8 research outputs found


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    Regression testing as an essential activity in software development that has changed requirements. In practice, regression testing requires a lot of time so that an optimal strategy is needed. One approach that can be used to speed up execution time is the Regression Test Selection (RTS) approach. Currently, practitioners and academics have started to think about developing tools to optimize the process of implementing regression testing. Among them, STARTS and Ekstazi are the most popular regression testing tools among academics in running test case selection algorithms. This article discusses the comparison of the capabilities of the STARTS and Ekstazi features by using feature parameter evaluation. Both tools were tested with the same input data in the form of System Under Test (SUT) and test cases. The parameters used in the tool comparisons are platform technology, test case selection, functionality, usability and performance efficiency, the advantages, and disadvantages of the tool. he results of the trial show the differences and similarities between the features of STARTS and Ekstazi, so that it can be used by practitioners to take advantage of tools in the implementation of regression testing that suit their needs. In addition, experimental results show that the use of Ekstazi is more precise in sorting out important test cases and is more efficient, when compared to STARTS and regression testing with retest all

    How software engineering research aligns with design science: A review

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    Background: Assessing and communicating software engineering research can be challenging. Design science is recognized as an appropriate research paradigm for applied research but is seldom referred to in software engineering. Applying the design science lens to software engineering research may improve the assessment and communication of research contributions. Aim: The aim of this study is 1) to understand whether the design science lens helps summarize and assess software engineering research contributions, and 2) to characterize different types of design science contributions in the software engineering literature. Method: In previous research, we developed a visual abstract template, summarizing the core constructs of the design science paradigm. In this study, we use this template in a review of a set of 38 top software engineering publications to extract and analyze their design science contributions. Results: We identified five clusters of papers, classifying them according to their alignment with the design science paradigm. Conclusions: The design science lens helps emphasize the theoretical contribution of research output---in terms of technological rules---and reflect on the practical relevance, novelty, and rigor of the rules proposed by the research.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure

    Exploring ML testing in practice - Lessons learned from an interactive rapid review with Axis Communications

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    There is a growing interest in industry and academia in machine learning (ML) testing. We believe that industry and academia need to learn together to produce rigorous and relevant knowledge. In this study, we initiate a collaboration between stakeholders from one case company, one research institute, and one university. To establish a common view of the problem domain, we applied an interactive rapid review of the state of the art. Four researchers from Lund University and RISE Research Institutes and four practitioners from Axis Communications reviewed a set of 180 primary studies on ML testing. We developed a taxonomy for the communication around ML testing challenges and results and identified a list of 12 review questions relevant for Axis Communications. The three most important questions (data testing, metrics for assessment, and test generation) were mapped to the literature, and an in-depth analysis of the 35 primary studies matching the most important question (data testing) was made. A final set of the five best matches were analysed and we reflect on the criteria for applicability and relevance for the industry. The taxonomies are helpful for communication but not final. Furthermore, there was no perfect match to the case company’s investigated review question (data testing). However, we extracted relevant approaches from the five studies on a conceptual level to support later context-specific improvements. We found the interactive rapid review approach useful for triggering and aligning communication between the different stakeholders

    Regression testing framework for test cases generation and prioritization

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    A regression test is a significant part of software testing. It is used to find the maximum number of faults in software applications. Test Case Prioritization (TCP) is an approach to prioritize and schedule test cases. It is used to detect faults in the earlier stage of testing environment. Code coverage is one of the features of a Regression Test (RT) that detects more number of faults from a software application. However, code coverage and fault detection are reducing the performance of existing test case prioritization by consuming a lot of time for scanning an entire code. The process of generating test cases plays an important role in the prioritization of test cases. The existing automated generation and prioritization techniques produces insufficient test cases that cause less fault detection rate or consumes more computation time to detect more faults. Unified Modelling Language (UML) based test case generation techniques can extract test cases from UML diagrams by covering maximum part of a module of an application. Therefore, a UML based test case generation can support a test case prioritization technique to find a greater number of faults with shorter execution time. A multi-objective optimization technique able to handle multiple objectives that supports RT to generate more number of test cases as well as increase fault detection rate and produce a better result. The aim of this research is to develop a framework to detect maximum number of faults with less execution time for improving the RT. The performance of the RT can be improved by an efficient test case generation and prioritization method based on a multi-objective optimization technique by handling both test cases and rate of fault detection. This framework consists of two important models: Test Case Generation (TCG) and TCP. The TCG model requires an UML use case diagram to extract test cases. A meta heuristic approach is employed that uses tokens for generating test cases. And, TCP receives the extracted test cases with faults as input to produce the prioritized set of test cases. The proposed research has modified the existing Hill Climbing based TCP by altering its test case swapping feature and detect faults in a reasonable execution time. The proposed framework intends to improve the performance of regression testing by generating and prioritizing test cases in order to find a greater number of faults in an application. Two case studies are conducted in the research in order to gather Test Case (TC) and faults for multiple modules. The proposed framework yielded a 92.2% of Average Percentage Fault Detection with less amount of testing time comparing to the other artificial intelligence-based TCP. The findings were proved that the proposed framework produced a sufficient amount of TC and found the maximum number of faults in less amount of time

