesar 90,72% dan rata-rata kegiatan siswa sebesar 90,46%. Hasil belajar siswa dengan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan Handout menunjukkan rata-rata 85,22, hasil tersebut lebih besar dari KKM dan persentase ketuntasan klasikal naik menjadi 75,00% yang sebelumnya hanya sebesar 66,67%. Kata kunci: Hasil Belajar, One-Shot Case Study, Problem Based Learning dengan Handout Abstract This study aims to determine the feasibility of learning devices using the Problem Based Learning learning model with Handouts, the implementation of learning using the Problem Based Learning learning model with Handouts, and the learning outcomes of class X DPIB students who use the Problem Based Learning learning model with Handouts. The design used is Pre-Experimental Design with the One-Shot Case Study model. The target of the study was students of class X DPIB 2 of SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya with 36 students. Data collection in this study was obtained through learning device validation, observation and test techniques. Validation is used to determine the feasibility of learning devices. Observation techniques are used to obtain learning implementation data, namely teacher teaching activities and student learning activities, while tests are used to obtain student learning outcomes data. The results showed that the feasibility of syllabus learning devices was 82.67%, lesson plans were 82.22% and 83.33% material. The implementation of learning shows the average teacher activity of 90.72% and the average activity of students is 90.46%. Student learning outcomes with Problem Based Learning learning models with Handouts show an average of 85.22, these results are greater than KKM and the percentage of classical completeness rises to 75.00%, which was previously only 66.67%. Keywords: Learning Outcomes, One-Shot Case Study, Problem Based Learning with Handout
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