239 research outputs found

    A class of biorthogonal nonuniform cosine-modulated filter bankswith lower system delay

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    In this paper, the theory and design of a class of perfect-reconstruction (PR) biorthogonal nonuniform cosine-modulated filter banks (CMFB) is proposed. It is based on a recombination or merging structure previously proposed by the authors [1]. By relaxing the original CMFB and the recombination transmultiplexer (TMUX) to be biorthogonal, nonuniform CMFBs with lower system delay can be obtained. This increases the possible choices of the prototype filters and greatly reduces the overall system delay of the nonuniform filter bank. A new method is also introduced to suppress the spurious response resulting from the mismatch in the transition bands of the two biorthogonal CMFBs. Design example shows that nonuniform CMFBs with good stopband attenuation, lower system delay and implementation complexity can be realized using the proposed method.published_or_final_versio

    On the theory and design of a class of PR causal-stable IIR non-uniform recombination cosine modulated filter banks

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    This paper studies the theory and design of a class of perfect reconstruction (PR) causal-stable nonuniform recombination cosine modulated filter banks (RN CMFBs) with IIR filters. It is based on the RN CMFB previously proposed by one of the author. A PR FIR RN CMFB of similar specification is first designed. The prototype filters of the CMFBs are then model reduced to obtain a nearly PR (NPR) IIR RN CMFB by modifying a model reduction technique proposed by Brandenstein and Unbehauen. With these NPR IIR RN CMFBs as initial guess, PR IIR RN CMFB with very good frequency characteristics can be obtained readily by solving a constrained nonlinear optimisation problem using for example the function fmincom from MATLAB. Design results show that the proposed method is very effective in designing PR RN IIR CMFBs with good frequency characteristics and different system delays. © 2005 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Optimal cosine modulated nonuniform linear phase FIR filter bank design via stretching and shifting frequency response of prototype filter

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    This paper proposes an optimal cosine modulated nonuniform linear phase finite impulse response (FIR) filter bank design. The frequency responses of all the analysis filters and the synthesis filters of the filter bank are derived based on both stretching and shifting the frequency response of the prototype filter. The total aliasing error of the filter bank is minimized subject to a specification on the maximum amplitude distortion of the filter bank as well as specifications on both the maximum passband ripple magnitude and the maximum stopband ripple magnitude of the prototype filter. This filter bank design problem is actually a functional inequality constrained optimization problem. Our recently developed integration approach is employed for solving the problem. Computer numerical simulation results show that our proposed design method outperforms existing design methods

    A practical approach for the design of nonuniform lapped transforms

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    We propose a simple method for the design of lapped transforms with nonuniform frequency resolution and good time localization. The method is a generalization of an approach previously proposed by Princen, where the nonuniform filter bank is obtained by joining uniform cosine-modulated filter banks (CMFBs) using a transition filter. We use several transition filters to obtain a near perfect-reconstruction (PR) nonuniform lapped transform with significantly reduced overall distortion. The main advantage of the proposed method is in reducing the length of the transition filters, which leads to a reduction in processing delay that can be useful for applications such as real-time audio coding

    Theory and design of a class of cosine-modulated non-uniform filter banks

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    In this paper, the theory and design of a class of PR cosine-modulated nonuniform filter bank is proposed. It is based on a structure previously proposed by Cox, where the outputs of a uniform filter bank is combined or merged by means of the synthesis section of another filter bank with smaller channel number. Simplifications are imposed on this structure so that the design procedure can be considerably simplified. Due to the use of CMFB as the original and recombination filter banks, excellent filter quality and low design and implementation complexities can be achieved. Problems with these merging techniques such as spectrum inversion, equivalent filter representations and protrusion cancellation are also addressed. As the merging is performed after the decimation, the arithmetic complexity is lower than other conventional approaches. Design examples show that PR nonuniform filter banks with high stopband attenuation and low design and implementation complexities can be obtained by the proposed method.published_or_final_versio

    On the theory and design of a class of PR uniform and recombination nonuniform causal-Stable IIR cosine modulated filter banks

