7 research outputs found

    On Further Properties of Fully Zero-Simple Semihypergroups

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    Let mfF0mfF_0 the class of fully zero-simple semihypergroups. In this paper we study the main properties of residual semihypergroup (H+,star)(H_+, star) of a semihypergroup (H,circ)(H, circ) in mfF0mfF_0. We prove that the quotient semigroup H+/etaH+∗H_+/eta^*_{H_+} is a completely simple and periodic semigroup. Moreover, we find the necessary and sufficient conditions for (H+,star)(H_+, star) to be a torsion group and, in particular, an Abelian 22-group

    On hypercyclic fully zero-simple semihypergroups

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    Let I be the class of fully zero-simple semihypergroups generated by a hyperproduct. In this paper we study some properties of residual semihypergroup (H_+; star) of a semihypergroup (H; \u25e6)in I. Moreover, we find sufficient conditions for (H; \u25e6) and (H_+; star) to be cyclic

    A family of 0-simple semihypergroups related to sequence A000070

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    For any integer n 65 2, let R_0(n + 1) be the class of 0-semihypergroups H of size n + 1 such that {y} 86 xy 86 {0, y} for all x, y 08 H - {0}, all subsemihypergroups K 86 H are 0-simple and, when |K| 65 3, the fundamental relation \u3b2_K is not transitive. We determine a transversal of isomorphism classes of semihypergroups in R0(n + 1) and we prove that its cardinality is the (n + 1)-th term of sequence A000070 in [21], namely, 11 _{k=0}^n p(k), where p(k) denotes the number of non-increasing partitions of integer k

    n−n-absorbing I−I-prime hyperideals in multiplicative hyperrings

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    In this paper, we define the concept I−I-prime hyperideal in a multiplicative hyperring RR. A proper hyperideal PP of RR is an I−I-prime hyperideal if for a,b∈Ra, b \in R with ab⊆P−IPab \subseteq P-IP implies a∈Pa \in P or b∈Pb \in P. We provide some characterizations of I−I-prime hyperideals. Also we conceptualize and study the notions 2−2-absorbing I−I-prime and n−n-absorbing I−I-prime hyperideals into multiplicative hyperrings as generalizations of prime ideals. A proper hyperideal PP of a hyperring RR is an n−n-absorbing I−I-prime hyperideal if for x1,⋯ ,xn+1∈Rx_1, \cdots,x_{n+1} \in R such that x1⋯xn+1⊆P−IPx_1 \cdots x_{n+1} \subseteq P-IP, then x1⋯xi−1xi+1⋯xn+1⊆Px_1 \cdots x_{i-1} x_{i+1} \cdots x_{n+1} \subseteq P for some i∈{1,⋯ ,n+1}i \in \{1, \cdots ,n+1\}. We study some properties of such generalizations. We prove that if PP is an I−I-prime hyperideal of a hyperring RR, then each of PJ\frac{P}{J}, S−1PS^{-1} P, f(P)f(P), f−1(P)f^{-1}(P), P\sqrt{P} and P[x]P[x] are I−I-prime hyperideals under suitable conditions and suitable hyperideal II, where JJ is a hyperideal contains in PP. Also, we characterize I−I-prime hyperideals in the decomposite hyperrings. Moreover, we show that the hyperring with finite number of maximal hyperideals in which every proper hyperideal is n−n-absorbing I−I-prime is a finite product of hyperfields.Comment: Journal of algebraic system

    1-hypergroups of small sizes

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    In this paper, we show a new construction of hypergroups that, under appropriate conditions, are complete hypergroups or non-complete 1-hypergroups. Furthermore, we classify the 1-hypergroups of size 5 and 6 based on the partition induced by the fundamental relation \u3b2. Many of these hypergroups can be obtained using the aforesaid hypergroup construction

    On the n-complete hypergroups

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