15 research outputs found

    Inter Carrier Interference Cancellation in OFDM Systems

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is an emerging multi-carrier modulation scheme, which has been adopted for several wireless standards such as IEEE 802.11a and HiperLAN2. A well-known problem of OFDM is its sensitivity to frequency offset between the transmitted and received carrier frequencies. This frequency offset introduces inter-carrier interference (ICI) in the OFDM symbol. This project investigates two methods for combating the effects of ICI: ICI self-cancellation (SC), and extended Kalman filter (EKF) method. These two methods are compared in terms of bit error rate performance, bandwidth efficiency, and computational complexity. Through simulations, it is shown that the two techniques are effective in mitigating the effects of ICI. For high values of the frequency offset and for higher order modulation schemes, EKF method performs better than the SC method

    Pilot-Aided Equalization with a Constrained Noise-Estimation Filter

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    In this paper we focus on a single carrier pilotassisted transmission scheme where one pilot symbol is periodically inserted in the transmitted sequence on a time-division multiplexing basis. A new equalization scheme, where the knowledge of pilot symbols is exploited by the equalizer to generate an estimate of the noise affecting the symbol to be detected, is introduced and analyzed. The criterion used to compute the equalizer coefficients is the minimization of the mean-square error (MSE). The main new result of our analysis is that the optimal pilot aided equalizer (PAE) can be decomposed as the cascade of an unconstrained minimum MSE (MMSE) linear equalizer (LE) and a data-aided noise estimation filter. This result completes and extends the noise-predictive view of decision feedback equalization to general data-aided equalization. The PAE is compared here to the MMSE-LE and to the MSE decision feedback equalizer on two frequency selective wireless channels

    Les tests en cascade pour la correction des erreurs impulsives et la réduction du PAPR dans le contexte d'Hiperlan2

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    Dans ce papier, nous proposons une structure en cascade pour améliorer l'algorithme de correction de bruit impulsif que nous avons déjà présenté dans [6]. Cette nouvelle structure permet une implantation facile et plus fiable (plusieurs paramètres peuvent être obtenus théoriquement plutôt que par simulation). Nous prouvons également que cet algorithme de décodage peut être appliqué pour la réduction du niveau de PAPR (Peak Average Power Rate). L'efficacité de cette technique est corroborée par simulations dans le contexte d'Hiperlan2

    Channel Estimation in Multicarrier Communication Systems

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    The data rate and spectrum efficiency of wireless mobile communications have been significantly improved over the last decade or so. Recently, the advanced systems such as 3GPP LTE and terrestrial digital TV broadcasting have been sophisticatedly developed using OFDM and CDMA technology. In general, most mobile communication systems transmit bits of information in the radio space to the receiver. The radio channels in mobile radio systems are usually multipath fading channels, which cause inter-symbol interference (ISI) in the received signal. To remove ISI from the signal, there is a need of strong equalizer which requires knowledge on the channel impulse response (CIR).This is primarily provided by a separate channel estimator. Usually the channel estimation is based on the known sequence of bits, which is unique for a certain transmitter and which is repeated in every transmission burst. Thus, the channel estimator is able to estimate CIR for each burst separately by exploiting the known transmitted bits and the corresponding received samples. In this thesis we investigate and compare various efficient channel estimation schemes for OFDM systems which can also be extended to MC DS-CDMA systems.The channel estimation can be performed by either inserting pilot tones into all subcarriers of OFDM symbols with a specific period or inserting pilot tones into each OFDM symbol. Two major types of pilot arrangement such as block type and comb type pilot have been focused employing Least Square Error (LSE) and Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) channel estimators. Block type pilot sub-carriers is especially suitable for slow-fading radio channels whereas comb type pilots provide better resistance to fast fading channels. Also comb type pilot arrangement is sensitive to frequency selectivity when comparing to block type arrangement. However, there is another supervised technique called Implicit Training (IT) based channel estimation which exploits the first order statistics in the received data, induced by superimposing periodic training sequences with good correlation properties, along with the information symbols. Hence, the need for additional time slots for training the equalizer is avoided. The performance of the estimators is presented in terms of the mean square estimation error (MSEE) and bit error rate (BER)

    Méthodes de codage et d'estimation adaptative appliquées aux communications sans fil

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    Les recherches et les contributions présentées portent sur des techniques de traitement du signal appliquées aux communications sans fil. Elles s’articulent autour des points suivants : (1) l’estimation adaptative de canaux de communication dans différents contextes applicatifs, (2) la correction de bruit impulsionnel et la réduction du niveau de PAPR (Peak to Average Power Ratio) dans un système multi-porteuse, (3) l’optimisation de schémas de transmission pour la diffusion sur des canaux gaussiens avec/sans contrainte de sécurité, (4) l’analyse, l’interprétation et l’amélioration des algorithmes de décodage itératif par le biais de l’optimisation, de la théorie des jeux et des outils statistiques. L’accent est plus particulièrement mis sur le dernier thème

