2,320 research outputs found

    Flow dynamics and magnetic induction in the von-Karman plasma experiment

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    The von-Karman plasma experiment is a novel versatile experimental device designed to explore the dynamics of basic magnetic induction processes and the dynamics of flows driven in weakly magnetized plasmas. A high-density plasma column (10^16 - 10^19 particles.m^-3) is created by two radio-frequency plasma sources located at each end of a 1 m long linear device. Flows are driven through JxB azimuthal torques created from independently controlled emissive cathodes. The device has been designed such that magnetic induction processes and turbulent plasma dynamics can be studied from a variety of time-averaged axisymmetric flows in a cylinder. MHD simulations implementing volume-penalization support the experimental development to design the most efficient flow-driving schemes and understand the flow dynamics. Preliminary experimental results show that a rotating motion of up to nearly 1 km/s is controlled by the JxB azimuthal torque

    Historical perspective on astrophysical MHD simulations

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    This contribution contains the introductory remarks that I presented at IAU Symposium 270 on ``Computational Star Formation" held in Barcelona, Spain, May 31 -- June 4, 2010. I discuss the historical development of numerical MHD methods in astrophysics from a personal perspective. The recent advent of robust, higher order-accurate MHD algorithms and adaptive mesh refinement numerical simulations promises to greatly improve our understanding of the role of magnetic fields in star formation.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, in "Computational Star Formation" held in Barcelona, Spain, May 31 - June 4, 2010", Eds. J. Alves, B. G. Elmegreen, J. M. Girart, V. Trimbl

    Measuring magnetism in the Milky Way with the Square Kilometre Array

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    Magnetic fields in the Milky Way are present on a wide variety of sizes and strengths, influencing many processes in the Galactic ecosystem such as star formation, gas dynamics, jets, and evolution of supernova remnants or pulsar wind nebulae. Observation methods are complex and indirect; the most used of these are a grid of rotation measures of unresolved polarized extragalactic sources, and broadband polarimetry of diffuse emission. Current studies of magnetic fields in the Milky Way reveal a global spiral magnetic field with a significant turbulent component; the limited sample of magnetic field measurements in discrete objects such as supernova remnants and HII regions shows a wide variety in field configurations; a few detections of magnetic fields in Young Stellar Object jets have been published; and the magnetic field structure in the Galactic Center is still under debate. The SKA will unravel the 3D structure and configurations of magnetic fields in the Milky Way on sub-parsec to galaxy scales, including field structure in the Galactic Center. The global configuration of the Milky Way disk magnetic field, probed through pulsar RMs, will resolve controversy about reversals in the Galactic plane. Characteristics of interstellar turbulence can be determined from the grid of background RMs. We expect to learn to understand magnetic field structures in protostellar jets, supernova remnants, and other discrete sources, due to the vast increase in sample sizes possible with the SKA. This knowledge of magnetic fields in the Milky Way will not only be crucial in understanding of the evolution and interaction of Galactic structures, but will also help to define and remove Galactic foregrounds for a multitude of extragalactic and cosmological studies.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures; to appear as part of 'Cosmic Magnetism' in Proceedings 'Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA (AASKA14)', PoS(AASKA14)09

    Three dimensional evolution of differentially rotating magnetized neutron stars

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    We construct a new three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics code, in which a fixed mesh refinement technique is implemented. To ensure the divergence-free condition as well as the magnetic flux conservation, we employ the method by Balsara (2001). Using this new code, we evolve differentially rotating magnetized neutron stars, and find that a magnetically driven outflow is launched from the star exhibiting a kink instability. The matter ejection rate and Poynting flux are still consistent with our previous finding (Shibata et al., 2011) obtained in axisymmetric simulations.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, accepted by PR

    Constraining the regular Galactic Magnetic Field with the 5-year WMAP polarization measurements at 22 GHz

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    [ABRIDGED] The knowledge of the regular component of the Galactic magnetic field gives important information about the structure and dynamics of the Milky Way, as well as constitutes a basic tool to determine cosmic rays trajectories. It can also provide clear windows where primordial magnetic fields could be detected. We want to obtain the regular (large scale) pattern of the magnetic field distribution of the Milky Way that better fits the polarized synchrotron emission as seen by the 5-year WMAP data at 22 GHz. We have done a systematic study of a number of Galactic magnetic field models: axisymmetric, bisymmetric, logarithmic spiral arms, concentric circular rings with reversals and bi-toroidal. We have explored the parameter space defining each of these models using a grid-based approach. In total, more than one million models are computed. The model selection is done using a Bayesian approach. For each model, the posterior distributions are obtained and marginalised over the unwanted parameters to obtain the marginal 1-D probability distribution functions. In general, axisymmetric models provide a better description of the halo component, although attending to their goodness-of-fit, the rest of the models cannot be rejected. In the case of disk component, the analysis is not very sensitive for obtaining the disk large scale structure, because of the effective available area (less than 8% of the whole map and less than 40% of the disk). Nevertheless, within a given family of models, the best-fit parameters are compatible with those found in the literature. The family of models that better describes the polarized synchrotron halo emission is the axisymmetric one, with magnetic spiral arms with a pitch angle of ~24 degrees, and a strong vertical field of 1 microG at z ~ 1 kpc. When a radial variation is fitted, models require fast variations.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    On the Formation of Cluster Radio Relics

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    (abridged) We present detailed 3-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of the passage of a radio plasma cocoon filled with turbulent magnetic fields through a shock wave. Taking into account synchrotron, inverse Compton and adiabatic energy losses and gains we evolved the relativistic electron population to produce synthetic polarisation radio maps. On contact with the shock wave the radio cocoons are first compressed and finally torn into filamentary structures, as is observed in several cluster radio relics. In the synthetic radio maps the electric polarisation vectors are mostly perpendicular to the filamentary radio structures. If the magnetic field inside the cocoon is not too strong, the initially spherical radio cocoon is transformed into a torus after the passage of the shock wave. Very recent, high-resolution radio maps of cluster radio relics seem to exhibit such toroidal geometries in some cases. This supports the hypothesis that cluster radio relics are fossil radio cocoons that have been revived by a shock wave. For a late-stage relic the ratio of its global diameter to the filament diameter should correlate with the shock strength. Finally, we argue that the total radio polarisation of radio relic should be well correlated with the 3-dimensional orientation of the shock wave that produced the relic.Comment: accepted by MNRAS, 10 pages, 13 figures, some modifications due to comments of a refere