4 research outputs found

    Machine learning in critical care: state-of-the-art and a sepsis case study

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    Background: Like other scientific fields, such as cosmology, high-energy physics, or even the life sciences, medicine and healthcare face the challenge of an extremely quick transformation into data-driven sciences. This challenge entails the daunting task of extracting usable knowledge from these data using algorithmic methods. In the medical context this may for instance realized through the design of medical decision support systems for diagnosis, prognosis and patient management. The intensive care unit (ICU), and by extension the whole area of critical care, is becoming one of the most data-driven clinical environments. Results: The increasing availability of complex and heterogeneous data at the point of patient attention in critical care environments makes the development of fresh approaches to data analysis almost compulsory. Computational Intelligence (CI) and Machine Learning (ML) methods can provide such approaches and have already shown their usefulness in addressing problems in this context. The current study has a dual goal: it is first a review of the state-of-the-art on the use and application of such methods in the field of critical care. Such review is presented from the viewpoint of the different subfields of critical care, but also from the viewpoint of the different available ML and CI techniques. The second goal is presenting a collection of results that illustrate the breath of possibilities opened by ML and CI methods using a single problem, the investigation of septic shock at the ICU. Conclusion: We have presented a structured state-of-the-art that illustrates the broad-ranging ways in which ML and CI methods can make a difference in problems affecting the manifold areas of critical care. The potential of ML and CI has been illustrated in detail through an example concerning the sepsis pathology. The new definitions of sepsis and the relevance of using the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) in its diagnosis have been considered. Conditional independence models have been used to address this problem, showing that SIRS depends on both organ dysfunction measured through the Sequential Organ Failure (SOFA) score and the ICU outcome, thus concluding that SIRS should still be considered in the study of the pathophysiology of Sepsis. Current assessment of the risk of dead at the ICU lacks specificity. ML and CI techniques are shown to improve the assessment using both indicators already in place and other clinical variables that are routinely measured. Kernel methods in particular are shown to provide the best performance balance while being amenable to representation through graphical models, which increases their interpretability and, with it, their likelihood to be accepted in medical practice.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Epigenetic and transcriptomic reprogramming in monocytes of severe COVID-19 patients reflects alterations in myeloid differentiation and the influence of inflammatory cytokines

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    COVID-19; Monocytes; Single-cell transcriptomicsCOVID-19; Monocitos; Transcriptómica unicelularCOVID-19; Monòcits; Transcriptòmica unicel·lularBackground COVID-19 manifests with a wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes, ranging from asymptomatic and mild to severe and critical. Severe and critical COVID-19 patients are characterized by marked changes in the myeloid compartment, especially monocytes. However, little is known about the epigenetic alterations that occur in these cells during hyperinflammatory responses in severe COVID-19 patients. Methods In this study, we obtained the DNA methylome and transcriptome of peripheral blood monocytes from severe COVID-19 patients. DNA samples extracted from CD14 + CD15- monocytes of 48 severe COVID-19 patients and 11 healthy controls were hybridized on MethylationEPIC BeadChip arrays. In parallel, single-cell transcriptomics of 10 severe COVID-19 patients were generated. CellPhoneDB was used to infer changes in the crosstalk between monocytes and other immune cell types. Results We observed DNA methylation changes in CpG sites associated with interferon-related genes and genes associated with antigen presentation, concordant with gene expression changes. These changes significantly overlapped with those occurring in bacterial sepsis, although specific DNA methylation alterations in genes specific to viral infection were also identified. We also found these alterations to comprise some of the DNA methylation changes occurring during myeloid differentiation and under the influence of inflammatory cytokines. A progression of DNA methylation alterations in relation to the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score was found to be related to interferon-related genes and T-helper 1 cell cytokine production. CellPhoneDB analysis of the single-cell transcriptomes of other immune cell types suggested the existence of altered crosstalk between monocytes and other cell types like NK cells and regulatory T cells. Conclusion Our findings show the occurrence of an epigenetic and transcriptional reprogramming of peripheral blood monocytes, which could be associated with the release of aberrant immature monocytes, increased systemic levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and changes in immune cell crosstalk in these patients.This study has been funded by R+D+i project of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant number PID2020-117212RB-I00/ MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). We also thank the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (grant 2020–216799) and Wellcome Sanger core funding (WT206194). This publication has also been supported by the Unstoppable campaign of the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation. Additional funding comes from Project PI18/00346 (Instituto de Salud Carlos III and co-funded by European Union (ERDF/ESF ). A.B. received additional support from a Gates Cambridge Scholarship

    On the use of decision trees for ICU outcome prediction in sepsis patients treated with statins

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    On the intelligent management of sepsis in the intensive care unit