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    This paper studies the theory and design of a class of perfect reconstruction (PR) uniform causal-stable infinite-impulse response (IIR) cosine modulated filter banks (CMFBs). The design approach is also applicable to the design of PR recombination nonuniform (RN) IIR CMFBs. The polyphase components of the prototype filters of these IIR CMFBs are assumed to have the same denominator so as to simplify the PR condition. In designing the proposed IIR CMFB, a PR FIR CMFB with similar specifications is first designed. The finite-impulse response prototype filter is then converted to a nearly PR (NPR) IIR CMFB using a modified model reduction technique. The NPR IIR CMFB so obtained has a reasonably low reconstruction error. Its denominator is designed to be a polynomial in z M, where M is the number of channels, to simplify the PR condition. Finally, it is employed as the initial guess to constrained nonlinear optimization software for the design of the PR IIR CMFB. Design results show that both NPR and PR IIR CMFBs with good frequency characteristics and different system delays can be obtained by the proposed method. By using these IIR CMFBs in the RN CMFBs, new RN NPR and PR IIR CMFBs can be obtained similarly. © 2008 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    A rational subdivision scheme using cosine-modulated wavelets

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    This paper proposes a rational subdivision scheme using cosine-modulated wavelets. Subdivision schemes constructed from iterated filter banks can be used to generate wavelets and limit functions for multiresolution analysis. The proposed subdivision scheme is based on a kind of nonuniform filter banks called recombination nonuniform filterbanks (RN FB). It is shown that if the component FBs in a RNFB are wavelet FBs, then the necessary condition for convergence to limit functions in the subdivision scheme is also satisfied. Therefore, the design of different rational subdivision schemes is considerably simplified. An efficient RNFB, called RN cosine modulated FBs (CMFB), constructed from uniform CMFBs and cosinemodulated transmultiplexers (TMUX) are further investigated. Using a design technique for designing RN CMFB and cosine modulated wavelets (CMW) previously reported by the authors, very smooth limit functions can be generated from the rational subdivision scheme. A design example is given to illustrate the proposed method.published_or_final_versio

    A new method for designing linear-phase recombination nonuniform filter-banks

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    The 47th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 25-28 July 2004This paper proposes a new design method of linear-phase (LP) recombination nonuniform filter-banks (RNFBs), where certain channels of a uniform filter-bank (FB) are merged by sets of transmultiplexers (TMUXs). The case where the numbers of channels of the uniform FB and the TMUXs are not coprime to each other is studied in detail. By analyzing the spectrum supports of the analysis filters, it is found that the uniform FB and recombination TMUXs in the LP RNFBs can be designed separately as long as certain conditions are satisfied. This significantly simplifies the design procedure. Using this result, the design of a class of nearly PR LP RNFBs with cosine roll-off transition band based on the REMEZ algorithm is studied. Design examples show that LP RNFBs with good frequency responses and reasonably low reconstruction error can be obtained readily by the proposed method.published_or_final_versio

    The theory and design of recombination nonuniform filter-banks with linear-phase analysis/synthesis filters

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    The 47th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 25-28 July 2004This paper studies the theory and design of a class of linear-phase (LP) nonuniform filter-banks (FBs) called recombination nonuniform FBs (RNFBs). It is based on a recombination structure, where certain channels of an M-channel uniform FB are merged by synthesis filters of transmultiplexor (TMUX). It is assumed that the numbers of channels of the FB and TMUX are coprime to each other so that it is possible to obtain linear-time invariant (LTI) analysis/synthesis filters, instead of linear periodic time varying (LPTV) filters. The spectral supports of the analysis filters are analyzed, and the existence and matching conditions to obtain LP RNFBs with good frequency characteristics are then derived. The LTI representation of the analysis filters and the use of cosine-roll-off characteristics allow us to design the analysis filters by the REMEZ exchange algorithm. Design examples of LP nearly perfect reconstruction (NPR) RNFBs are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.published_or_final_versio

    On the theory and design of a class of recombination nonuniform filter banks with low-delay FIR and IIR filters

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    This paper studies the theory and design of a class of recombination nonuniform FBs (RNFB) with low-delay (LD) FIR and IIR filters. The conditions for suppressing the spurious response and achieving a good frequency characteristic for these LD FIR/IIR RNFBs are developed. The proposed LD FIR RNFBs have a lower system delay than their linear-phase counterparts, at the expense of slight increase in phase distortion of the analysis filters and arithmetic complexity. By model reducing the LD FIR uniform FBs by the modified model reduction method, an IIR RNFB with a similar characteristic can be readily obtained. A design example is given illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2006 IEEE.published_or_final_versio