20 research outputs found

    High-mobility graphene in 2D periodic potentials

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    This work focuses on hBN-graphene van der Waals heterostructures and their investigation via transport experiments. In this way, we could probe and characterize different commensurability effects stemming from the induced superlattice potential and report their influence on transport properties in graphene. The encapsulation of graphene between hBN significantly increases the bulk carrier mobility of graphene and were able to investigate interaction-driven quantum Hall effects, such as quantum Hall ferromagnetism and the fractional quantum Hall effect. Any further top-down patterning steps do not necessarily degrade the intrinsic quality of the graphene sheet. The high sample quality can be preserved in graphene-based antidot lattices and we successfully probed pronounced commensurability features in antidot arrays. Moreover, we study the interplay between a moiré and an imposed antidot superlattice potential and discuss their influence on magnetotransport measurements. In the end, we discuss a new method for imposing lateral superlattice potentials, employing a local few-layer graphene patterned bottom gate. In this way, we are able to report Weiss oscillations in the weakly modulated unipolar regime and antidot peaks for strong modulation in a bipolar gate configuration

    Strong coupling regime of semiconductor quantum dot embedded in the nano-cavity

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    Photonic lattices represent suitable systems for investigation of wave propagation in periodic structures [1]. However, different unavoidable defects may arise either during their process of fabrication or as result of misusage, accidental damage, etc. Although undesirable in the first place, these imperfections enable the existence of different types of stable, localized defect modes [2]. In this paper, we investigate light propagation through composite photonic lattice composed of two identical linear and lossless lattices. The interface between them represents a geometric defect, while each lattice contains a single nonlinear defect that is placed symmetrically with respect to the interface. Depending on the input light beam parameters (its position, width and transverse tilt), the width of geometric defect, strength and position of the nonlinear defects, different dynamical regimes have been identified. These dynamical regimes are caused by the balance of photonic lattice potentials’ contributions originating from the presence of the geometric and two nonlinear defects. We have found numerically conditions under which dynamically stable bounded modes can exist in the area between nonlinear defects or between a nonlinear and a geometric defect. Various types of localized modes such as: two-hump, multi-hump, one- and multicomponent moving breathers localized at a certain area among defects have been observed. The parameters can be adjusted to capture light and to prevent light launched inside the area among defects to leave it, i.e. this corresponds to the appearance of the modes trapped inside this area. Since the configuration of the lattice prevents transmission of the light through the area confined by defects, these modes can formally be related to Fano resonances and Fano- blockade [3, 4]. When light is launched outside the area among defects, different dynamical regimes have been distinguished: total reflection, single and double partial reflection and full transmission through the area among defects. These numerical findings may lead to interesting applications such as blocking, filtering and transporting light beams through the optical medium. Photonic devices based on resonant tunneling such as waveguides interacting through the area between defects, may be applied as add-drop filters.V International School and Conference on Photonics and COST actions: MP1204, BM1205 and MP1205 and the Second international workshop "Control of light and matter waves propagation and localization in photonic lattices" : PHOTONICA2015 : book of abstracts; August 24-28, 2015; Belgrad

    Linear scaling quantum transport methodologies

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    Altres ajuts: SR, AWC and JHG acknowledge PRACE and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Project No. 2015133194). ICN2 is funded by the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya.In recent years, predictive computational modeling has become a cornerstone for the study of fundamental electronic, optical, and thermal properties in complex forms of condensed matter, including Dirac and topological materials. The simulation of quantum transport in realistic models calls for the development of linear scaling, or order-N, numerical methods, which then become enabling tools for guiding experimental research and for supporting the interpretation of measurements. In this review, we describe and compare different order-N computational methods that have been developed during the past twenty years, and which have been used extensively to explore quantum transport phenomena in disordered media. We place particular focus on the zero-frequency electrical conductivities derived within the Kubo-Greenwood​ and Kubo-Streda formalisms, and illustrate the capabilities of these methods to tackle the quasi-ballistic, diffusive, and localization regimes of quantum transport in the noninteracting limit. The fundamental issue of computational cost versus accuracy of various proposed numerical schemes is addressed in depth. We then illustrate the usefulness of these methods with various examples of transport in disordered materials, such as polycrystalline and defected graphene models, 3D metals and Dirac semimetals, carbon nanotubes, and organic semiconductors. Finally, we extend the review to the study of spin dynamics and topological transport, for which efficient approaches for calculating charge, spin, and valley Hall conductivities are described

