69 research outputs found

    Offline Handwritten Signature Verification - Literature Review

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    The area of Handwritten Signature Verification has been broadly researched in the last decades, but remains an open research problem. The objective of signature verification systems is to discriminate if a given signature is genuine (produced by the claimed individual), or a forgery (produced by an impostor). This has demonstrated to be a challenging task, in particular in the offline (static) scenario, that uses images of scanned signatures, where the dynamic information about the signing process is not available. Many advancements have been proposed in the literature in the last 5-10 years, most notably the application of Deep Learning methods to learn feature representations from signature images. In this paper, we present how the problem has been handled in the past few decades, analyze the recent advancements in the field, and the potential directions for future research.Comment: Accepted to the International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA 2017

    Signature Verification Approach using Fusion of Hybrid Texture Features

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    In this paper, a writer-dependent signature verification method is proposed. Two different types of texture features, namely Wavelet and Local Quantized Patterns (LQP) features, are employed to extract two kinds of transform and statistical based information from signature images. For each writer two separate one-class support vector machines (SVMs) corresponding to each set of LQP and Wavelet features are trained to obtain two different authenticity scores for a given signature. Finally, a score level classifier fusion method is used to integrate the scores obtained from the two one-class SVMs to achieve the verification score. In the proposed method only genuine signatures are used to train the one-class SVMs. The proposed signature verification method has been tested using four different publicly available datasets and the results demonstrate the generality of the proposed method. The proposed system outperforms other existing systems in the literature.Comment: Neural Computing and Applicatio

    Leveraging Expert Models for Training Deep Neural Networks in Scarce Data Domains: Application to Offline Handwritten Signature Verification

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    This paper introduces a novel approach to leverage the knowledge of existing expert models for training new Convolutional Neural Networks, on domains where task-specific data are limited or unavailable. The presented scheme is applied in offline handwritten signature verification (OffSV) which, akin to other biometric applications, suffers from inherent data limitations due to regulatory restrictions. The proposed Student-Teacher (S-T) configuration utilizes feature-based knowledge distillation (FKD), combining graph-based similarity for local activations with global similarity measures to supervise student's training, using only handwritten text data. Remarkably, the models trained using this technique exhibit comparable, if not superior, performance to the teacher model across three popular signature datasets. More importantly, these results are attained without employing any signatures during the feature extraction training process. This study demonstrates the efficacy of leveraging existing expert models to overcome data scarcity challenges in OffSV and potentially other related domains

    Siamese-Network Based Signature Verification using Self Supervised Learning

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    The use of signatures is often encountered in various public documents ranging from academic documents to business documents that are a sign that the existence of signatures is crucial in various administrative processes. The frequent use of signatures does not mean a procedure without loopholes, but we must remain vigilant against signature falsification carried out with various motives behind it. Therefore, in this study, a signature verification system was developed that could prevent the falsification of signatures in public documents by using digital imagery of existing signatures. This study used neural networks with siamese network-based architectures that also empower self-supervised learning techniques to improve accuracy in the realm of limited data. The final evaluation of the machine learning method used gets a maximum accuracy of 83% and this result is better than the machine learning model that does not involve self-supervised learning methods

    On the Dissimilarity Representation and Prototype Selection for Signature-Based Bio-Cryptographic Systems

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    Abstract. Robust bio-cryptographic schemes employ encoding methods where a short message is extracted from biometric samples to encode cryptographic keys. This approach implies design limitations: 1) the encoding message should be concise and discriminative, and 2) a dissimilarity threshold must provide a good compromise between false rejection and acceptance rates. In this paper, the dissimilarity representation approach is employed to tackle these limitations, with the offline signature images are employed as biometrics. The signature images are represented as vectors in a high dimensional feature space, and is projected on an intermediate space, where pairwise feature distances are computed. Boosting feature selection is employed to provide a compact space where intra-personal distances are minimized and the inter-personal distances are maximized. Finally, the resulting representation is projected on the dissimilarity space to select the most discriminative prototypes for encoding, and to optimize the dissimilarity threshold. Simulation results on the Brazilian signature DB show the viability of the proposed approach. Employing the dissimilarity representation approach increases the encoding message discriminative power (the area under the ROC curve grows by about 47%). Prototype selection with threshold optimization increases the decoding accuracy (the Average Error Rate AER grows by about 34%)

    Investigating the Common Authorship of Signatures by Off-line Automatic Signature Verification without the Use of Reference Signatures

