5,031 research outputs found

    Chinese Postman Problem on edge-colored multigraphs

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    It is well-known that the Chinese postman problem on undirected and directed graphs is polynomial-time solvable. We extend this result to edge-colored multigraphs. Our result is in sharp contrast to the Chinese postman problem on mixed graphs, i.e., graphs with directed and undirected edges, for which the problem is NP-hard

    Zigzag inequalities:a new class of facet-inducing inequalities for Arc Routing Problems

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    [EN] In this paper we introduce a new class of facet-inducing inequalities for the Windy Rural Postman Problem and the Windy General Routing Problem. These inequalities are called Zigzag inequalities because they cut off fractional solutions containing a zigzag associated with variables with 0.5 value. Two different types of inequalities, the Odd Zigzag and the Even Zigzag inequalities, are presented. Finally, their application to other known Arc Routing Problems is discussed.The authors wish to thank the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain (project TIC2003-05982-C05-01) and the Generalitat Valenciana (Ref: GRUPOS03/189) their support.Corberán, A.; Plana, I.; Sanchís Llopis, JM. (2006). Zigzag inequalities:a new class of facet-inducing inequalities for Arc Routing Problems. Mathematical Programming. 108(1):79-96. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-005-0643-yS79961081Benavent, E., Carrotta, A., Corberán, A., Sanchis, J.M., Vigo, D.: Lower Bounds and Heuristics for the Windy Rural Postman Problem. Technical Report TR03-2003. Department of Statistics and OR, University of Valencia (Spain). Submitted to EJOR 2003Benavent, E., Corberán, A., Piñana, E., Plana, I., Sanchis, J.M.: New Heuristics for the Windy Rural Postman Problem. To appear in Comput. Oper. Res. 2005Chopra, S., Rinaldi, G.: The Graphical Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Polyhedron: Symmetric Inequalities. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 9 (4), 602–624 (1996)Christofides, N., Benavent, E., Campos, V., Corberán, A., Mota, E.: An Optimal Method for the Mixed Postman Problem. In: P. Thoft-Christensen (ed.) System Modelling and Optimization. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 59. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 1984Christofides, N., Campos, V., Corberán, A., Mota, E.: An Algorithm for the Rural Postman Problem. Report IC.OR. 81.5. Imperial College, London 1981Corberán, A., Mejía, G., Sanchis, J.M.: New Results on the Mixed General Routing Problem. To appear in Oper. Res. 2005Corberán, A., Mota, E., Sanchis, J.M.: A Comparison of Two Different Formulations for Arc Routing Problems on Mixed Graphs. To appear in Comput. Oper. Res. 2005Corberán, A., Plana, I., Sanchis, J.M.: On the Windy General Routing Polyhedron. In preparation 2005Corberán, A., Romero, A., Sanchis, J.M.: The Mixed General Routing Problem Polyhedron. Math. Programming 96, 103–137 (2003)Cornuèjols, G., Fonlupt, J., Naddef, D.: The traveling salesman problem on a graph and some related integer polyhedra. Math. Programming 33, 1–27 (1985)Eiselt, H.A., Gendreau, M., Laporte, G.: Arc-Routing Problems, Part 2: the Rural Postman Problem. Oper. Res. 43, 399–414 (1995)Ford, L.R., Fulkerson, D.R.: Flows in Networks. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ 1962Grötschel, M., Win, Z.: On the Windy Postman Polyhedron. Report No. 75, Schwerpunktprogram der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Universität Augsburg, Germany 1988Grötschel, M., Win, Z.: A Cutting Plane Algorithm for the Windy Postman Problem. Math. Programming 55, 339–358 (1992)Guan, M.: On the Windy Postman Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 9, 41–46 (1984)Letchford, A.: New inequalities for the General Routing Problem. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 96, 317–322 (1997)Minieka, E.: The Chinese Postman Problem for Mixed Networks. Management Sci. 25, 643–648 (1979)Naddef, D., Rinaldi, G.: The Symmetric Traveling Salesman Polytope and its Graphical Relaxation: Composition of Valid Inequalities. Math. Programming 51, 359–400 (1991)Nobert, Y., Picard, J.C.: An Optimal Algorithm for the Mixed Chinese Postman Problem. Networks 27, 95–108 (1996)Ralphs, T.K.: On the Mixed Chinese Postman Problem. Oper. Res. Lett. 14, 123–127 (1993)Win, Z.: Contributions to Routing Problems. PhD Dissertation, University of Augsburg, Germany 198