    Local measurements of cyclotron states in graphene

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    Multilayer epitaxial graphene has been shown to contain "massless Dirac fermions" and is believed to provide a possible route to industrial-scale graphene electronics. We used scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) in high magnetic fields to obtain local information on these fermions. A new STS technique was developed to directly measure graphene's energy-momentum relationship and resulted in the highest precision measurement of graphene's Dirac cone. STS spectra similar to ideal graphene were observed, but additional anomalies were also found. Extra peaks and an asymmetry between electron and hole states were shown to be caused by the work function difference between the Iridium STM tip and graphene. This tip effect was extracted using modeled potentials and performing a least square fit using degenerate perturbation theory on graphene's eigenstates solved in the symmetric gauge. Defects on graphene were then investigated and magnetic field effects were shown to be due to a mixture of potential effect from defects and the tip potential. New defect states were observed to localize around specific defects, and are believed to interact with the STM tip by Stark shifting in energy. This Stark shift gives a direct measurement of the capacitive coupling between the tip and graphene and agrees with the modeled results found when extracting the tip potential.Ph.D.Committee Chair: First, Phillip; Committee Member: Jiang, Zhigang; Committee Member: Kindermann, Markus; Committee Member: Stroscio, Joseph,; Committee Member: Zangwill, Andre

    Photo-magnonics in two-dimensional antidot lattices

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    Wesentlicher Gegenstand der vorliegenden (kumulativen) Dissertation ist die ausschließlich optische Erzeugung und Detektion sowie gezielte Manipulation magnetischer Anregungen, sogenannter Spinwellen oder Magnonen. Insbesondere werden die Mechanismen und Prozesse diskutiert, die zur Beobachtung wohldefinierter Spinwellenmoden in dĂŒnnen magnetischen Filmen fĂŒhren, nachdem ein intensiver, ultrakurzer Laserpuls absorbiert wurde. Eine langreichweitig geordnete, periodische Strukturierung der magnetischen Filme (in diesem Fall mit Löchern) ist sodann gleichbedeutend mit der Schaffung magnetischer Metamaterialien (d.h. magnonischer Kristalle). AbhĂ€ngig von Wirtsmaterial (Nickel oder Kobalt-Eisen-Bor) und strukturellen Eigenschaften der Lochgitter (PeriodizitĂ€t, strukturelle Einheit) ist die Erzeugung oder UnterdrĂŒckung bestimmter magnetischer Moden möglich. So fĂŒhrt die vergleichsweise große intrinsische magnetische DĂ€mpfung in Nickel zur Ausbildung lokalisierter Spinwellen, wĂ€hrend wegen der geringen DĂ€mpfung in Kobalt-Eisen-Bor ausgedehnte Blochwellen beobachtet werden. Deren WellenlĂ€nge ist zudem einstellbar mittels der PeriodizitĂ€t des Metamaterials und wird anhand numerischer Berechnungen der (magnonischen) Bandstrukturen nachvollzogen. Zuletzt werden auf Basis dieser Ergebnisse mögliche Anwendungen magnonischer Kristalle diskutiert. Hierbei liegt ein Schwerpunkt auf anisotropen Lochgittern und deren Perspektive als Spinwellenfilter

    Topology and interaction effects in one-dimensional systems

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    With the discovery of the integer quantum Hall effect by von Klitzing and collaborators in 1980, the mathematical field of topology entered the world of condensed matter physics. Almost three decades later, this eventually led to the theoretical prediction and the experimental realization of many intriguing topological materials and topology-based devices. In this Ph.D. thesis, we will study the interplay between topology and another key topic in condensed matter physics, namely the study of inter-particle interactions in many-body systems. This interplay is analyzed from two different perspectives. Firstly, we studied how the presence of electron-electron interactions affects single-electron injection into a couple of counter-propagating one-dimensional edge channels. The latter appear at the edges of topologically non-trivial systems in the quantum spin Hall regime and they can also be engineered by exploiting the integer quantum Hall effect. Because of inter-channel interactions, the injected electron splits up into a couple of counter-propagating fractional excitations. Here, we carefully study and discuss their properties by means of an analytical approach based on the Luttinger liquid theory and the bosonization method. Our results are quite relevant in the context of the so-called electron quantum optics, a fast developing field which deeply exploits the topological protection of one-dimensional edge states to study the coherent propagation of electrons in solid-state devices. As an aside, we also showed that similar analytical techniques can also be used to study the time-resolved dynamics of a Luttinger liquid subject to a sudden change of the interaction strength, a protocol known as quantum quench which is gaining more and more attention, especially within the cold-atoms community. Secondly, we study how inter-particle interactions can enhance the topological properties of strictly one-dimensional fermionic systems. More precisely, the starting point is the seminal Kitaev chain, a free-fermionic lattice model which hosts exotic Majorana zero-energy modes at its ends. The latter are extremely relevant in the context of topological quantum computation because of their non-Abelian anyonic exchange statistics. Here we show that, by properly adding electron-electron interactions to the Kitaev chain, it is possible to obtain lattice models which feature zero-energy parafermionic modes, an even more intriguing generalization of Majoranas. To this end, we develop at first an exact mapping between Z4 parafermions and ordinary fermions on a lattice. We subsequently exploit this mapping to analytically obtain an exactly solvable fermionic model hosting zero-energy parafermions. We study their properties and numerically investigate their signatures and robustness even when parameters are tuned away from the exactly solvable point