89 research outputs found

    Hardware Trojan Detection by Delay and Electromagnetic Measurements

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    International audience—Hardware Trojans (HT) inserted in integrated circuits have received special attention of researchers. In this paper, we present firstly a novel HT detection technique based on path delays measurements. A delay model, which considers intra-die process variations, is established for a net. Secondly, we show how to detect HT using ElectroMagnetic (EM) measurements. We study the HT detection probability according to its size taking into account the inter-die process variations with a set of FPGA. The results show, for instance, that there is a probability greater than 95% with a false negative rate of 5% to detect a HT larger than 1.7% of the original circuit. I. Introduction The trust and security of Integrated Circuits (IC) design and fabrication is critical for sensitive fields like finance, health, and governmental communications. Due to the complexity and the high cost of IC fabrication cycle, more and more firms outsource their production. This trend gives a possibility for an adversary to introduce malicious circuit, called Hardware Trojan horse (HT), in any IC. It can either perform a Denial Of Service (DOS), deteriorate circuit performance [8], or steal sensitive information. Therefore, the HTs are considered a real threat which has gained attention from researchers. HT can be inserted at any point during the design or fabrication process from Register Transfer Level (RTL) to layout and circuit fabrication. For example in [11], authors show some techniques to insert malicious circuitry at RTL level. These HTs, which are activated with a specific pattern inputs, can leak secret key via RS232 channels. The HT, unlike a software trojan, cannot be removed once it is fabricated. So, it is better to proactively prevent the insertion of a HT: few methods have been proposed. One seminal work is known as " private circuits II " [9]. This paper describes a proof-of-concept, too costly to be implemented. A more reasonable option has been recently proposed in [5]: it uses two codes to encode the state and mix it with encoded randomness, which allows to prevent an easy triggering and has a detection capability. Otherwise it is important to detect it before it becomes effective. Previous works classify detection methods into two wide categories: destructive and non-destructive. Invasive methods destroy the chip to reconstruct successfully the GDSII an

    Preventing integrated circuit piracy using reconfigurable logic barriers

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    With each new feature size, integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing costs increase. Rising expenses cause the once vertical IC supply chain to flatten out. Companies are increasing their reliance on contractors, often foreign, to supplement their supply chain deficiencies as they no longer can provide all of the services themselves. This shift has brought with it several security concerns classified under three categories: (1) Metering - controlling the number of ICs created and for whom. (2) Theft - controlling the dissemination of intellectual property (IP). (3) Trust - controlling the confidence in the IC post-fabrication. Our research focuses on providing a solution to the metering problem by restricting an attacker\u27s access to the IC design. Our solution modifies the CAD tool flow in order to identify locations in the circuit which can be protected with reconfigurable logic barriers. These barriers require the correct key to be present for information to flow through. Incorrect key values render the IC useless as the flow of information is blocked. Our selection heuristics utilize observability and controllability don\u27t care sets along with a node\u27s location in the network to maximize an attacker\u27s burden while keeping in mind the associated overhead. We implement our approach in an open-source logic synthesis tool, compare it against previous solutions and evaluate its effectiveness against a knowledgeable attacker

    Security Audit Compliance for Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing has grown largely over the past three years and is widely popular amongst today's IT landscape. In a comparative study between 250 IT decision makers of UK companies they said, that they already use cloud services for 61% of their systems. Cloud vendors promise "infinite scalability and resources" combined with on-demand access from everywhere. This lets cloud users quickly forget, that there is still a real IT infrastructure behind a cloud. Due to virtualization and multi-tenancy the complexity of these infrastructures is even increased compared to traditional data centers, while it is hidden from the user and outside of his control. This makes management of service provisioning, monitoring, backup, disaster recovery and especially security more complicated. Due to this, and a number of severe security incidents at commercial providers in recent years there is a growing lack of trust in cloud infrastructures. This thesis presents research on cloud security challenges and how they can be addressed by cloud security audits. Security requirements of an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud are identified and it is shown how they differ from traditional data centres. To address cloud specific security challenges, a new cloud audit criteria catalogue is developed. Subsequently, a novel cloud security audit system gets developed, which provides a flexible audit architecture for frequently changing cloud infrastructures. It is based on lightweight software agents, which monitor key events in a cloud and trigger specific targeted security audits on demand - on a customer and a cloud provider perspective. To enable these concurrent cloud audits, a Cloud Audit Policy Language is developed and integrated into the audit architecture. Furthermore, to address advanced cloud specific security challenges, an anomaly detection system based on machine learning technology is developed. By creating cloud usage profiles, a continuous evaluation of events - customer specific as well as customer overspanning - helps to detect anomalies within an IaaS cloud. The feasibility of the research is presented as a prototype and its functionality is presented in three demonstrations. Results prove, that the developed cloud audit architecture is able to mitigate cloud specific security challenges

    ICSrank: A Security Assessment Framework for Industrial Control Systems (ICS)

