262 research outputs found

    Roadmap on multimode photonics

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    Multimode devices and components have attracted considerable attention in the last years, and different research topics and themes have emerged very recently. The multimodality can be seen as an additional degree of freedom in designing devices, thus allowing for the development of more complex and sophisticated components. The propagation of different modes can be used to increase the fiber optic capacity, but also to introduce novel intermodal interactions, as well as allowing for complex manipulation of optical modes for a variety of applications. In this roadmap we would like to give to the readers a comprehensive overview of the most recent developments in the field, presenting contributions coming from different research topics, including optical fiber technologies, integrated optics, basic physics and telecommunications

    Roadmap of optical communications

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    © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd. Lightwave communications is a necessity for the information age. Optical links provide enormous bandwidth, and the optical fiber is the only medium that can meet the modern society's needs for transporting massive amounts of data over long distances. Applications range from global high-capacity networks, which constitute the backbone of the internet, to the massively parallel interconnects that provide data connectivity inside datacenters and supercomputers. Optical communications is a diverse and rapidly changing field, where experts in photonics, communications, electronics, and signal processing work side by side to meet the ever-increasing demands for higher capacity, lower cost, and lower energy consumption, while adapting the system design to novel services and technologies. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this rich research field, Journal of Optics has invited 16 researchers, each a world-leading expert in their respective subfields, to contribute a section to this invited review article, summarizing their views on state-of-the-art and future developments in optical communications

    Towards the Design of Robust High-Speed and Power Efficient Short Reach Photonic Links

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    In 2014, approximately eight trillion transistors were fabricated every second thanks to improvements in integration density and fabrication processes. This increase in integration and functionality has also brought about the possibility of system on chip (SoC) and high-performance computing (HPC). Electrical interconnects presently dominate the very-short reach interconnect landscape (< 5 cm) in these applications. This, however, is expected to change. These interconnects' downfall will be caused by their need for impedance matching, limited pin-density and frequency dependent loss leading to intersymbol interference. In an attempt to solve this, researchers have increasingly explored integrated silicon photonics as it is compatible with current CMOS processes and creates many possibilities for short-reach applications. Many see optical interconnects as the high-speed link solution for applications ranging from intra-data center (~200 m) down to module or even chip scales (< 2 cm). The attractive properties of optical interconnects, such as low loss and multiplexing abilities, will enable such things as Exascale high-performance computers of the future (equal to 10^18 calculations per second). In fact, forecasts predict that by 2025 photonics at the smallest levels of the interconnect hierarchy will be a reality. This thesis presents three novel research projects, which all work towards increasing robustness and cost-efficiency in short-reach optical links. It discusses three parts of the optical link: the interconnect, the receiver and the photodiode. The first topic of this thesis is exploratory work on the use of an optical multiplexing technique, mode-division multiplexing (MDM), to carry multiple data lanes along with a forwarded clock for very short-reach applications. The second topic discussed is a novel reconfigurable CMOS receiver proposed as a method to map a clock signal to an interconnect lane in an MDM source-synchronous link with the lowest optical crosstalk. The receiver is designed as a method to make electronic chips that suit the needs of optical ones. By leveraging the more robust electronic integrated circuit, link solutions can be tuned to meet the needs of photonic chips on a die by die basis. The third topic of this thesis proposes a novel photodetector which uses photonic grating couplers to redirect vertical incident light to the horizontal direction. With this technique, the light is applied along the entire length of a p-n junction to improve the responsivity and speed of the device. Experimental results for this photodetector at 35 Gb/s are published, showing it to be the fastest all-silicon based photodetector reported in the literature at the time of publication

    Design and Characterization of SiN-based integrated optical components for Wavelength Division Multiplexing

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    To follow the trend of the data traffic and to limit the size of the hyperscale data centers, communication solutions offering small footprint, low cost and low power consumption are needed. Optical interconnects used in data centers are mostly short reach (approximately 100 m) basedon GaAs-based 850 nm vertical-cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) and OM4 multimode fibers (MMF). However, with 1 km-long optical links, the use of VCSEL-MMF at 850 nm becomes challenging at high data rates (Tb/s) due to large modal dispersion and high propagation loss. Therefore, other cost-effective methods are needed to compensate these limits. Single mode GaAs-based VCSELs have been demonstrated at 1060 nm of wavelength, where the chromatic dispersion is lower, for optical links ranging between 300 m and 10 km. This solution could be a better alternative than InP-based distributed feedback laser sources at 1310 nm in terms of cost and energy dissipation. As the modulation bandwidth of GaAs-based single mode VCSELs is limited to around 30 GHz, reaching the capacity target then requires a wavelength division multiplexing scheme with parallel single-core fibers (SCFs) or even multi-core fibers (MCFs).In this thesis we discuss different types of demultiplexers at 1060 nm of wavelength. The proposed designed demultiplexers are arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs) and cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZIs). These two technologies are compared in terms of transmission,bandwidth, crosstalk, and footprint with the number of output channels. Grating couplers at 1060 and 850 nm for on-chip coupling are also studied. The goal is to couple the light coming from a single mode fiber or a VCSEL with the lowest possible loss and back reflection