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    In automatic signature verification, questioned specimens are usually compared with reference signatures. In writer-dependent schemes, a number of reference signatures are required to build up the individual signer model while a writer-independent system requires a set of reference signatures from several signers to develop the model of the system. This paper addresses the problem of automatic signature verification when no reference signatures are available. The scenario we explore consists of a set of signatures, which could be signed by the same author or by multiple signers. As such, we discuss three methods which estimate automatically the common authorship of a set of off-line signatures. The first method develops a score similarity matrix, worked out with the assistance of duplicated signatures; the second uses a feature-distance matrix for each pair of signatures; and the last method introduces pre-classification based on the complexity of each signature. Publicly available signatures were used in the experiments, which gave encouraging results. As a baseline for the performance obtained by our approaches, we carried out a visual Turing Test where forensic and non-forensic human volunteers, carrying out the same task, performed less well than the automatic schemes

    A dissimilarity representation approach to designing systems for signature verification and bio-cryptography

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    Automation of legal and financial processes requires enforcing of authenticity, confidentiality, and integrity of the involved transactions. This Thesis focuses on developing offline signature verification (OLSV) systems for enforcing authenticity of transactions. In addition, bio-cryptography systems are developed based on the offline handwritten signature images for enforcing confidentiality and integrity of transactions. Design of OLSV systems is challenging, as signatures are behavioral biometric traits that have intrinsic intra-personal variations and inter-personal similarities. Standard OLSV systems are designed in the feature representation (FR) space, where high-dimensional feature representations are needed to capture the invariance of the signature images. With the numerous users, found in real world applications, e.g., banking systems, decision boundaries in the high-dimensional FR spaces become complex. Accordingly, large number of training samples are required to design of complex classifiers, which is not practical in typical applications. In contrast, design of bio-cryptography systems based on the offline signature images is more challenging. In these systems, signature images lock the cryptographic keys, and a user retrieves his key by applying a query signature sample. For practical bio-cryptographic schemes, the locking feature vector should be concise. In addition, such schemes employ simple error correction decoders, and therefore no complex classification rules can be employed. In this Thesis, the challenging problems of designing OLSV and bio-cryptography systems are addressed by employing the dissimilarity representation (DR) approach. Instead of designing classifiers in the feature space, the DR approach provides a classification space that is defined by some proximity measure. This way, a multi-class classification problem, with few samples per class, is transformed to a more tractable two-class problem with large number of training samples. Since many feature extraction techniques have already been proposed for OLSV applications, a DR approach based on FR is employed. In this case, proximity between two signatures is measured by applying a dissimilarity measure on their feature vectors. The main hypothesis of this Thesis is as follows. The FRs and dissimilarity measures should be properly designed, so that signatures belong to same writer are close, while signatures of different writers are well separated in the resulting DR spaces. In that case, more cost-effecitive classifiers, and therefore simpler OLSV and bio-cryptography systems can be designed. To this end, in Chapter 2, an approach for optimizing FR-based DR spaces is proposed such that concise representations are discriminant, and simple classification thresholds are sufficient. High-dimensional feature representations are translated to an intermediate DR space, where pairwise feature distances are the space constituents. Then, a two-step boosting feature selection (BFS) algorithm is applied. The first step uses samples from a development database, and aims to produce a universal space of reduced dimensionality. The resulting universal space is further reduced and tuned for specific users through a second BFS step using user-specific training set. In the resulting space, feature variations are modeled and an adaptive dissimilarity measure is designed. This measure generates the final DR space, where discriminant prototypes are selected for enhanced representation. The OLSV and bio-cryptographic systems are formulated as simple threshold classifiers that operate in the designed DR space. Proof of concept simulations on the Brazilian signature database indicate the viability of the proposed approach. Concise DRs with few features and a single prototype are produced. Employing a simple threshold classifier, the DRs have shown state-of-the-art accuracy of about 7% AER, comparable to complex systems in the literature. In Chapter 3, the OLSV problem is further studied. Although the aforementioned OLSV implementation has shown acceptable recognition accuracy, the resulting systems are not secure as signature templates must be stored for verification. For enhanced security, we modified the previous implementation as follows. The first BFS step is implemented as aforementioned, producing a writer-independent (WI) system. This enables starting system operation, even if users provide a single signature sample in the enrollment phase. However, the second BFS is modified to run in a FR space instead of a DR space, so that no signature templates are used for verification. To this end, the universal space is translated back to a FR space of reduced dimensionality, so that designing a writer-dependent (WD) system by the few user-specific samples is tractable in the reduced space. Simulation results on two real-world offline signature databases confirm the feasibility of the proposed approach. The initial universal (WI) verification mode showed comparable performance to that of state-of-the-art OLSV systems. The final secure WD verification mode showed enhanced accuracy with decreased computational complexity. Only a single compact classifier produced similar level of accuracy (AER of about 5.38 and 13.96% for the Brazilian and the GPDS signature databases, respectively) as complex WI and WD systems in the literature. Finally, in Chapter 4, a key-binding bio-cryptographic scheme known as the fuzzy vault (FV) is implemented based on the offline signature images. The proposed DR-based two-step BFS technique is employed for selecting a compact and discriminant user-specific FR from a large number of feature extractions. This representation is used to generate the FV locking/unlocking points. Representation variability modeled in the DR space is considered for matching the unlocking and locking points during FV decoding. Proof of concept simulations on the Brazilian signature database have shown FV recognition accuracy of 3% AER and system entropy of about 45-bits. For enhanced security, an adaptive chaff generation method is proposed, where the modeled variability controls the chaff generation process. Similar recognition accuracy is reported, where more enhanced entropy of about 69-bits is achieved