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    This thesis joins a lively dialogue in the technological arena on the issue of cybersecurity and specifically, the issue of infrastructure cybersecurity as related to Industrial Control Systems. Infrastructure cybersecurity is concerned with issues on the security of the critical infrastructure that have significant value to the physical infrastructure of a country, and infrastructure that is heavily reliant on IT and the security of such technology. It is an undeniable fact that key infrastructure such as the electricity grid, gas, air and rail transport control, and even water and sewerage services rely heavily on technology. Threats to such infrastructure have never been as serious as they are today. The most sensitive of them is the reliance on infrastructure that requires cybersecurity in the energy sector. The call to smart technology and automation is happening nowadays. The Internet is witnessing an increase number of connected industrial control system (ICS). Many of which don’t follow security guidelines. Privacy and sensitive data are also an issue. Sensitive leaked information is being manipulated by adversaries to accomplish certain agendas. Open Source intelligence (OSINT) is adopted by defenders to improve protection and safeguard data. This research presented in thesis, proposes “ICSrank” a novel security risk assessment for ICS devices based on OSINT. ICSrank ranks the risk level of online and offline ICS devices. This framework categorizes, assesses and ranks OSINT data using ICSrank framework. ICSrank provides an additional layer of defence and mitigation in ICS security, by identification of risky OSINT and devices. Security best practices always begin with identification of risk as a first step prior to security implementation. Risk is evaluated using mathematical algorithms to assess the OSINT data. The subsequent results achieved during the assessment and ranking process were informative and realistic. ICSrank framework proved that security and risk levels were more accurate and informative than traditional existing methods

    Formalization and Detection of Host-Based Code Injection Attacks in the Context of Malware

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    The Host-Based Code Injection Attack (HBCIAs) is a technique that malicious software utilizes in order to avoid detection or steal sensitive information. In a nutshell, this is a local attack where code is injected across process boundaries and executed in the context of a victim process. Malware employs HBCIAs on several operating systems including Windows, Linux, and macOS. This thesis investigates the topic of HBCIAs in the context of malware. First, we conduct basic research on this topic. We formalize HBCIAs in the context of malware and show in several measurements, amongst others, the high prevelance of HBCIA-utilizing malware. Second, we present Bee Master, a platform-independent approach to dynamically detect HBCIAs. This approach applies the honeypot paradigm to operating system processes. Bee Master deploys fake processes as honeypots, which are attacked by malicious software. We show that Bee Master reliably detects HBCIAs on Windows and Linux. Third, we present Quincy, a machine learning-based system to detect HBCIAs in post-mortem memory dumps. It utilizes up to 38 features including memory region sparseness, memory region protection, and the occurence of HBCIA-related strings. We evaluate Quincy with two contemporary detection systems called Malfind and Hollowfind. This evaluation shows that Quincy outperforms them both. It is able to increase the detection performance by more than eight percent

    Detection and Mitigation of Steganographic Malware

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    A new attack trend concerns the use of some form of steganography and information hiding to make malware stealthier and able to elude many standard security mechanisms. Therefore, this Thesis addresses the detection and the mitigation of this class of threats. In particular, it considers malware implementing covert communications within network traffic or cloaking malicious payloads within digital images. The first research contribution of this Thesis is in the detection of network covert channels. Unfortunately, the literature on the topic lacks of real traffic traces or attack samples to perform precise tests or security assessments. Thus, a propaedeutic research activity has been devoted to develop two ad-hoc tools. The first allows to create covert channels targeting the IPv6 protocol by eavesdropping flows, whereas the second allows to embed secret data within arbitrary traffic traces that can be replayed to perform investigations in realistic conditions. This Thesis then starts with a security assessment concerning the impact of hidden network communications in production-quality scenarios. Results have been obtained by considering channels cloaking data in the most popular protocols (e.g., TLS, IPv4/v6, and ICMPv4/v6) and showcased that de-facto standard intrusion detection systems and firewalls (i.e., Snort, Suricata, and Zeek) are unable to spot this class of hazards. Since malware can conceal information (e.g., commands and configuration files) in almost every protocol, traffic feature or network element, configuring or adapting pre-existent security solutions could be not straightforward. Moreover, inspecting multiple protocols, fields or conversations at the same time could lead to performance issues. Thus, a major effort has been devoted to develop a suite based on the extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) to gain visibility over different network protocols/components and to efficiently collect various performance indicators or statistics by using a unique technology. This part of research allowed to spot the presence of network covert channels targeting the header of the IPv6 protocol or the inter-packet time of generic network conversations. In addition, the approach based on eBPF turned out to be very flexible and also allowed to reveal hidden data transfers between two processes co-located within the same host. Another important contribution of this part of the Thesis concerns the deployment of the suite in realistic scenarios and its comparison with other similar tools. Specifically, a thorough performance evaluation demonstrated that eBPF can be used to inspect traffic and reveal the presence of covert communications also when in the presence of high loads, e.g., it can sustain rates up to 3 Gbit/s with commodity hardware. To further address the problem of revealing network covert channels in realistic environments, this Thesis also investigates malware targeting traffic generated by Internet of Things devices. In this case, an incremental ensemble of autoencoders has been considered to face the ''unknown'' location of the hidden data generated by a threat covertly exchanging commands towards a remote attacker. The second research contribution of this Thesis is in the detection of malicious payloads hidden within digital images. In fact, the majority of real-world malware exploits hiding methods based on Least Significant Bit steganography and some of its variants, such as the Invoke-PSImage mechanism. Therefore, a relevant amount of research has been done to detect the presence of hidden data and classify the payload (e.g., malicious PowerShell scripts or PHP fragments). To this aim, mechanisms leveraging Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) proved to be flexible and effective since they can learn by combining raw low-level data and can be updated or retrained to consider unseen payloads or images with different features. To take into account realistic threat models, this Thesis studies malware targeting different types of images (i.e., favicons and icons) and various payloads (e.g., URLs and Ethereum addresses, as well as webshells). Obtained results showcased that DNNs can be considered a valid tool for spotting the presence of hidden contents since their detection accuracy is always above 90% also when facing ''elusion'' mechanisms such as basic obfuscation techniques or alternative encoding schemes. Lastly, when detection or classification are not possible (e.g., due to resource constraints), approaches enforcing ''sanitization'' can be applied. Thus, this Thesis also considers autoencoders able to disrupt hidden malicious contents without degrading the quality of the image
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