3 research outputs found

    On the minimum and maximum selective graph coloring problems in some graph classes

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    Given a graph together with a partition of its vertex set, the minimum selective coloring problem consists of selecting one vertex per partition set such that the chromatic number of the subgraph induced by the selected vertices is minimum. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we investigate the complexity status of the minimum selective coloring problem in some specific graph classes motivated by some models described in Demange et al. (2015). Second, we introduce a new problem that corresponds to the worst situation in the minimum selective coloring; the maximum selective coloring problem aims to select one vertex per partition set such that the chromatic number of the subgraph induced by the selected vertices is maximum. We motivat

    On the minimum and maximum selective graph coloring problems in some graph classes

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    Given a graph together with a partition of its vertex set, the minimum selective coloring problem consists of selecting one vertex per partition set such that the chromatic number of the subgraph induced by the selected vertices is minimum. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we investigate the complexity status of the minimum selective coloring problem in some specific graph classes motivated by some models described in Demange et al. (2015). Second, we introduce a new problem that corresponds to the worst situation in the minimum selective coloring; the maximum selective coloring problem aims to select one vertex per partition set such that the chromatic number of the subgraph induced by the selected vertices is maximum. We motivate this problem by different models and give some first results concerning its complexity

    An exact algorithm for the Partition Coloring Problem

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    We study the Partition Coloring Problem (PCP), a generalization of the Vertex Coloring Problem where the vertex set is partitioned. The PCP asks to select one vertex for each subset of the partition in such a way that the chromatic number of the induced graph is minimum. We propose a new Integer Linear Programming formulation with an exponential number of variables. To solve this formulation to optimality, we design an effective Branch-and-Price algorithm. Good quality initial solutions are computed via a new metaheuristic algorithm based on adaptive large neighborhood search. Extensive computational experiments on a benchmark test of instances from the literature show that our Branch-and-Price algorithm, combined with the new metaheuristic algorithm, is able to solve for the first time to proven optimality several open instances, and compares favorably with the current state-of-the-art exact algorithm