    Optical devices and subsystems for few- and multi-mode fiber based networks

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    Metamateriales sub-longitud de onda para microdispositivos fotónicos de altas prestaciones

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, leída el 28-04-2020Photonics has become of paramount importance in many areas of our everyday life owing to its inherent potential to develop not only telecom and datacom solutions, but also many other applications such as metrology [DeMiguel’18], energy generation and saving [Polman’12, Miller’17], spectrometry [Velasco’13a], sensing [Rodríguez-Barrios’10], medicine [Morgner’00] and industrial manufacturing [Malinauskas’16], to name a few. Particularly, integrated optics has attracted increasing industrial attention and scientific efforts to implement photonic integrated circuits (PICs) capable of tackling all abovementioned tasks in compact and efficient systems.Among all the available materials, silicon photonics leverages the maturity of the fabrication techniques reached by the microelectronics industry, enabling cost-effective mass production [Chen’18]. Different material platforms with a high refractive index contrast have been proposed for silicon photonics to achieve higher integration levels and perform more complex functions in a single chip, such as silicon-on-insulator (SOI) and silicon nitride (Si3N4, commonly simplified to SiN). The increased integration capacity of silicon photonics has enabled to tackle one of our greatest technological challenges: global data traffic inside data centers. Besides short-range optical interconnects for telecom and datacom applications, the progress in silicon photonics also encompasses many other untapped applications that are being explored by academia and industry: absorption spectroscopy and bio-sensing [Herrero-Bermello’17, Wangüemert-Pérez’19], light detection and ranging (LIDAR) [Poulton’17a], quantum computing [Harris’16], microwave and terahertz photonics [Marpaung’19, Harter’18], nonlinear optics [Leuthold’10], and many others...La fotónica ha adquirido una importancia fundamental en muchos ámbitos de nuestra vida cotidiana debido a su potencial intrínseco para desarrollar soluciones no sólo en el campo de las telecomunicaciones y las interconexiones de corto alcance, sino también en otras muchas áreas como la metrología [DeMiguel’18], la generación de energía [Polman’12, Miller’17], la espectrometría [Velasco’13a], la detección [Rodríguez-Barrios’10], la medicina [Morgner’00] y la fabricación industrial [Malinauskas’16]. En particular, la óptica integrada ha atraído tanto la atención de la industria como los esfuerzos científicos para implementar circuitos fotónicos integrados (PICs, Photonic Integrated Circuits) capaces de abordar todas las tareas mencionadas anteriormente en sistemas compactos y eficientes. Entre todos los materiales disponibles, la fotónica de silicio aprovecha la madurez de las técnicas de fabricación alcanzadas por la industria de la microelectrónica, permitiendo una producción en masa rentable [Chen’18]. Para maximizar su densidad de integración y poder realizar funciones más complejas en un único chip, diferentes plataformas materiales con un alto contraste de índice de refracción se han propuesto, como por ejemplo las plataformas de silicio sobre aislante (SOI, Silicon-On-Insulator) y de nitruro de silicio (Si3N4, comúnmente simplificada a SiN, Silicon Nitride). Esta mayor densidad de integración ha permitido abordar uno de nuestros mayores desafíos tecnológicos hasta la fecha: el tráfico de datos global dentro de los centros de datos. Además de las interconexiones ópticas de corto alcance, el progreso de la fotónica de silicio también comprende muchas otras aplicaciones inexploradas que están siendo estudiadas en el ámbito académico e industrial como, por ejemplo, la espectroscopía de absorción y biodetección [Herrero-Bermello’17, Wangüemert-Pérez’19], LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) [Poulton’17a], computación cuántica [Harris’16], fotónica de microondas y terahercios [Marpaung’19, Harter’18], óptica no lineal [Leuthold’10], y muchas otras...Fac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu

    Roadmap on structured light

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    Structured light refers to the generation and application of custom light fields. As the tools and technology to create and detect structured light have evolved, steadily the applications have begun to emerge. This roadmap touches on the key fields within structured light from the perspective of experts in those areas, providing insight into the current state and the challenges their respective fields face. Collectively the roadmap outlines the venerable nature of structured light research and the exciting prospects for the future that are yet to be realized.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Roadmap on structured light

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    Structured light refers to the generation and application of custom light fields. As the tools and technology to create and detect structured light have evolved, steadily the applications have begun to emerge. This roadmap touches on the key fields within structured light from the perspective of experts in those areas, providing insight into the current state and the challenges their respective fields face. Collectively the roadmap outlines the venerable nature of structured light research and the exciting prospects for the future that are yet to be realized
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