9,522 research outputs found

    Multiplpe Choice Minority Game With Different Publicly Known Histories

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    In the standard Minority Game, players use historical minority choices as the sole public information to pick one out of the two alternatives. However, publishing historical minority choices is not the only way to present global system information to players when more than two alternatives are available. Thus, it is instructive to study the dynamics and cooperative behaviors of this extended game as a function of the global information provided. We numerically find that although the system dynamics depends on the kind of public information given to the players, the degree of cooperation follows the same trend as that of the standard Minority Game. We also explain most of our findings by the crowd-anticrowd theory.Comment: Extensively revised, to appear in New J Phys, 7 pages with 4 figure

    On the maximal number of cubic subwords in a string

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    We investigate the problem of the maximum number of cubic subwords (of the form wwwwww) in a given word. We also consider square subwords (of the form wwww). The problem of the maximum number of squares in a word is not well understood. Several new results related to this problem are produced in the paper. We consider two simple problems related to the maximum number of subwords which are squares or which are highly repetitive; then we provide a nontrivial estimation for the number of cubes. We show that the maximum number of squares xxxx such that xx is not a primitive word (nonprimitive squares) in a word of length nn is exactly n21\lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor - 1, and the maximum number of subwords of the form xkx^k, for k3k\ge 3, is exactly n2n-2. In particular, the maximum number of cubes in a word is not greater than n2n-2 either. Using very technical properties of occurrences of cubes, we improve this bound significantly. We show that the maximum number of cubes in a word of length nn is between (1/2)n(1/2)n and (4/5)n(4/5)n. (In particular, we improve the lower bound from the conference version of the paper.)Comment: 14 page

    Computing Runs on a General Alphabet

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    We describe a RAM algorithm computing all runs (maximal repetitions) of a given string of length nn over a general ordered alphabet in O(nlog23n)O(n\log^{\frac{2}3} n) time and linear space. Our algorithm outperforms all known solutions working in Θ(nlogσ)\Theta(n\log\sigma) time provided σ=nΩ(1)\sigma = n^{\Omega(1)}, where σ\sigma is the alphabet size. We conjecture that there exists a linear time RAM algorithm finding all runs.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    On Extensions of Maximal Repeats in Compressed Strings

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    This paper provides an upper bound for several subsets of maximal repeats and maximal pairs in compressed strings and also presents a formerly unknown relationship between maximal pairs and the run-length Burrows-Wheeler transform. This relationship is used to obtain a different proof for the Burrows-Wheeler conjecture which has recently been proven by Kempa and Kociumaka in "Resolution of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform Conjecture". More formally, this paper proves that a string SS with zz LZ77-factors and without qq-th powers has at most 73(log2S)(z+2)273(\log_2 |S|)(z+2)^2 runs in the run-length Burrows-Wheeler transform and the number of arcs in the compacted directed acyclic word graph of SS is bounded from above by 18q(1+logqS)(z+2)218q(1+\log_q |S|)(z+2)^2

    Linear Compressed Pattern Matching for Polynomial Rewriting (Extended Abstract)

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    This paper is an extended abstract of an analysis of term rewriting where the terms in the rewrite rules as well as the term to be rewritten are compressed by a singleton tree grammar (STG). This form of compression is more general than node sharing or representing terms as dags since also partial trees (contexts) can be shared in the compression. In the first part efficient but complex algorithms for detecting applicability of a rewrite rule under STG-compression are constructed and analyzed. The second part applies these results to term rewriting sequences. The main result for submatching is that finding a redex of a left-linear rule can be performed in polynomial time under STG-compression. The main implications for rewriting and (single-position or parallel) rewriting steps are: (i) under STG-compression, n rewriting steps can be performed in nondeterministic polynomial time. (ii) under STG-compression and for left-linear rewrite rules a sequence of n rewriting steps can be performed in polynomial time, and (iii) for compressed rewrite rules where the left hand sides are either DAG-compressed or ground and STG-compressed, and an STG-compressed target term, n rewriting steps can be performed in polynomial time.Comment: In Proceedings TERMGRAPH 2013, arXiv:1302.599

    Semi-Classical Quantization of Circular Strings in De Sitter and Anti De Sitter Spacetimes

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    We compute the {\it exact} equation of state of circular strings in the (2+1) dimensional de Sitter (dS) and anti de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, and analyze its properties for the different (oscillating, contracting and expanding) strings. The string equation of state has the perfect fluid form P=(γ1)E,P=(\gamma-1)E, with the pressure and energy expressed closely and completely in terms of elliptic functions, the instantaneous coefficient γ\gamma depending on the elliptic modulus. We semi-classically quantize the oscillating circular strings. The string mass is m=C/(πHα),  Cm=\sqrt{C}/(\pi H\alpha'),\;C being the Casimir operator, C=LμνLμν,C=-L_{\mu\nu}L^{\mu\nu}, of the O(3,1)O(3,1)-dS [O(2,2)O(2,2)-AdS] group, and HH is the Hubble constant. We find \alpha'm^2_{\mbox{dS}}\approx 5.9n,\;(n\in N_0), and a {\it finite} number of states N_{\mbox{dS}}\approx 0.17/(H^2\alpha') in de Sitter spacetime; m^2_{\mbox{AdS}}\approx 4H^2n^2 (large nN0n\in N_0) and N_{\mbox{AdS}}=\infty in anti de Sitter spacetime. The level spacing grows with nn in AdS spacetime, while is approximately constant (although larger than in Minkowski spacetime) in dS spacetime. The massive states in dS spacetime decay through tunnel effect and the semi-classical decay probability is computed. The semi-classical quantization of {\it exact} (circular) strings and the canonical quantization of generic string perturbations around the string center of mass strongly agree.Comment: Latex, 26 pages + 2 tables and 5 figures that can be obtained from the authors on request. DEMIRM-Obs de Paris-9404

    Algorithms to Compute the Lyndon Array

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    We first describe three algorithms for computing the Lyndon array that have been suggested in the literature, but for which no structured exposition has been given. Two of these algorithms execute in quadratic time in the worst case, the third achieves linear time, but at the expense of prior computation of both the suffix array and the inverse suffix array of x. We then go on to describe two variants of a new algorithm that avoids prior computation of global data structures and executes in worst-case n log n time. Experimental evidence suggests that all but one of these five algorithms require only linear execution time in practice, with the two new algorithms faster by a small factor. We conjecture that there exists a fast and worst-case linear-time algorithm to compute the Lyndon array that is also elementary (making no use of global data structures such as the suffix array)

    Phase diagram of an extended quantum dimer model on the hexagonal lattice

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    We introduce a quantum dimer model on the hexagonal lattice that, in addition to the standard three-dimer kinetic and potential terms, includes a competing potential part counting dimer-free hexagons. The zero-temperature phase diagram is studied by means of quantum Monte Carlo simulations, supplemented by variational arguments. It reveals some new crystalline phases and a cascade of transitions with rapidly changing flux (tilt in the height language). We analyze perturbatively the vicinity of the Rokhsar-Kivelson point, showing that this model has the microscopic ingredients needed for the "devil's staircase" scenario [E. Fradkin et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, 224415 (2004)], and is therefore expected to produce fractal variations of the ground-state flux.Comment: Published version. 5 pages + 8 (Supplemental Material), 31 references, 10 color figure