    Test Quality Assurance for E2E Web Test Suites: Parallelization of Dependent Test Suites and Test Flakiness Prevention

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    Web applications support a wide range of activities today, from e-commerce to health management, and ensuring their quality is a fundamental task. Nevertheless, testing these systems is hard because of their dynamic and asynchronous nature and their heterogeneity. Quality assurance of Web applications is usually performed through testing, performed at different levels of abstraction. At the End-to-end (E2E) level, test scripts interact with the application through the web browser, as a human user would do. This kind of testing is usually time consuming, and its execution time can be reduced by running the test suite in parallel. However, the presence of dependen- cies in the test suite can make test parallelization difficult. Best practices prescribe that test scripts in a test suite should be independent (i.e. they should not assume that the system under test is already in an expected state), but this is not always done in practice: dependent tests are a serious problem that affects end-to-end web test suites. Moreover, test dependencies are a problem because they enforce an execution order for the test suite, preventing the use of techniques like test selection, test prioritization, and test parallelization. Another issue that affects E2E Web test suites is test flakiness: a test script is called flaky when it may non-deterministically pass or fail on the same version of the Ap- plication Under Test. Test flakiness is usually caused by multiple factors, that can be very hard to determine: most common causes of flakiness are improper waiting for async operations, not respected test order dependencies and concurrency problems (e.g. race conditions, deadlocks, atomicity violations). Test flakiness is a problem that affects E2E test execution in general, but it can have a greater impact in presence of dependencies, since 1) if a test script fails due to flakiness, other test scripts that depend on it will probably fail as well, 2) most dependency-detection approaches and tools rely on multiple executions of test schedules in different orders to detect dependencies. In order to do that, execution results must be deterministic: if test scripts can pass or fail non-deterministically, those dependency detection tools can not work. This thesis proposes to improve the quality assurance for E2E Web test suites in two different directions: 1. enabling the parallel execution of dependent E2E Web test suites in a opti- mized, efficient way 2. preventing flakiness by automated refactoring of E2E Web test suites, in order to adopt the proper waiting strategies for page elements For the first research direction we propose STILE (teST suIte paralLElizer), a tool- based approach that allows parallel execution of E2E Web test suites. Our approach generates a set of test schedules that respect two important constraints: 1) every schedule respects existing test dependencies, 2) all test scripts in the test suite are executed at least once, considering all the generated schedules. For the second research direction we propose SleepReplacer, a tool-based approach to automatically refactor E2E Web test suites in order to prevent flakiness. Both of the tool-based approaches has been fully implemented in two functioning and publicly available tools, and empirically validated on different test suites

    Modellbasiertes Regressionstesten von Varianten und Variantenversionen

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    The quality assurance of software product lines (SPL) achieved via testing is a crucial and challenging activity of SPL engineering. In general, the application of single-software testing techniques for SPL testing is not practical as it leads to the individual testing of a potentially vast number of variants. Testing each variant in isolation further results in redundant testing processes by means of redundant test-case executions due to the shared commonality. Existing techniques for SPL testing cope with those challenges, e.g., by identifying samples of variants to be tested. However, each variant is still tested separately without taking the explicit knowledge about the shared commonality and variability into account to reduce the overall testing effort. Furthermore, due to the increasing longevity of software systems, their development has to face software evolution. Hence, quality assurance has also to be ensured after SPL evolution by testing respective versions of variants. In this thesis, we tackle the challenges of testing redundancy as well as evolution by proposing a framework for model-based regression testing of evolving SPLs. The framework facilitates efficient incremental testing of variants and versions of variants by exploiting the commonality and reuse potential of test artifacts and test results. Our contribution is divided into three parts. First, we propose a test-modeling formalism capturing the variability and version information of evolving SPLs in an integrated fashion. The formalism builds the basis for automatic derivation of reusable test cases and for the application of change impact analysis to guide retest test selection. Second, we introduce two techniques for incremental change impact analysis to identify (1) changing execution dependencies to be retested between subsequently tested variants and versions of variants, and (2) the impact of an evolution step to the variant set in terms of modified, new and unchanged versions of variants. Third, we define a coverage-driven retest test selection based on a new retest coverage criterion that incorporates the results of the change impact analysis. The retest test selection facilitates the reduction of redundantly executed test cases during incremental testing of variants and versions of variants. The framework is prototypically implemented and evaluated by means of three evolving SPLs showing that it achieves a reduction of the overall effort for testing evolving SPLs.Testen ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Entwicklung von Softwareproduktlinien (SPL). Aufgrund der potentiell sehr großen Anzahl an Varianten einer SPL ist deren individueller Test im Allgemeinen nicht praktikabel und resultiert zudem in redundanten Testfallausführungen, die durch die Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Varianten entstehen. Existierende SPL-Testansätze adressieren diese Herausforderungen z.B. durch die Reduktion der Anzahl an zu testenden Varianten. Jedoch wird weiterhin jede Variante unabhängig getestet, ohne dabei das Wissen über Gemeinsamkeiten und Variabilität auszunutzen, um den Testaufwand zu reduzieren. Des Weiteren muss sich die SPL-Entwicklung mit der Evolution von Software auseinandersetzen. Dies birgt weitere Herausforderungen für das SPL-Testen, da nicht nur für Varianten sondern auch für ihre Versionen die Qualität sichergestellt werden muss. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir ein Framework für das modellbasierte Regressionstesten von evolvierenden SPL vor, das die Herausforderungen des redundanten Testens und der Software-Evolution adressiert. Das Framework vereint Testmodellierung, Änderungsauswirkungsanalyse und automatische Testfallselektion, um einen inkrementellen Testprozess zu definieren, der Varianten und Variantenversionen unter Ausnutzung des Wissens über gemeinsame Funktionalität und dem Wiederverwendungspotential von Testartefakten und -resultaten effizient testet. Für die Testmodellierung entwickeln wir einen Ansatz, der Variabilitäts- sowie Versionsinformation von evolvierenden SPL gleichermaßen für die Modellierung einbezieht. Für die Änderungsauswirkungsanalyse definieren wir zwei Techniken, um zum einen Änderungen in Ausführungsabhängigkeiten zwischen zu testenden Varianten und ihren Versionen zu identifizieren und zum anderen die Auswirkungen eines Evolutionsschrittes auf die Variantenmenge zu bestimmen und zu klassifizieren. Für die Testfallselektion schlagen wir ein Abdeckungskriterium vor, das die Resultate der Auswirkungsanalyse einbezieht, um automatisierte Entscheidungen über einen Wiederholungstest von wiederverwendbaren Testfällen durchzuführen. Die abdeckungsgetriebene Testfallselektion ermöglicht somit die Reduktion der redundanten Testfallausführungen während des inkrementellen Testens von Varianten und Variantenversionen. Das Framework ist prototypisch implementiert und anhand von drei evolvierenden SPL evaluiert. Die Resultate zeigen, dass eine Aufwandsreduktion für das Testen evolvierender SPL erreicht wird

    On the Search for Industry-Relevant Regression Testing Research

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    Regression testing is a means to assure that a change in the software, or its execution environment, does not introduce new defects. It involves the expensive undertaking of rerunning test cases. Several techniques have been proposed to reduce the number of test cases to execute in regression testing, however, there is no research on how to assess industrial relevance and applicability of such techniques. We conducted a systematic literature review with the following two goals: firstly, to enable researchers to design and present regression testing research with a focus on industrial relevance and applicability and secondly, to facilitate the industrial adoption of such research by addressing the attributes of concern from the practitioners’ perspective. Using a reference-based search approach, we identified 1068 papers on regression testing. We then reduced the scope to only include papers with explicit discussions about relevance and applicability (i.e. mainly studies involving industrial stakeholders). Uniquely in this literature review, practitioners were consulted at several steps to increase the likelihood of achieving our aim of identifying factors important for relevance and applicability. We have summarised the results of these consultations and an analysis of the literature in three taxonomies, which capture aspects of industrial-relevance regarding the regression testing techniques. Based on these taxonomies, we mapped 38 papers reporting the evaluation of 26 regression testing techniques in industrial settings