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    The management of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in a hospital has its own, very specific requirements that involve, amongst others, issues of risk-adjusted mortality and average length of stay; nurse turnover and communication with physicians; technical quality of care; the ability to meet patient's family needs; and avoid medical error due rapidly changing circumstances and work overload. In the end, good ICU management should lead to an improvement in patient outcomes. Decision making at the ICU environment is a real-time challenge that works according to very tight guidelines, which relate to often complex and sensitive research ethics issues. Clinicians in this context must act upon as much available information as possible, and could therefore, in general, benefit from at least partially automated computer-based decision support based on qualitative and quantitative information. Those taking executive decisions at ICUs will require methods that are not only reliable, but also, and this is a key issue, readily interpretable. Otherwise, any decision tool, regardless its sophistication and accuracy, risks being rendered useless. This thesis addresses this through the design and development of computer based decision making tools to assist clinicians at the ICU. It focuses on one of the main problems that they must face: the management of the Sepsis pathology. Sepsis is one of the main causes of death for non-coronary ICU patients. Its mortality rate can reach almost up to one out of two patients for septic shock, its most acute manifestation. It is a transversal condition affecting people of all ages. Surprisingly, its definition has only been standardized two decades ago as a systemic inflammatory response syndrome with confirmed infection. The research reported in this document deals with the problem of Sepsis data analysis in general and, more specifically, with the problem of survival prediction for patients affected with Severe Sepsis. The tools at the core of the investigated data analysis procedures stem from the fields of multivariate and algebraic statistics, algebraic geometry, machine learning and computational intelligence. Beyond data analysis itself, the current thesis makes contributions from a clinical point of view, as it provides substantial evidence to the debate about the impact of the preadmission use of statin drugs in the ICU outcome. It also sheds light into the dependence between Septic Shock and Multi Organic Dysfunction Syndrome. Moreover, it defines a latent set of Sepsis descriptors to be used as prognostic factors for the prediction of mortality and achieves an improvement on predictive capability over indicators currently in use.La gestió d'una Unitat de Cures Intensives (UCI) hospitalària presenta uns requisits força específics incloent, entre altres, la disminució de la taxa de mortalitat, la durada de l'ingrès, la rotació d'infermeres i la comunicació entre metges amb al finalitad de donar una atenció de qualitat atenent als requisits tant dels malalts com dels familiars. També és força important controlar i minimitzar els error mèdics deguts a canvis sobtats i a la presa ràpida de deicisions assistencials. Al cap i a la fi, la bona gestió de la UCI hauria de resultar en una reducció de la mortalitat i durada d'estada. La presa de decisions en un entorn de crítics suposa un repte de presa de decisions en temps real d'acord a unes guies clíniques molt restrictives i que, pel que fa a la recerca, poden resultar en problemes ètics força sensibles i complexos. Per tant, el personal sanitari que ha de prendre decisions sobre la gestió de malalts crítics no només requereix eines de suport a la decisió que siguin fiables sinó que, a més a més, han de ser interpretables. Altrament qualsevol eina de decisió que no presenti aquests trets no és considerarà d'utilitat clínica. Aquesta tesi doctoral adreça aquests requisits mitjançant el desenvolupament d'eines de suport a la decisió per als intensivistes i es focalitza en un dels principals problemes als que s'han denfrontar: el maneig del malalt sèptic. La Sèpsia és una de les principals causes de mortalitats a les UCIS no-coronàries i la seva taxa de mortalitat pot arribar fins a la meitat dels malalts amb xoc sèptic, la seva manifestació més severa. La Sèpsia és un síndrome transversal, que afecta a persones de totes les edats. Sorprenentment, la seva definició ha estat estandaritzada, fa només vint anys, com a la resposta inflamatòria sistèmica a una infecció corfimada. La recerca presentada en aquest document fa referència a l'anàlisi de dades de la Sèpsia en general i, de forma més específica, al problema de la predicció de la supervivència de malalts afectats amb Sèpsia Greu. Les eines i mètodes que formen la clau de bòveda d'aquest treball provenen de diversos camps com l'estadística multivariant i algebràica, geometria algebraica, aprenentatge automàtic i inteligència computacional. Més enllà de l'anàlisi per-se, aquesta tesi també presenta una contribució des de el punt de vista clínic atès que presenta evidència substancial en el debat sobre l'impacte de l'administració d'estatines previ a l'ingrès a la UCI en els malalts sèptics. També s'aclareix la forta dependència entre el xoc sèptic i el Síndrome de Disfunció Multiorgànica. Finalment, també es defineix un conjunt de descriptors latents de la Sèpsia com a factors de pronòstic per a la predicció de la mortalitat, que millora sobre els mètodes actualment més utilitzats en la UCI