87 research outputs found

    Bibliometric solutions for identifying potential collaborators

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    Bibliometric indicators and methodologies are commonly used for benchmarking institutions and individuals, and analyzing their research performance. Their potential for identifying partners and promoting collaboration is many times overseen by research institutions. In this presentation we will discuss different indicators and methodologies that can be used to spot institutions, research groups and individuals working on similar research fronts. By using different visualization techniques, we will provide examples on how to present these data in an appealing way which can inform university and research managers. These types of analyses are useful when searching for potential partners or designing strategies to establish scientific collaboration networks

    Nuevas aproximaciones metodológicas al estudio de la colaboración en la ciencia a través de las publicaciones científicas

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    Tesis por compendio de publicaciones[ES]La ciencia es uno de los fenómenos de mayor importancia de la sociedad contemporánea, ya que el avance del conocimiento mejora la calidad de vida de las personas y contribuye al desarrollo económico de los países. La colaboración es uno de los rasgos más característicos de la ciencia actual, por lo que estudiar sus causas y efectos ha de ayudar a una mejor comprensión de los mecanismos que gobiernan la ciencia. Esta tesis y los trabajos que la componen surgieron de la preocupación por abordar el estudio de la colaboración desde una perspectiva multivariante, asumiendo que no es viable abordar su estudio como un fenómeno aislado. La idea que subyace a esta investigación toma coma base el trabajo pionero de Ben Martin (Martin & Irvine, 1983; Martin, 1996) en bibliometría en su concepción de la naturaleza multidimensional de la actividad científica, así como la necesidad de aplicar variables y metodologías diversas para obtener una imagen nítida de la actividad investigadora. Así, se analiza el papel de la colaboración en la ciencia en un sentido amplio y su relación con otras variables, en especial el impacto científico; a distintos niveles de agregación (meso y micro) y haciendo hincapié en las diferencias entre áreas científicas. En este contexto, se presentan aproximaciones metodológicas nuevas o poco utilizadas hasta el momento en bibliometría desde la perspectiva de la estadística multivariante, con especial atención a los métodos Biplot, y del análisis de redes sociales. Las propuestas que se presentan, pretenden ofrecer nuevas posibilidades de análisis y aumentar nuestro conocimiento sobre un fenómeno complejo como el de la colaboración en la ciencia. Se concluye que un conocimiento pormenorizado de métodos de análisis avanzados, como las técnicas de análisis multivariante, son un gran activo para la comunidad investigadora en bibliometría, pues van a posibilitar la obtención de resultados más pertinentes y que respondan a la naturaleza de los datos objeto de estudio. De hecho, si se tiene en cuenta que los llamados 'mapas de la ciencia' han sido propuestos previamente como herramientas de apoyo en política científica y gestión de la investigación, la necesidad de que los investigadores en bibliometría incorporen estos conocimientos cobra un significado y relevancia aún mayor

    Accounting statement analysis at industry level. A gentle introduction to the compositional approach

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    Compositional data are contemporarily defined as positive vectors, the ratios among whose elements are of interest to the researcher. Financial statement analysis by means of accounting ratios fulfils this definition to the letter. Compositional data analysis solves the major problems in statistical analysis of standard financial ratios at industry level, such as skewness, non-normality, non-linearity and dependence of the results on the choice of which accounting figure goes to the numerator and to the denominator of the ratio. In spite of this, compositional applications to financial statement analysis are still rare. In this article, we present some transformations within compositional data analysis that are particularly useful for financial statement analysis. We show how to compute industry or sub-industry means of standard financial ratios from a compositional perspective. We show how to visualise firms in an industry with a compositional biplot, to classify them with compositional cluster analysis and to relate financial and non-financial indicators with compositional regression models. We show an application to the accounting statements of Spanish wineries using DuPont analysis, and a step-by-step tutorial to the compositional freeware CoDaPack

    Un enfoque de sustentabilidad utilizando lógica difusa y minería de datos

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    [ES] Sustainable development goals are now the agreed criteria to monitor states, and this work will demonstrate that numerical and graphical methods are valuable tools in assessing progress. Fuzzy Logic is a reliable procedure for transforming human qualitative knowledge into quantitative variables that can be used in the reasoning of the type “if, then” to obtain answers pertaining to sustainability assessment. Applications of machine learning techniques and artificial intelligence procedures span almost all fields of science. Here, for the first-time, unsupervised machine learning is applied to sustainability assessment, combining numerical approaches with graphical procedures to analyze global sustainability. CD HJ-Biplots to portray graphically the sustainability position of a large number of countries are a useful complement to mathematical models of sustainability. Graphical information could be useful to planners it shows directly how countries are grouped according to the most related sustainability indicators. Thus, planners can prioritize social, environmental, and economic policies and make the most effective decisions. One could graphically observe the dynamic evolution of sustainability worldwide over time with a graphical approach used to draw relevant conclusions. In an era of climate change, species extinction, poverty, and environmental migration, such observations could aid political decision-making regarding the future of our planet. A large number of countries remain in the areas of moderate or low sustainability. Fuzzy logic has proven to be an uncontested numerical method as it occurs with SAFE. An unsupervised learning method called Variational Autoencoder interplay Graphical Analysis (VEA&GA) has been proposed, to support sustainability performance with appropriate training data. The promising results show that this can be a sound alternative to assess sustainability, extrapolating its applications to other kinds of problems at different levels of analysis (continents, regions, cities, etc.) further corroborating the effectiveness of the unsupervised training methods