    Novel Approaches in RF/Analog CMOS Spectrum Sensing and Its Applications

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    Real time spectrum sensing refers to searching for possible signals at a specific time and location, which is applicable to cognitive radio (CR) for primary signal detection and ultra-wideband (UWB) radio for interferer detection. There are several approaches for spectrum sensing. Choosing a proper method for spectrum sensing necessitates evaluating several trade-offs among sensing time, accuracy, power consumption and simplicity of implementation. In this dissertation several approaches for spectrum sensing along with the applications to CR and UWB receivers are presented. A novel simple spectrum sensing technique for detecting weak primary signals with negative signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is proposed, which is called quasi-cyclostationary feature detection (QCFD) technique. Moreover, a simple, reliable, and fast real-time spectrum sensing technique based on phasers, which are dispersive delay structures (DDSs), is proposed. Lastly, a UWB receiver robust to the narrowband (NB) blockers, in the vicinity of UWB frequency, is presented. To increase the robustness of the UWB receiver towards interferers, a dynamic blocker detector, utilizing a phaser-based real time spectrum sensing technique, is employed. The proposed spectrum sensing methods provide the best solutions for the intended applications, considering the trade-offs, compared to the state-of-the-art CMOS spectrum sensors

    Mitigation of impulsive noise for SISO and MIMO G.fast system

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    To address the demand for high bandwidth data transmission over telephone transmission lines, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has recently completed the fourth generation broadband (4GBB) copper access network technology, known as G.fast. Throughout this thesis, extensively investigates the wired broadband G.fast coding system and the novel impulsive noise reduction technique has been proposed to improve the performance of wired communications network in three different scenarios: single-line Discrete Multiple Tone (DMT)- G.fast system; a multiple input multiple-output (MIMO) DMTG.fast system, and MIMO G.fast system with different crosstalk cancellation methods. For each of these scenarios, however, Impulsive Noise (IN) is considered as the main limiting factor of performance system. In order to improve the performance of such systems, which use higher order QAM constellation such as G.fast system, this thesis examines the performance of DMT G.fast system over copper channel for six different higher signal constellations of M = 32, 128, 512, 2048, 8192 and 32768 in presence of IN modelled as the Middleton Class A (MCA) noise source. In contrast to existing work, this thesis presents and derives a novel equation of Optimal Threshold (OT) to improve the IN frequency domain mitigation methods applied to the G.fast standard over copper channel with higher QAM signal constellations. The second scenario, Multi-Line Copper Wire (MLCW) G.fast is adopted utilizing the proposed MLCW Chen model and is compared to a single line G-fast system by a comparative analysis in terms of Bit-Error-Rate(BER) performance of implementation of MLCW-DMT G.fast system. The third scenario, linear and non-linear crosstalk crosstalk interference cancellation methods are applied to MLCW G.fas and compared by a comparative analysis in terms of BER performance and the complexity of implementation.University of Technology for choosing me for their PhD scholarship and The Higher Committee For Education Development in Iraq(HCED


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    The demand for higher and higher capacity in wireless networks, such as cellular, mobile and local area network etc, is driving the development of new signaling techniques with improved spectral and power efficiencies. At all stages of a transceiver, from the bandwidth efficiency of the modulation schemes through highly nonlinear power amplifier of the transmitters to the channel sharing between different users, the problems relating to power usage and spectrum are aplenty. In the coming future, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technology promises to be a ready solution to achieving the high data capacity and better spectral efficiency in wireless communication systems by virtue of its well-known and desirable characteristics. Towards these ends, this dissertation investigates a novel OFDM system based on dual-tree complex wavelet transform (D

    A New Approach for Performance Improvement of OFDM System using Pulse Shaping

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a multi-carrier modulation technique, in which a single high rate data-stream is divided into multiple low rate data-streams and is modulated using sub-carriers, which are orthogonal to each other. Some of its main advantages are multipath delay spread tolerance, high spectral efficiency, efficient modulation and demodulation process using computationally efficient Inverse Fast Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform operation respectively. The peak to average power ratio of the time domain envelope is an important parameter at the physical layer of the communication system using OFDM signaling. The signals must maintain a specified average energy level in the channel to obtain the desired Bit-error-rate. The peak signal level relative to that average defines the maximum dynamic range that must be accommodated by the components in the signal flow path to support the desired average. A secondary concern is the carrier frequency offset which disturbs the orthogonality among the carriers and results ICI. The undesired ICI degrades the performance of the system