12 research outputs found

    Laplacian Spectral Characterization of Signed Sun Graphs

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    A sun SGnSG_{n} is a graph of order 2n2n consisting of a cycle CnC_{n}, n≥3n\geq 3, to each vertex of it a pendant edge is attached. In this paper, we prove that unbalanced signed sun graphs are determined by their Laplacian spectra. Also we show that a balanced signed sun graph is determined by its Laplacian spectrum if and only if nn is odd

    Spectral characterizations of signed lollipop graphs

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    Let Γ=(G,σ) be a signed graph, where G is the underlying simple graph and σ:E(G)→{+,-} is the sign function on the edges of G. In this paper we consider the spectral characterization problem extended to the adjacency matrix and Laplacian matrix of signed graphs. After giving some basic results, we study the spectral determination of signed lollipop graphs, and we show that any signed lollipop graph is determined by the spectrum of its Laplacian matrix

    Spectral properties of digraphs with a fixed dichromatic number

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    The A<sub>α</sub> spectral moments of digraphs with a given dichromatic number

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    The Aα-matrix of a digraph G is defined as Aα(G)=αD+(G)+(1−α)A(G), where α∈[0,1), D+(G) is the diagonal outdegree matrix and A(G) is the adjacency matrix. The k-th Aα spectral moment of G is defined as ∑i=1 nλαi k, where λαi are the eigenvalues of the Aα-matrix of G, and k is a nonnegative integer. In this paper, we obtain the digraphs which attain the minimal and maximal second Aα spectral moment (also known as the Aα energy) within classes of digraphs with a given dichromatic number. We also determine sharp bounds for the third Aα spectral moment within the special subclass which we define as join digraphs. These results are related to earlier results about the second and third Laplacian spectral moments of digraphs.</p

    Sharp bounds for Laplacian spectral moments of digraphs with a fixed dichromatic number

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    The k-th Laplacian spectral moment of a digraph G is defined as ∑i=1nλik, where λi are the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix of G and k is a nonnegative integer. For k=2, this invariant is better known as the Laplacian energy of G. We extend recently published results by characterizing the digraphs which attain the minimal and maximal Laplacian energy within classes of digraphs with a fixed dichromatic number. We also determine sharp bounds for the third Laplacian spectral moment within the special subclass which we define as join digraphs. We leave the full characterization of the extremal digraphs for k≥3 as an open problem.</p

    The trace of uniform hypergraphs with application to Estrada index

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    In this paper we investigate the traces of the adjacency tensor of hypergraphs (simply called the traces of hypergraphs). We give new expressions for the traces of hypertrees and linear unicyclic hypergraphs by the weight function assigned to their connected sub-hypergraphs, and provide some perturbation results for the traces of a hypergraph with cut vertices. As applications we determine the unique hypertree with maximum Estrada index among all hypertrees with fixed number of edges and perfect matchings, and the unique unicyclic hypergraph with maximum Estrada index among all unicyclic hypergraph with fixed number of edges and girth 33

    Laplacian spectral properties of signed circular caterpillars

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    A circular caterpillar of girth n is a graph such that the removal of all pendant vertices yields a cycle Cn of order n. A signed graph is a pair Γ = (G, σ), where G is a simple graph and σ ∶ E(G) → {+1, −1} is the sign function defined on the set E(G) of edges of G. The signed graph Γ is said to be balanced if the number of negatively signed edges in each cycle is even, and it is said to be unbalanced otherwise. We determine some bounds for the first n Laplacian eigenvalues of any signed circular caterpillar. As an application, we prove that each signed spiked triangle (G(3; p, q, r), σ), i. e. a signed circular caterpillar of girth 3 and degree sequence πp,q,r = (p + 2, q + 2, r + 2, 1,..., 1), is determined by its Laplacian spectrum up to switching isomorphism. Moreover, in the set of signed spiked triangles of order N, we identify the extremal graphs with respect to the Laplacian spectral radius and the first two Zagreb indices. It turns out that the unbalanced spiked triangle with degree sequence πN−3,0,0 and the balanced spike triangle (G(3; p, ^ q, ^ r^), +), where each pair in {p, ^ q, ^ r^} differs at most by 1, respectively maximizes and minimizes the Laplacian spectral radius and both the Zagreb indices