13,652 research outputs found

    Fast Reachability Using DAG Decomposition

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    We present a fast and practical algorithm to compute the transitive closure (TC) of a directed graph. It is based on computing a reachability indexing scheme of a directed acyclic graph (DAG), G = (V, E). Given any path/chain decomposition of G we show how to compute in parameterized linear time such a reachability scheme that can answer reachability queries in constant time. The experimental results reveal that our method is significantly faster in practice than the theoretical bounds imply, indicating that path/chain decomposition algorithms can be applied to obtain fast and practical solutions to the transitive closure (TC) problem. Furthermore, we show that the number of non-transitive edges of a DAG G is ? width*|V| and that we can find a substantially large subset of the transitive edges of G in linear time using a path/chain decomposition. Our extensive experimental results show the interplay between these concepts in various models of DAGs

    Computing transitive closure on systolic arrays of fixed size

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    Forming the transitive closure of a binary relation (or directed graph) is an important part of many algorithms. When the relation is represented by a bit matrix, the transitive closure can be efficiently computed in parallel in a systolic array. Various such arrays for computing the transitive closure have been proposed. They all have in common, though, that the size of the array must be proportional to the number of nodes. Here we propose two ways of computing the transitive closure of an arbitrarily big graph on a systolic array of fixed size. The first method is a simple partitioning of a well-known systolic algorithm for computing the transitive closure. The second is a block-structured algorithm for computing the transitive closure. This algorithm is suitable for execution on a systolic array, that can multiply fixed size bit matrices and compute transitive closure of graphs with a fixed number of nodes. The algorithm is, however, not limited to systolic array implementations; it works on any parallel architecture that can form the transitive closure and product of fixed-size bit matrices efficiently. The shortest path problem, for directed graphs with weighted edges, can also be solved for arbitrarily large graphs on a fixed-size systolic array in the same manner, devised above, as the transitive closure is computed

    Automata with Nested Pebbles Capture First-Order Logic with Transitive Closure

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    String languages recognizable in (deterministic) log-space are characterized either by two-way (deterministic) multi-head automata, or following Immerman, by first-order logic with (deterministic) transitive closure. Here we elaborate this result, and match the number of heads to the arity of the transitive closure. More precisely, first-order logic with k-ary deterministic transitive closure has the same power as deterministic automata walking on their input with k heads, additionally using a finite set of nested pebbles. This result is valid for strings, ordered trees, and in general for families of graphs having a fixed automaton that can be used to traverse the nodes of each of the graphs in the family. Other examples of such families are grids, toruses, and rectangular mazes. For nondeterministic automata, the logic is restricted to positive occurrences of transitive closure. The special case of k=1 for trees, shows that single-head deterministic tree-walking automata with nested pebbles are characterized by first-order logic with unary deterministic transitive closure. This refines our earlier result that placed these automata between first-order and monadic second-order logic on trees.Comment: Paper for Logical Methods in Computer Science, 27 pages, 1 figur

    Data fragmentation for parallel transitive closure strategies

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    Addresses the problem of fragmenting a relation to make the parallel computation of the transitive closure efficient, based on the disconnection set approach. To better understand this design problem, the authors focus on transportation networks. These are characterized by loosely interconnected clusters of nodes with a high internal connectivity rate. Three requirements that have to be fulfilled by a fragmentation are formulated, and three different fragmentation strategies are presented, each emphasizing one of these requirements. Some test results are presented to show the performance of the various fragmentation strategie

    Algorithmic and Hardness Results for the Colorful Components Problems

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    In this paper we investigate the colorful components framework, motivated by applications emerging from comparative genomics. The general goal is to remove a collection of edges from an undirected vertex-colored graph GG such that in the resulting graph GG' all the connected components are colorful (i.e., any two vertices of the same color belong to different connected components). We want GG' to optimize an objective function, the selection of this function being specific to each problem in the framework. We analyze three objective functions, and thus, three different problems, which are believed to be relevant for the biological applications: minimizing the number of singleton vertices, maximizing the number of edges in the transitive closure, and minimizing the number of connected components. Our main result is a polynomial time algorithm for the first problem. This result disproves the conjecture of Zheng et al. that the problem is NP NP-hard (assuming PNPP \neq NP). Then, we show that the second problem is APX APX-hard, thus proving and strengthening the conjecture of Zheng et al. that the problem is NP NP-hard. Finally, we show that the third problem does not admit polynomial time approximation within a factor of V1/14ϵ|V|^{1/14 - \epsilon} for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, assuming PNPP \neq NP (or within a factor of V1/2ϵ|V|^{1/2 - \epsilon}, assuming ZPPNPZPP \neq NP).Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure