510 research outputs found

    Integrated Distributed Amplifiers for Ultra-Wideband BiCMOS Receivers Operating at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies

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    Millimetre-wave technology is used for applications such as telecommunications and imaging. For both applications, the bandwidth of existing systems has to be increased to support higher data rates and finer imaging resolutions. Millimetrewave circuits with very large bandwidths are developed in this thesis. The focus is put on amplifiers and the on-chip integration of the amplifiers with antennas. Circuit prototypes, fabricated in a commercially available 130nm Silicon-Germanium (SiGe) Bipolar Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (BiCMOS) process, validated the developed techniques. Cutting-edge performances have been achieved in the field of distributed and resonant-matched amplifiers, as well as in that of the antenna-amplifier co-integration. Examples are as follows: - A novel cascode gain-cell with three transistors was conceived. By means of transconductance peaking towards high frequencies, the losses of the synthetic line can be compensated up to higher frequencies. The properties were analytically derived and explained. Experimental demonstration validated the technique by a Traveling-Wave Amplifier (TWA) able to produce 10 dB of gain over a frequency band of 170GHz.# - Two Cascaded Single-Stage Distributed Amplifiers (CSSDAs) have been demonstrated. The first CSSDA, optimized for low power consumption, requires less than 20mW to provide 10 dB of gain over a frequency band of 130 GHz. The second amplifier was designed for high-frequency operation and works up to 250 GHz leading to a record bandwidth for distributed amplifiers in SiGe technology. - The first complete CSSDA circuit analysis as function of all key parameters was presented. The typical degradation of the CSSDA output matching towards high frequencies was analytically quantified. A balanced architecture was then introduced to retain the frequency-response advantages of CSSDAs and yet ensure matching over the frequency band of interested. A circuit prototype validated experimentally the technique. - The first traveling-wave power combiner and divider capable of operation from the MHz range up to 200 GHz were demonstrated. The circuits improved the state of the art of the maximum frequency of operation and the bandwidth by a factor of five. - A resonant-matched balanced amplifier was demonstrated with a centre frequency of 185 GHz, 10 dB of gain and a 55GHz wide –3 dB-bandwidth. The power consumption of the amplifier is 16.8mW, one of the lowest for this circuit class, while the bandwidth is the broadest reported in literature for resonant-matched amplifiers in SiGe technology

    Controlling nonlinear optics with dispersion in photonic crystal fibres

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    Nonlinear optics enables the manipulation of the spectral and temporal features of light. We used the tailorable guidance properties of photonic crystal fibres to control and enhance nonlinear processeswith the aim of improving nonlinearity based optical sources. We utilised modern, high power, Ytterbium fibre lasers to pump either single photonic crystal fibres or a cascade of fibres with differing properties. Further extension of our control was realised with specifically tapered photonic crystal fibres which allowed for a continuous change in the fibre characteristics along their length. The majority of our work was concerned with supercontinuum generation. For continuous wave pumping we developed a statistical model of the distribution of soliton energies arising from modulational instability and used it to understand the optimum dispersion for efficient continuum expansion. A two-fold increase in spectral width was demonstrated, along with studies of the noise properties and pump bandwidth dependence of the continuum. For picosecond pumping we found that the supercontinuum bandwidth was limited by the four wave mixing phase-matching available in a single fibre. A technique to overcome this by using a cascade of fibres with different dispersion profiles was developed. Further improvement was achieved by using novel tapered PCFs to continuously extend the phase-matching. Analysis of this case showed that a key role was played by soliton trapping of dispersive waves and that our tapers strongly enhanced this effect. We demonstrated supercontinua spanning 0.34-2.4 ¹mwith an unprecedented spectral power; up to 5 mW/nm. The use of long, dispersion decreasing photonic crystal fibres enabled us to demonstrate adiabatic soliton compression at 1.06 ¹m. From a survey of fibre structures we found that working around the second zero dispersion wavelength was optimal as this allows for decreasing dispersion without decreasing the nonlinearity. We achieved compression ratios of over 15

    Semiconductor optical amplifiers: performance and applications in optical packet switching [Invited]

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    Semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) are a versatile core technology and the basis for the implementation of a number of key functionalities central to the evolution of highly wavelength-agile all-optical networks. We present an overview of the state of the art of SOAs and summarize a range of applications such as power boosters, preamplifiers, optical linear (gain-clamped) amplifiers, optical gates, and modules based on the hybrid integration of SOAs to yield high-level functionalities such as all-optical wavelength converters/regenerators and small space switching matrices. Their use in a number of proposed optical packet switching situations is also highlighted

    Forward Body Biased Low Power 4.0-10.6 GHz Wideband Low Noise Amplifier

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    A forward body biased low power Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) is designed using Common Gate (CG) topology. By using current reuse technique between the first stage and second stage Common Source topology accompanied with forward body biasing leads to low power dissipation. A series to parallel tank circuit at this stage leads to wideband design. A shunt peaking inductor at the drain terminal of second stage causes the higher frequency peak to increase leading to wide bandwidth. Two CS cascade stages are used to increase the overall gain of the proposed LNA with a buffer stage at the output for output matching. The proposed LNA attained maximum gain of 26.39 dB with a gain greater than 16 dB over entire range. The circuit gives reflection coefficient less than – 10 dB with NF 2.7 dB. With Vdd of 0.925 V, a DC current of 8.32 mA is consumed giving 7.7 mW power consumption