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    This research was conducted to identify enabling factors for an effective transformation of Higher Education Institution’s (HEI’s) research management system in Indonesia towards World Class University (WCU) status. Three clusters of HEIs, particularly PTN-bh WCU, PTN-bh and PTN Non-bh produced exceptional studies output and outcome (citation) wherein PTN-bh WCU produced the best quantity of publications and citations. The data analysis technique in this study used a comparative analysis of research mapping and Biplot analysis. The result of the Biplot analysis indicate that research infrastructure as essential enabler for all HEIs. Biplot also displays the important enabler that affected research productivity in PTN Non-bh (research human resources, academic collaboration), PTN-bh (research funding, insentive, PTN-bh WCU (academic culture, system and management research). Keywords: research management system, enabler factors, transformation, world class university, Biplot analysi

    The Many Publics of Science: Using Altmetrics to Identify Common Communication Channels by Scientific field

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    Altmetrics have led to new quantitative studies of science through social media interactions. However, there are no models of science communication that respond to the multiplicity of non-academic channels. Using the 3653 authors with the highest volume of altmetrics mentions from the main channels (Twitter, News, Facebook, Wikipedia, Blog, Policy documents, and Peer reviews) to their publications (2016-2020), it has been analyzed where the audiences of each discipline are located. The results evidence the generalities and specificities of these new communication models and the differences between areas. These findings are useful for the development of science communication policies and strategies

    Association of Dietary Intake of Polyphenols with an Adequate Nutritional Profile in Postpartum Women from Argentina

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    HJ-Biplot analysis is a multivariate graphic representation that collects data covariation structure between variables and individuals to represent them in a low-dimensional space with the highest quality in the same reference system. Consequently, it is a promising technique for evaluating dietary exposure to polyphenols and accurately characterizing female nutrition. Herein, we hypothesized that polyphenol intake defines specific clusters with dietary impacts, which can be assessed using HJ-Biplot, based on a cross-sectional study in Argentina. The study included 275 healthy postpartum women who provided information about their food frequency intake and other conditions, which were then used to evaluate polyphenolic intake using the Phenol-Explorer database. Outcomes were established using HJ-Biplot for clustering and ANOVA to compare their impact on diet quality indicators. Two HJ-Biplot models were run (for intakes >20 mg/d and 5∼20 mg/d, respectively) to identify three clusters per model with excellent statistical fitness to explain the data. Thus, specific polyphenolic clusters with potentially bioactive and safe compounds were defined despite significant interindividual variability. In fact, women with the lowest polyphenolic intake exhibited worse dietary quality, body fat, and physical activity. As a result, HJ-Biplot proved to be an effective technique for clustering women based on their dietary intake of these compounds. Furthermore, cluster membership improved the intake of antioxidants, water, fiber, and healthy fats. Additionally, women with formal jobs and a higher educational level showed a better diet. Dietary polyphenols are critical during postpartum because they exert beneficial effects on women and breastfed infants.Fil: Miranda, Agustín Ramiro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Scotta, Ana Veronica. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Cortez, Mariela Valentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: González García, Nerea. Universidad de Salamanca; EspañaFil: Galindo Villardón, María Purificación. Universidad de Salamanca; EspañaFil: Soria, Elio Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; Argentin

    Desertification risk fuels spatial polarization in ‘affected’ and ‘unaffected’ landscapes in Italy

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    Southern Europe is a hotspot for desertification risk because of the intimate impact of soil deterioration, landscape transformations, rising human pressure, and climate change. In this context, large-scale empirical analyses linking landscape fragmentation with desertification risk assume that increasing levels of land vulnerability to degradation are associated with significant changes in landscape structure. Using a traditional approach of landscape ecology, this study evaluates the spatial structure of a simulated landscape based on different levels of vulnerability to land degradation using 15 metrics calculated at three time points (early-1960s, early-1990s, early-2010s) in Italy. While the (average) level of land vulnerability increased over time almost in all Italian regions, vulnerable landscapes demonstrated to be increasingly fragmented, as far as the number of homogeneous patches and mean patch size are concerned. The spatial balance in affected and unaffected areas—typically observed in the 1960s—was progressively replaced with an intrinsically disordered landscape, and this process was more intense in regions exposed to higher (and increasing) levels of land degradation. The spread of larger land patches exposed to intrinsic degradation brings to important consequences since (1) the rising number of hotspots may increase the probability of local-scale degradation processes, and (2) the buffering effect of neighbouring (unaffected) land can be less effective on bigger hotspots, promoting a downward spiral toward desertification

    Фактори підвищення міжнародних рейтингів українських закладів вищої освіти в умовах цифрової трансформації суспільства

