10,239 research outputs found

    Special Session on Industry 4.0

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    SPH-EXA: Enhancing the Scalability of SPH codes Via an Exascale-Ready SPH Mini-App

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    Numerical simulations of fluids in astrophysics and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are among the most computationally-demanding calculations, in terms of sustained floating-point operations per second, or FLOP/s. It is expected that these numerical simulations will significantly benefit from the future Exascale computing infrastructures, that will perform 10^18 FLOP/s. The performance of the SPH codes is, in general, adversely impacted by several factors, such as multiple time-stepping, long-range interactions, and/or boundary conditions. In this work an extensive study of three SPH implementations SPHYNX, ChaNGa, and XXX is performed, to gain insights and to expose any limitations and characteristics of the codes. These codes are the starting point of an interdisciplinary co-design project, SPH-EXA, for the development of an Exascale-ready SPH mini-app. We implemented a rotating square patch as a joint test simulation for the three SPH codes and analyzed their performance on a modern HPC system, Piz Daint. The performance profiling and scalability analysis conducted on the three parent codes allowed to expose their performance issues, such as load imbalance, both in MPI and OpenMP. Two-level load balancing has been successfully applied to SPHYNX to overcome its load imbalance. The performance analysis shapes and drives the design of the SPH-EXA mini-app towards the use of efficient parallelization methods, fault-tolerance mechanisms, and load balancing approaches.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1809.0801

    Automatic Machine Learning by Pipeline Synthesis using Model-Based Reinforcement Learning and a Grammar

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    Automatic machine learning is an important problem in the forefront of machine learning. The strongest AutoML systems are based on neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, and Bayesian optimization. Recently AlphaD3M reached state-of-the-art results with an order of magnitude speedup using reinforcement learning with self-play. In this work we extend AlphaD3M by using a pipeline grammar and a pre-trained model which generalizes from many different datasets and similar tasks. Our results demonstrate improved performance compared with our earlier work and existing methods on AutoML benchmark datasets for classification and regression tasks. In the spirit of reproducible research we make our data, models, and code publicly available.Comment: ICML Workshop on Automated Machine Learnin

    Towards the Evolution of Novel Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines

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    Renewable and sustainable energy is one of the most important challenges currently facing mankind. Wind has made an increasing contribution to the world's energy supply mix, but still remains a long way from reaching its full potential. In this paper, we investigate the use of artificial evolution to design vertical-axis wind turbine prototypes that are physically instantiated and evaluated under approximated wind tunnel conditions. An artificial neural network is used as a surrogate model to assist learning and found to reduce the number of fabrications required to reach a higher aerodynamic efficiency, resulting in an important cost reduction. Unlike in other approaches, such as computational fluid dynamics simulations, no mathematical formulations are used and no model assumptions are made.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    From Physics Model to Results: An Optimizing Framework for Cross-Architecture Code Generation

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    Starting from a high-level problem description in terms of partial differential equations using abstract tensor notation, the Chemora framework discretizes, optimizes, and generates complete high performance codes for a wide range of compute architectures. Chemora extends the capabilities of Cactus, facilitating the usage of large-scale CPU/GPU systems in an efficient manner for complex applications, without low-level code tuning. Chemora achieves parallelism through MPI and multi-threading, combining OpenMP and CUDA. Optimizations include high-level code transformations, efficient loop traversal strategies, dynamically selected data and instruction cache usage strategies, and JIT compilation of GPU code tailored to the problem characteristics. The discretization is based on higher-order finite differences on multi-block domains. Chemora's capabilities are demonstrated by simulations of black hole collisions. This problem provides an acid test of the framework, as the Einstein equations contain hundreds of variables and thousands of terms.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Scientific Programmin

    21st Century Simulation: Exploiting High Performance Computing and Data Analysis

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    This paper identifies, defines, and analyzes the limitations imposed on Modeling and Simulation by outmoded paradigms in computer utilization and data analysis. The authors then discuss two emerging capabilities to overcome these limitations: High Performance Parallel Computing and Advanced Data Analysis. First, parallel computing, in supercomputers and Linux clusters, has proven effective by providing users an advantage in computing power. This has been characterized as a ten-year lead over the use of single-processor computers. Second, advanced data analysis techniques are both necessitated and enabled by this leap in computing power. JFCOM's JESPP project is one of the few simulation initiatives to effectively embrace these concepts. The challenges facing the defense analyst today have grown to include the need to consider operations among non-combatant populations, to focus on impacts to civilian infrastructure, to differentiate combatants from non-combatants, and to understand non-linear, asymmetric warfare. These requirements stretch both current computational techniques and data analysis methodologies. In this paper, documented examples and potential solutions will be advanced. The authors discuss the paths to successful implementation based on their experience. Reviewed technologies include parallel computing, cluster computing, grid computing, data logging, OpsResearch, database advances, data mining, evolutionary computing, genetic algorithms, and Monte Carlo sensitivity analyses. The modeling and simulation community has significant potential to provide more opportunities for training and analysis. Simulations must include increasingly sophisticated environments, better emulations of foes, and more realistic civilian populations. Overcoming the implementation challenges will produce dramatically better insights, for trainees and analysts. High Performance Parallel Computing and Advanced Data Analysis promise increased understanding of future vulnerabilities to help avoid unneeded mission failures and unacceptable personnel losses. The authors set forth road maps for rapid prototyping and adoption of advanced capabilities. They discuss the beneficial impact of embracing these technologies, as well as risk mitigation required to ensure success
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