11,121 research outputs found

    Examples of Berezin-Toeplitz Quantization: Finite sets and Unit Interval

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    We present a quantization scheme of an arbitrary measure space based on overcomplete families of states and generalizing the Klauder and the Berezin-Toeplitz approaches. This scheme could reveal itself as an efficient tool for quantizing physical systems for which more traditional methods like geometric quantization are uneasy to implement. The procedure is illustrated by (mostly two-dimensional) elementary examples in which the measure space is a NN-element set and the unit interval. Spaces of states for the NN-element set and the unit interval are the 2-dimensional euclidean R2\R^2 and hermitian \C^2 planes

    The moduli space of matroids

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    In the first part of the paper, we clarify the connections between several algebraic objects appearing in matroid theory: both partial fields and hyperfields are fuzzy rings, fuzzy rings are tracts, and these relations are compatible with the respective matroid theories. Moreover, fuzzy rings are ordered blueprints and lie in the intersection of tracts with ordered blueprints; we call the objects of this intersection pastures. In the second part, we construct moduli spaces for matroids over pastures. We show that, for any non-empty finite set EE, the functor taking a pasture FF to the set of isomorphism classes of rank-rr FF-matroids on EE is representable by an ordered blue scheme Mat(r,E)Mat(r,E), the moduli space of rank-rr matroids on EE. In the third part, we draw conclusions on matroid theory. A classical rank-rr matroid MM on EE corresponds to a K\mathbb{K}-valued point of Mat(r,E)Mat(r,E) where K\mathbb{K} is the Krasner hyperfield. Such a point defines a residue pasture kMk_M, which we call the universal pasture of MM. We show that for every pasture FF, morphisms kMFk_M\to F are canonically in bijection with FF-matroid structures on MM. An analogous weak universal pasture kMwk_M^w classifies weak FF-matroid structures on MM. The unit group of kMwk_M^w can be canonically identified with the Tutte group of MM. We call the sub-pasture kMfk_M^f of kMwk_M^w generated by ``cross-ratios' the foundation of MM,. It parametrizes rescaling classes of weak FF-matroid structures on MM, and its unit group is coincides with the inner Tutte group of MM. We show that a matroid MM is regular if and only if its foundation is the regular partial field, and a non-regular matroid MM is binary if and only if its foundation is the field with two elements. This yields a new proof of the fact that a matroid is regular if and only if it is both binary and orientable.Comment: 83 page

    Intersections between some families of (U,N)- and RU-implications

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    (U,N)-implications and RU-implications are the generalizations of (S,N)- and R-implications to the framework of uninorms, where the t-norms and t-conorms are replaced by appropriate uninorms. In this work, we present the intersections that exist between (U,N)-implications and the different families of RU-implications obtainable from the well-established families of uninorms

    Stone-type representations and dualities for varieties of bisemilattices

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    In this article we will focus our attention on the variety of distributive bisemilattices and some linguistic expansions thereof: bounded, De Morgan, and involutive bisemilattices. After extending Balbes' representation theorem to bounded, De Morgan, and involutive bisemilattices, we make use of Hartonas-Dunn duality and introduce the categories of 2spaces and 2spaces^{\star}. The categories of 2spaces and 2spaces^{\star} will play with respect to the categories of distributive bisemilattices and De Morgan bisemilattices, respectively, a role analogous to the category of Stone spaces with respect to the category of Boolean algebras. Actually, the aim of this work is to show that these categories are, in fact, dually equivalent

    Batch and median neural gas

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    Neural Gas (NG) constitutes a very robust clustering algorithm given euclidian data which does not suffer from the problem of local minima like simple vector quantization, or topological restrictions like the self-organizing map. Based on the cost function of NG, we introduce a batch variant of NG which shows much faster convergence and which can be interpreted as an optimization of the cost function by the Newton method. This formulation has the additional benefit that, based on the notion of the generalized median in analogy to Median SOM, a variant for non-vectorial proximity data can be introduced. We prove convergence of batch and median versions of NG, SOM, and k-means in a unified formulation, and we investigate the behavior of the algorithms in several experiments.Comment: In Special Issue after WSOM 05 Conference, 5-8 september, 2005, Pari