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    The article is devoted to the statistical analysis of the tools for assessing the international competitiveness of higher education institutions (HEIs) on the basis of the Webometric ranking of universities in terms of digital transformation.The ratings of ZVO as a modern information tool for education management are studied. A brief review and analysis of research and publications of domestic and foreign scientists on the role of ratings as a mechanism for assessing free economic education as educational and research centers.Using the professional statistical data processing program STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV.I and the principal components method, the specifics of Webometric indicators and their impact on the global ranking of the world's leading universities were analyzed. Based on statistical assessments, the reasons for insufficiently high rating positions of national free economic zones in the Webometrics system have been identified.Proposals have been developed to increase the representation of Ukrainian free economic zones in the Internet space, to raise their international rating according to Webometric criteria and to qualitatively develop the domestic scientific and educational school in the context of world trends.The results of the study can be used by the governing bodies and management of Ukrainian free economic zones in the development and adjustment of development strategies, as well as specialists who develop, implement and evaluate the state policy of Ukraine in the field of higher education.Статья посвящена статистическому анализу инструментария оценки международной конкурентоспособности высших учебных заведений (ЗВО) на основе Вебометричного рейтинге университетов в условиях цифровой трансформации.Исследована рейтинги ЗВО как современный информационный инструмент управления сферой образования. Осуществлен краткий обзор и анализ исследований и публикаций отечественных и зарубежных ученых о роли рейтингов в качестве механизма оценки ЗВО как образовательных и научных центров.С использованием профессиональной программы статистической обработки данных STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV.I и метода главных компонент проанализирована специфика Вебометричних индикаторов и их влияние на глобальный рейтинг ведущих мировых университетов. На основе статистических оценок выявлены причины недостаточно высоких рейтинговых позиций национальных ЗВО в системе Вебометрикс.Разработаны предложения по повышению показателей представленности украинских ЗВО в Интернет-пространстве, повышение их международного рейтинга по Вебометричнимы критериям и качественного развития отечественной научной и образовательной школы в контексте мировых тенденций.Результаты исследования могут быть использованы органами управления и руководящим составом украинских ЗВО при разработке и корректировке стратегий развития, а также специалистами, которые разрабатывают, воплощают и оценивают государственную политику Украины в сфере высшего образования.Стаття присвячена статистичному аналізу інструментарію оцінки міжнародної конкурентоспроможності закладів вищої освіти (ЗВО) на основі Вебометричного рейтингу університетів в умовах цифрової трансформації. Досліджено рейтинги ЗВО як сучасний інформаційний інструмент управління сферою освіти. Здійснено стислий огляд та аналіз досліджень і публікацій вітчизняних і зарубіжних науковців стосовно ролі рейтингів в якості механізму оцінювання ЗВО як освітніх і наукових центрів. З використанням професійної програми статистичної обробки даних STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV.I і методу головних компонент проаналізовано специфіку Вебометричних індикаторів та їх вплив на глобальний рейтинг провідних світових університетів. На основі статистичних оцінок виявлені причини недостатньо високих рейтингових позицій національних ЗВО в системі Вебометрікс. Розроблено пропозиції щодо підвищення показників представленості українських ЗВО в Інтернет-просторі, підняття їх міжнародного рейтингу за Вебометричними критеріями та якісного розвитку вітчизняної наукової й освітньої школи в контексті світових тенденцій.Результати дослідження можуть бути використаними органами управління та керівним складом українських ЗВО при розробці та коригуванні стратегій розвитку, а також фахівцями, які розроблюють, втілюють та оцінюють державну політику України у сфері вищої освіти

    Empirical evidence on the relationship between research and teaching in academia

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    Research and teaching are the two most characteristic activities of the professional life of academics. Since the second half of the last century, a plurality of studies focused on the link between these activities, with often contrasting conclusions. While some studies are in line with the von-Humboldtian view of research and teaching as synergistic activities, other studies theorize their uncorrelation or even negative tension. This divergence of views probably stems from the fact that investigations are often based on heterogeneous, limited and difficult-to-generalise data, using mainly qualitative metrics. This paper deepens the study of the research-teaching link, through a survey of 251 academics from Politecnico di Torino, i.e., one of the major Italian technical universities. From a methodological point of view, research and teaching are both analysed from the dual perspective of workload and quality of results obtained, on the basis of data of various kinds, including bibliometric indicators, teaching satisfaction indexes, number of credits awarded to students, etc. Next, a correlation analysis investigates possible links between teaching and research, showing that they tend to be weak and/or statistically insignificant. For instance, the investigation excludes both (i) the existence of a negative link in terms of workload—contradicting considerations such as “Those who do more teaching have less time to do research and vice versa”—and (ii) the existence of a positive link in terms of the quality of the results obtained—contradicting considerations such as “Those who obtain high-quality results in research are likely to do the same in teaching and vice versa”. The results of this study are limited to the Italian context and do not necessarily have general validity. Nevertheless, they enhance previous findings in the scientific literature and may be useful for university administrators and those involved in the formulation of incentive strategies for academics