    Automatic intrapersonal variability modeling for offline signature augmentation

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    Orientador: Luiz Eduardo Soares de OliveiraCoorientadores: Robert Sabourin e Alceu de Souza Britto Jr..Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 19/07/2021Inclui referências: p. 93-102Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Normalmente, em um cenario do mundo real, poucas assinaturas estao disponiveis para treinar um sistema de verificacao automatica de assinaturas (SVAA). Para resolver esse problema, diversas abordagens para a duplicacao de assinaturas estaticas foram propostas ao longo dos anos. Essas abordagens geram novas amostras de assinaturas sinteticas aplicando algumas transformacoes na imagem original da assinatura. Algumas delas geram amostras realistas, especialmente o duplicator. Este metodo utiliza um conjunto de parametros para modelar o comportamento do escritor (variabilidade do escritor) ao assinar. No entanto, esses parametros so empiricamente definidos. Este tipo de abordagem pode ser demorado e pode selecionar parametros que nao descrevem a real variabilidade do escritor. A principal hipotese desse trabalho e que a variabilidade do escritor observada no dominio da imagem tambem pode ser transferido para o dominio de caracteristicas. Portanto, este trabalho propoe um novo metodo para modelar automaticamente a variabilidade do escritor para a posterior duplicacao de assinaturas no dominio de imagem (duplicator) e dominio de caracteristicas (filtro Gaussiano e variacao do metodo de Knop). Este trabalho tambem propoe um novo metodo de duplicacao de assinaturas estaticas, que gera as amostras sinteticas diretamente no dominio de caracteristicas usando um filtro Gaussiano. Alem disso, uma nova abordagem para avaliar a qualidade de amostras sinteticas no dominio de caracteristicas e apresentada. As limitacoes e vantagens de ambas as abordagens de duplicacao de assinaturas tambem sao exploradas. Alem de usar a nova abordagem para avaliar a qualidade das amostras, o desempenho de um SVAA e avaliado usando as amostras e tres bases de assinaturas estaticas bem conhecidas: a GPDS-300, a MCYT-75 e a CEDAR. Para a mais utilizada, GPDS-300, quando o classificador SVM foi treinando com somente uma assinatura genuina por escritor, ele obteve um Equal Error Rate (EER) de 5,71%. Quando o classificador tambem utilizou as amostras sinteticas geradas no dominio de imagem, o EER caiu para 1,08%. Quando o classificador foi treinado com as amostras geradas pelo filtro Gaussiano, o EER caiu para 1,04%.Abstract: Normally, in a real-world scenario, there are few signatures available to train an automatic signature verification system (ASVS). To address this issue, several offline signature duplication approaches have been proposed along the years. These approaches generate a new synthetic signature sample applying some transformations in the original signature image. Some of them generate realistic samples, specially the duplicator. This method uses a set of parameters to model the writer's behavior (writer variability) during the signing act. However, these parameters are empirically defined. This kind of approach can be time consuming and can select parameters that do not describe the real writer variability. The main hypothesis of this work is that the writer variability observed in the image space can be transferred to the feature space as well. Therefore, this work proposes a new method to automatically model the writer variability for further signature duplication in the image (duplicator) and the feature space (Gaussian filter and a variation of Knop's method). This work also proposes a new offline signature duplication method, which directly generates the synthetic samples in the feature space using a Gaussian filter. Furthermore, a new approach to assess the quality of the synthetic samples in the feature space is introduced. The limitations and advantages of both signature augmentation approaches are also explored. Despite using the new approach to assess the quality of the samples, the performance of an ASVS was assessed using them and three well-known offline signature datasets: GPDS-300, MCYT-75, and CEDAR. For the most used one, GPDS-300, when the SVM classifier was trained with only one genuine signature per writer, it achieved an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 5.71%. When the classifier also was trained with the synthetic samples generated in the image space, the EER dropped to 1.08%. When the classifier was trained using the synthetic samples generated by the Gaussian filter, the EER dropped to 1.04%