1,367 research outputs found

    Digital signal processing algorithms for automatic voice recognition

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    The current digital signal analysis algorithms are investigated that are implemented in automatic voice recognition algorithms. Automatic voice recognition means, the capability of a computer to recognize and interact with verbal commands. The digital signal is focused on, rather than the linguistic, analysis of speech signal. Several digital signal processing algorithms are available for voice recognition. Some of these algorithms are: Linear Predictive Coding (LPC), Short-time Fourier Analysis, and Cepstrum Analysis. Among these algorithms, the LPC is the most widely used. This algorithm has short execution time and do not require large memory storage. However, it has several limitations due to the assumptions used to develop it. The other 2 algorithms are frequency domain algorithms with not many assumptions, but they are not widely implemented or investigated. However, with the recent advances in the digital technology, namely signal processors, these 2 frequency domain algorithms may be investigated in order to implement them in voice recognition. This research is concerned with real time, microprocessor based recognition algorithms

    Joint Multi-Pitch Detection Using Harmonic Envelope Estimation for Polyphonic Music Transcription

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    In this paper, a method for automatic transcription of music signals based on joint multiple-F0 estimation is proposed. As a time-frequency representation, the constant-Q resonator time-frequency image is employed, while a novel noise suppression technique based on pink noise assumption is applied in a preprocessing step. In the multiple-F0 estimation stage, the optimal tuning and inharmonicity parameters are computed and a salience function is proposed in order to select pitch candidates. For each pitch candidate combination, an overlapping partial treatment procedure is used, which is based on a novel spectral envelope estimation procedure for the log-frequency domain, in order to compute the harmonic envelope of candidate pitches. In order to select the optimal pitch combination for each time frame, a score function is proposed which combines spectral and temporal characteristics of the candidate pitches and also aims to suppress harmonic errors. For postprocessing, hidden Markov models (HMMs) and conditional random fields (CRFs) trained on MIDI data are employed, in order to boost transcription accuracy. The system was trained on isolated piano sounds from the MAPS database and was tested on classic and jazz recordings from the RWC database, as well as on recordings from a Disklavier piano. A comparison with several state-of-the-art systems is provided using a variety of error metrics, where encouraging results are indicated


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    The goal of this dissertation is to develop methods to recover glottal flow pulses, which contain biometrical information about the speaker. The excitation information estimated from an observed speech utterance is modeled as the source of an inverse problem. Windowed linear prediction analysis and inverse filtering are first used to deconvolve the speech signal to obtain a rough estimate of glottal flow pulses. Linear prediction and its inverse filtering can largely eliminate the vocal-tract response which is usually modeled as infinite impulse response filter. Some remaining vocal-tract components that reside in the estimate after inverse filtering are next removed by maximum-phase and minimum-phase decomposition which is implemented by applying the complex cepstrum to the initial estimate of the glottal pulses. The additive and residual errors from inverse filtering can be suppressed by higher-order statistics which is the method used to calculate cepstrum representations. Some features directly provided by the glottal source\u27s cepstrum representation as well as fitting parameters for estimated pulses are used to form feature patterns that were applied to a minimum-distance classifier to realize a speaker identification system with very limited subjects