    New results on the Windy Postman Problem

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    [EN] In this paper, we study the Windy Postman Problem (WPP). This is a well-known Arc Routing Problem that contains the Mixed Chinese Postman Problem (MCPP) as a special case. We extend to arbitrary dimension some new inequalities that complete the description of the polyhedron associated with the Windy Postman Problem over graphs with up to four vertices and ten edges. We introduce two new families of facet-inducing inequalities and prove that these inequalities, along with the already known odd zigzag inequalities, are Chvátal-Gomory inequalities of rank at most 2. Moreover, a branch-and-cut algorithm that incorporates two new separation algorithms for all the previously mentioned inequalities and a new heuristic procedure to obtain upper bounds are presented. Finally, the performance of a branch-and-cut algorithm over several sets of large WPP and MCPP instances, with up to 3,000 nodes and 9,000 edges (and arcs in the MCPP case), shows that, to our knowledge, this is the best algorithm to date for the exact resolution of the WPP and the MCPP. © 2010 Springer and Mathematical Optimization Society.The authors want to thank the three referees for their careful reading of the manuscript and for their many comments and suggestions that have contributed to improve the paper content and readability. In particular, several remarks regarding the discussion of C-G and mod-k inequalities were pointed out by one of the referees. A. Corberan, I. Plana and J.M. Sanchis wish to thank the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia of Spain (projects MTM2006-14961-C05-02 and MTM2009-14039-C06-02) for its support.Corberán, A.; Oswald, M.; Plana, I.; Reinelt, G.; Sanchís Llopis, JM. (2012). New results on the Windy Postman Problem. Mathematical Programming. 132(1-2):309-332. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-010-0399-xS3093321321-2Benavent E., Carrotta A., Corberán A., Sanchis J.M., Vigo D.: Lower bounds and heuristics for the windy rural postman problem. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 176, 855–869 (2007)Brucker P. The Chinese postman problem for mixed graphs. In Proceedings of international workshop. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 100, 354–366 (1981)Caprara A., Fischetti M.: {0,12}{\{0,\frac{1}{2}\}} -Chvátal-Gomory cuts. Math. Program. 74, 221–235 (1996)Caprara A., Fischetti M., Letchford A.N.: On the separation of maximally violated mod-k cuts. Math. Program. 87, 37–56 (2000)Christof, T., Loebel, A.: PORTA—a polyhedron representation algorithm www.informatik.uni-heidelberg.de/groups/comopt/software/PORTA/ (1998)Christofides, N., Benavent, E., Campos, V., Corberán, A., Mota, E.: An optimal method for the mixed postman problem. In Thoft-Christensen, P. (ed.) System Modelling and Optimization. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 59, Springer (1984)Corberán A., Plana I., Sanchis J.M.: Zigzag inequalities: a new class of facet-inducing inequalities for arc routing problems. Math. Program. 108, 79–96 (2006)Corberán A., Plana I., Sanchis J.M.: A branch & cut algorithm for the windy general routing problem and special cases. Networks 49, 245–257 (2007)Corberán, A., Plana I., Sanchis, J.M.: Arc routing problems: data instances. www.uv.es/corberan/instancias.htm (2007)Corberán A., Plana I., Sanchis J.M.: The windy general routing polyhedron: a global view of many known arc routing polyhedra. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 22, 606–628 (2008)Grötschel, M., Win, Z.: On the windy postman polyhedron. Report No. 75, Schwerpunktprogram der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Universität Augsburg, Germany (1988)Grötschel M., Win Z.: A cutting plane algorithm for the Windy Postman Problem. Math. Program. 55, 339–358 (1992)Guan M.: On the Windy Postman Problem. Discrete Appl. Math. 9, 41–46 (1984)Minieka E.: The Chinese postman problem for mixed networks. Manage. Sci. 25, 643–648 (1979)Naddef D., Rinaldi G.: The symmetric traveling salesman polytope and its graphical relaxation: composition of valid inequalities. Math. Program. 51, 359–400 (1991)Oswald M., Reinelt G., Seitz H.: Applying mod-k cuts for solving linear ordering problems. TOP 17, 158–170 (2009)Papadimitriou C.H.: On the complexity of edge traversing. J. Assoc. Comput. Mach. 23, 544–554 (1976)Ralphs T.K.: On the mixed Chinese postman problem. Oper. Res. Lett. 14, 123–127 (1993)Wenger, K.: Generic Cut Generation Methods for Routing Problems. PhD Dissertation, University of Heidelberg, Germany (2004)Win, Z.: Contributions to Routing Problems. PhD Dissertation, University of Augsburg, Germany (1987)Win Z.: On the Windy Postman Problem on eulerian graphs. Math. Program. 44, 97–112 (1989)Zaragoza Martínez F.J.: Series-parallel graphs are windy postman perfect. Discrete Math. 308, 1366–1374 (2008