    The 20 GHz GaAs monolithic power amplifier module development

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    The development of a 20 GHz GaAs FET monlithic power amplifier module for advanced communication applications is described. Four-way power combing of four 0.6 W amplifier modules is used as the baseline approach. For this purpose, a monolithic four-way traveling-wave power divider/combiner was developed. Over a 20 GHz bandwidth (10 to 30 GHz), an insertion loss of no more than 1.2 dB was measured for a pair of back-to-back connected divider/combiners. Isolation between output ports is better than 20 dB, and VSWRs are better than 21:1. A distributed amplifier with six 300 micron gate width FETs and gate and drain transmission line tapers has been designed, fabricated, and evaluated for use as an 0.6 W module. This amplifier has achieved state-of-the-art results of 0.5 W output power with at least 4 dB gain across the entire 2 to 21 GHz frequency range. An output power of 2 W was achieved at a measurement frequency of 18 GHz when four distributed amplifiers were power-combined using a pair of traveling-wave divider/combiners. Another approach is the direct common-source cascading of three power FET stages. An output power of up to 2W with 12 dB gain and 20% power-added efficiency has been achieved with this approach (at 17 GHz). The linear gain was 14 dB at 1 W output. The first two stages of the three-stage amplifier have achieved an output power of 1.6 W with 9 dB gain and 26% power-added efficiency at 16 GHz

    All-fibre heterogeneously-integrated frequency comb generation using silicon core fibre

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    Originally developed for metrology, optical frequency combs are becoming increasingly pervasive in a wider range of research topics including optical communications, spectroscopy, and radio or microwave signal processing. However, application demands in these fields can be more challenging as they require compact sources with a high tolerance to temperature variations that are capable of delivering flat comb spectra, high power per tone, narrow linewidth and high optical signal-to-noise ratio. This work reports the generation of a flat, high power frequency comb in the telecom band using a 17 mm fully-integrated silicon core fibre as a parametric mixer. Our all-fibre, cavity-free source combines the material benefits of planar waveguide structures with the advantageous properties of fibre platforms to achieve a 30 nm bandwidth comb source containing 143 tones with 30 dB OSNR over the entire spectral region

    Mode Evolution in Fiber Based Devices for Optical Communication Systems

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    Space division multiplexing (SDM) is the most promising way of increasing the capacity of a single fiber. To enable the few mode fiber (FMF) or multi-mode fiber (MMF) transmission system, several major challenges have to be overcome. One is the urgent need of ideal mode multiplexer, the second is the perfect amplification for all spatial modes, another one is the modal delay spread (MDS) due to group velocity difference of spatial modes. The main subject of this dissertation is to model, fabricate and characterize the mode multiplexer for FMF transmission. First, we designed a novel resonant mode coupler (structured directional coupler pair). After that, we studied the adiabatic mode multiplexer (photonic lantern). 6-mode photonic lantern using graded-index (GI) MMFs is proposed and demonstrated, which alleviates the adiabatic require-ment and improves mode selectivity. Then, 10-mode photonic lantern is demonstrated using novel double cladding micro-structured drilling-hole preform, which alleviates the adiabatic requirement and demonstrate a feasible way to scale up the lantern modes. Also, multi-mode photonic lantern is studied for high order input modes. In addition, for the perfect amplification of the modes, cladding pump method is demonstrated. The mode selective lantern designed and fabricated can be used for the characterization of few mode amplifier with swept wavelength interferometer (SWI). Also, we demonstrated the application of the use of the few mode amplifier for the turbulence-resisted preamplified receiver. Besides, for the reduction of MDS, the long period grating for introducing strong mode mixing is demonstrated

    All-fibre heterogeneously-integrated frequency comb generation using silicon core fibre.

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    Originally developed for metrology, optical frequency combs are becoming increasingly pervasive in a wider range of research topics including optical communications, spectroscopy, and radio or microwave signal processing. However, application demands in these fields can be more challenging as they require compact sources with a high tolerance to temperature variations that are capable of delivering flat comb spectra, high power per tone, narrow linewidth and high optical signal-to-noise ratio. This work reports the generation of a flat, high power frequency comb in the telecom band using a 17 mm fully-integrated silicon core fibre as a parametric mixer. Our all-fibre, cavity-free source combines the material benefits of planar waveguide structures with the advantageous properties of fibre platforms to achieve a 30 nm bandwidth comb source containing 143 tones with 30 dB OSNR over the entire spectral region

    Novel ring resonator-based integrated photonic beamformer for broadband phased array receive antennas - part I: design and performance analysis

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    A novel optical beamformer concept is introduced that can be used for seamless control of the reception angle in broadband wireless receivers employing a large phased array antenna (PAA). The core of this beamformer is an optical beamforming network (OBFN), using ring resonator-based broadband delays, and coherent optical combining. The electro-optical conversion is performed by means of single-sideband suppressed carrier modulation, employing a common laser, Mach-Zehnder modulators, and a common optical sideband filter after the OBFN. The unmodulated laser signal is then re-injected in order to perform balanced coherent optical detection, for the opto-electrical conversion. This scheme minimizes the requirements on the complexity of the OBFN, and has potential for compact realization by means of full integration on chip. The impact of the optical beamformer concept on the performance of the full receiver system is analyzed, by modeling the combination of the PAA and the beamformer as an equivalent two-port RF system. The results are illustrated by a numerical example of a PAA receiver for satellite TV reception, showing that—when properly designed—the beamformer hardly affects the sensitivity of the receiver
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