6,535 research outputs found

    On competitive discrete systems in the plane. I. Invariant Manifolds

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    Let TT be a C1C^{1} competitive map on a rectangular region R⊂R2R\subset \mathbb{R}^{2}. The main results of this paper give conditions which guarantee the existence of an invariant curve CC, which is the graph of a continuous increasing function, emanating from a fixed point zˉ\bar{z}. We show that CC is a subset of the basin of attraction of zˉ\bar{z} and that the set consisting of the endpoints of the curve CC in the interior of RR is forward invariant. The main results can be used to give an accurate picture of the basins of attraction for many competitive maps. We then apply the main results of this paper along with other techniques to determine a near complete picture of the qualitative behavior for the following two rational systems in the plane. xn+1=α1A1+yn,yn+1=γ2ynxn,n=0,1,...,x_{n+1}=\frac{\alpha_{1}}{A_{1}+y_{n}},\quad y_{n+1}=\frac{\gamma_{2}y_{n}}{x_{n}},\quad n=0,1,..., with α1,A1,γ2>0\alpha_1,A_{1},\gamma_{2}>0 and arbitrary nonnegative initial conditions so that the denominator is never zero. xn+1=α1A1+yn,yn+1=ynA2+xn,n=0,1,...,x_{n+1}=\frac{\alpha_{1}}{A_{1}+y_{n}},\quad y_{n+1}=\frac{y_{n}}{A_{2}+x_{n}},\quad n=0,1,..., with α1,A1,A2>0\alpha_1,A_{1},A_{2}>0 and arbitrary nonnegative initial conditions.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0905.1772 by other author

    NumGfun: a Package for Numerical and Analytic Computation with D-finite Functions

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    This article describes the implementation in the software package NumGfun of classical algorithms that operate on solutions of linear differential equations or recurrence relations with polynomial coefficients, including what seems to be the first general implementation of the fast high-precision numerical evaluation algorithms of Chudnovsky & Chudnovsky. In some cases, our descriptions contain improvements over existing algorithms. We also provide references to relevant ideas not currently used in NumGfun

    Explicit towers of Drinfeld modular curves

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    We give explicit equations for the simplest towers of Drinfeld modular curves over any finite field, and observe that they coincide with the asymptotically optimal towers of curves constructed by Garcia and Stichtenoth.Comment: 10 pages. For mini-symposium on "curves over finite fields and codes" at the 3rd European Congress in Barcelona 7/2000 Revised to correct minor typographical and grammatical error

    Construction of points realizing the regular systems of Wolfgang Schmidt and Leonard Summerer

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    In a series of recent papers, W. M. Schmidt and L. Summerer developed a new theory by which they recover all major generic inequalities relating exponents of Diophantine approximation to a point in Rn\mathbb{R}^n, and find new ones. Given a point in Rn\mathbb{R}^n, they first show how most of its exponents of Diophantine approximation can be computed in terms of the successive minima of a parametric family of convex bodies attached to that point. Then they prove that these successive minima can in turn be approximated by a certain class of functions which they call (n,γ)(n,\gamma)-systems. In this way, they bring the whole problem to the study of these functions. To complete the theory, one would like to know if, conversely, given an (n,γ)(n,\gamma)-system, there exists a point in Rn\mathbb{R}^n whose associated family of convex bodies has successive minima which approximate that function. In the present paper, we show that this is true for a class of functions which they call regular systems.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Journal de th\'eorie des nombres de Bordeau

    On generating series of finitely presented operads

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    Given an operad P with a finite Groebner basis of relations, we study the generating functions for the dimensions of its graded components P(n). Under moderate assumptions on the relations we prove that the exponential generating function for the sequence {dim P(n)} is differential algebraic, and in fact algebraic if P is a symmetrization of a non-symmetric operad. If, in addition, the growth of the dimensions of P(n) is bounded by an exponent of n (or a polynomial of n, in the non-symmetric case) then, moreover, the ordinary generating function for the above sequence {dim P(n)} is rational. We give a number of examples of calculations and discuss conjectures about the above generating functions for more general classes of operads.Comment: Minor changes; references to recent articles by Berele and by Belov, Bokut, Rowen, and Yu are adde
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