    Search for an Immobile Hider on a Stochastic Network

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    Harry hides on an edge of a graph and does not move from there. Sally, starting from a known origin, tries to find him as soon as she can. Harry's goal is to be found as late as possible. At any given time, each edge of the graph is either active or inactive, independently of the other edges, with a known probability of being active. This situation can be modeled as a zero-sum two-person stochastic game. We show that the game has a value and we provide upper and lower bounds for this value. Finally, by generalizing optimal strategies of the deterministic case, we provide more refined results for trees and Eulerian graphs.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Parameterized complexity of the k-arc Chinese Postman Problem

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    In the Mixed Chinese Postman Problem (MCPP), given an edge-weighted mixed graph GG (GG may have both edges and arcs), our aim is to find a minimum weight closed walk traversing each edge and arc at least once. The MCPP parameterized by the number of edges was known to be fixed-parameter tractable using a simple argument. Solving an open question of van Bevern et al., we prove that the MCPP parameterized by the number of arcs is also fixed-parameter tractable. Our proof is more involved and, in particular, uses a well-known result of Marx, O'Sullivan and Razgon (2013) on the treewidth of torso graphs with respect to small separators. We obtain a small cut analog of this result, and use it to construct a tree decomposition which, despite not having bounded width, has other properties allowing us to design a fixed-parameter algorithm

    Problemas de rutas de vehĂ­culos por arcos

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    At the beginning of this work, we are going to give a historical introduction of arc routing. We will take a look at the complexity of this type of problems, and then, we will focus on the Chinese Postman Problem. It is arguably the most central problem in this area. Given a graph, it basically tries to find a minimun cost tour traversing at least once each edge. We will study the undirected, directed, mixed and windy version in detail, and their respective ways to deal with them. Finally, we will see some applications about real instances for each version.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Matemática

    Automatic March tests generation for static and dynamic faults in SRAMs

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    New memory production modern technologies introduce new classes of faults usually referred to as dynamic memory faults. Although some hand-made March tests to deal with these new faults have been published, the problem of automatically generate March tests for dynamic faults has still to be addressed, in this paper we propose a new approach to automatically generate March tests with minimal length for both static and dynamic faults. The proposed approach resorts to a formal model to represent faulty behaviors in a memory and to simplify the generation of the corresponding tests
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