247 research outputs found

    Pliable Index Coding via Conflict-Free Colorings of Hypergraphs

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    In the pliable index coding (PICOD) problem, a server is to serve multiple clients, each of which possesses a unique subset of the complete message set as side information and requests a new message which it does not have. The goal of the server is to do this using as few transmissions as possible. This work presents a hypergraph coloring approach to the PICOD problem. A \textit{conflict-free coloring} of a hypergraph is known from literature as an assignment of colors to its vertices so that each edge of the graph contains one uniquely colored vertex. For a given PICOD problem represented by a hypergraph consisting of messages as vertices and request-sets as edges, we present achievable PICOD schemes using conflict-free colorings of the PICOD hypergraph. Various graph theoretic parameters arising out of such colorings (and some new variants) then give a number of upper bounds on the optimal PICOD length, which we study in this work. Our achievable schemes based on hypergraph coloring include scalar as well as vector linear PICOD schemes. For the scalar case, using the correspondence with conflict-free coloring, we show the existence of an achievable scheme which has length O(log2Γ),O(\log^2\Gamma), where Γ\Gamma refers to a parameter of the hypergraph that captures the maximum `incidence' number of other edges on any edge. This result improves upon known achievability results in PICOD literature, in some parameter regimes.Comment: 21 page

    Online and quasi-online colorings of wedges and intervals

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    We consider proper online colorings of hypergraphs defined by geometric regions. We prove that there is an online coloring algorithm that colors NN intervals of the real line using Θ(logN/k)\Theta(\log N/k) colors such that for every point pp, contained in at least kk intervals, not all the intervals containing pp have the same color. We also prove the corresponding result about online coloring a family of wedges (quadrants) in the plane that are the translates of a given fixed wedge. These results contrast the results of the first and third author showing that in the quasi-online setting 12 colors are enough to color wedges (independent of NN and kk). We also consider quasi-online coloring of intervals. In all cases we present efficient coloring algorithms

    Coloring Intersection Hypergraphs of Pseudo-Disks

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    We prove that the intersection hypergraph of a family of n pseudo-disks with respect to another family of pseudo-disks admits a proper coloring with 4 colors and a conflict-free coloring with O(log n) colors. Along the way we prove that the respective Delaunay-graph is planar. We also prove that the intersection hypergraph of a family of n regions with linear union complexity with respect to a family of pseudo-disks admits a proper coloring with constantly many colors and a conflict-free coloring with O(log n) colors. Our results serve as a common generalization and strengthening of many earlier results, including ones about proper and conflict-free coloring points with respect to pseudo-disks, coloring regions of linear union complexity with respect to points and coloring disks with respect to disks