2,622,741 research outputs found

    ToPoliNano: Nano-magnet Logic Circuits Design and Simulation

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    Among the emerging technologies Field-Coupled devices like Quantum dot Cellular Automata are particularly interesting. Of all the practical implementations of this principle NanoMagnet Logic shows many important features, such as a very low power consumption and the feasibility with up-to- date technology. However, its working principle, based on the interaction among neighbor cells, is quite different with respect to CMOS devices behavior. Dedicated design and simulation tools for this technology are necessary to further study this technology, but at the moment there are no such tools available in the scientific scenario. We present here ToPoliNano, a software developed as a design and simulation tool for NanoMagnet Logic, that can be easily adapted to many others emerging technologies, particularly to any kind of Field-Coupled devices. ToPoliNano allows to design circuits following a top-down approach similar to the one used in CMOS and to simulate them using a switch model specifically targeted for high complexity circuits. This tool greatly enhances the ability to analyze, explore and improve the design of Field- Coupled circuit

    Decibell: A novel approach to the ORM software in Java

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    DeciBell is an open source and free tool developed to tackle in a uniform and structured way the problem of Java and SQL cooperation (available at http://github.com/hampos/DeciBell). In DeciBell, Java classes are related to relational database entities automatically and in a transparent way as far as the background operations are concerned. So, on one hand, non-expert users can work on Java code exclusively while expert ones are able to focus on more algorithmic aspects of the problem they try to solve rather than be wasted with trivial database management issues. In contrast to the existing O.R.M. programs, DeciBell does not require any configuration files or composite query structures, but only a proper annotation of certain fields of the classes. This annotation is carried out by means of the Java Annotations which is a modern trend in Java programming. Among its supported facilities, DeciBell supports primary keys (single and multiple), foreign keys, constraints, one-to-one, one- to-many, and many-to-many relations and all these using pure Java predicates and no SQL or other Query Languages

    Enabling comparison of UrQMD with Geant4 hadronic models

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    Geant4 has an abundant set of physics models that handle the diverse interaction of particles with matter across a wide energy range. However, there are also many well established reaction codes currently used in the same fields where Geant4 is applied. One such code is the Ultra-relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics (UrQMD) model. In order to take advantage of the UrQMD code, we create a tool to enable comparisons among UrQMD and Geant4 hadronic models. This tool allows a user to process the output file of UrQMD through Geant4 toolkit, while at the same time, can choose among different Geant4 hadronic model generators. As an example, the UrQMD model is compared with the HARP-CDP experimental data and with the Binary and FRITIOF generators, in the framework of Geant4. It is shown that the UrQMD model can better reproduce charged pion production for p+Cu and Pb interactions at 3, 8 and 15 GeV/c, and is a good candidate for Geant4 hadronic models.Comment: 17 pages, 5 Figure

    Progress in jet reconstruction and heavy ion collisions

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    We review recent developments related to jet clustering algorithms and jet reconstruction, with particular emphasis on their implications in heavy ion collisions. These developments include fast implementations of sequential recombination algorithms, new IRC safe algorithms, quantitative determination of jet areas and quality measures for jet finding, among many others. We also show how jet reconstruction provides a useful tool to probe the characteristics of the hot and dense medium created in heavy ion collisions, which allows one to distinguish between different models of parton-medium interaction.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Elastic & Diffractive Scattering, CERN, 29th June - 3rd July 200

    The CR structure of minimal orbits in complex flag manifolds

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    Let \^G be a complex semisimple Lie group, Q a parabolic subgroup and G a real form of \^G. The flag manifold \^G/Q decomposes into finitely many G-orbits; among them there is exactly one orbit of minimal dimension, which is compact. We study these minimal orbits from the point of view of CR geometry. In particular we characterize those minimal orbits that are of finite type and satisfy various nondegeneracy conditions, compute their fundamental group and describe the space of their global CR functions. Our main tool are parabolic CR algebras, which give an infinitesimal description of the CR structure of minimal orbits.Comment: AMS-TeX, 44 pages v2: minor revisio

    Persistence Flamelets: multiscale Persistent Homology for kernel density exploration

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    In recent years there has been noticeable interest in the study of the "shape of data". Among the many ways a "shape" could be defined, topology is the most general one, as it describes an object in terms of its connectivity structure: connected components (topological features of dimension 0), cycles (features of dimension 1) and so on. There is a growing number of techniques, generally denoted as Topological Data Analysis, aimed at estimating topological invariants of a fixed object; when we allow this object to change, however, little has been done to investigate the evolution in its topology. In this work we define the Persistence Flamelets, a multiscale version of one of the most popular tool in TDA, the Persistence Landscape. We examine its theoretical properties and we show how it could be used to gain insights on KDEs bandwidth parameter

    Exploration of alternative splicing events in ten different grapevine cultivars

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    Background: The complex dynamics of gene regulation in plants are still far from being fully understood. Among many factors involved, alternative splicing (AS) in particular is one of the least well documented. For many years, AS has been considered of less relevant in plants, especially when compared to animals, however, since the introduction of next generation sequencing techniques the number of plant genes believed to be alternatively spliced has increased exponentially. Results: Here, we performed a comprehensive high-throughput transcript sequencing of ten different grapevine cultivars, which resulted in the first high coverage atlas of the grape berry transcriptome. We also developed findAS, a software tool for the analysis of alternatively spliced junctions. We demonstrate that at least 44 % of multi-exonic genes undergo AS and a large number of low abundance splice variants is present within the 131.622 splice junctions we have annotated from Pinot noir. Conclusions: Our analysis shows that similar to 70 % of AS events have relatively low expression levels, furthermore alternative splice sites seem to be enriched near the constitutive ones in some extent showing the noise of the splicing mechanisms. However, AS seems to be extensively conserved among the 10 cultivars

    Iwasawa Effects in Multi-layer Optics

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    There are many two-by-two matrices in layer optics. It is shown that they can be formulated in terms of a three-parameter group whose algebraic property is the same as the group of Lorentz transformations in a space with two space-like and one time-like dimensions, or the Sp(2)Sp(2) group which is a standard theoretical tool in optics. Among the interesting mathematical properties of this group, the Iwasawa decomposition drastically simplifies the matrix algebra under certain conditions, and leads to a concise expression for the S-matrix for transmitted and reflected rays. It is shown that the Iwasawa effect can be observed in multi-layer optics, and a sample calculation of the S-matrix is given.Comment: RevTex 10 pages including 1 psfi