8 research outputs found

    Niche hypergraphs

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    If D = (V,A) is a digraph, its niche hypergraph Nℋ(D) = (V, ℰ) has the edge set ℰ = {ℯ ⊆ V | |e| ≥ 2 ∧ ∃ v ∈ V : e = ND-(v) ∨ ℯ = ND+(v)}. Niche hypergraphs generalize the well-known niche graphs (see [11]) and are closely related to competition hypergraphs (see [40]) as well as double competition hypergraphs (see [33]). We present several properties of niche hypergraphs of acyclic digraphs

    The competition hypergraphs of doubly partial orders

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    Since Cho and Kim (2005) showed that the competition graph of a doubly partial order is an interval graph, it has been actively studied whether or not the same phenomenon occurs for other variants of competition graph and interesting results have been obtained. Continuing in the same spirit, we study the competition hypergraph, an interesting variant of the competition graph, of a doubly partial order. Though it turns out that the competition hypergraph of a doubly partial order is not always interval, we completely characterize the competition hypergraphs of doubly partial orders which are interval.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure


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    科学研究費助成事業 研究成果報告書:若手研究(B)2015-2017課題番号 : 15K2088

    On Opsut’s conjecture for hypercompetition numbers of hypergraphs

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    AbstractThe notion of the competition hypergraph was introduced as a variant of the notion of the competition graph by Sonntag and Teichert in 2004. They also introduced the notion of the hypercompetition number of a graph.In 1982, Opsut conjectured that for a locally cobipartite graph G, the competition number of G is less than or equal to 2 and the equality holds if and only if the vertex clique cover number of the neighborhood of v is exactly 2 for each vertex v of G. Despite the various attempts to settle the conjecture, it is still open. A hypergraph version of the Opsut’s conjecture can be stated as the assertion that for a hypergraph H, if the number of hyperedges containing v is at most 2 for each vertex v of H, then the hypercompetition number of H is less than or equal to 2 and the equality holds if and only if the number of hyperedges containing v is exactly 2 for each vertex v of H. In this paper, we show that this hypergraph version is true

    d-반순서의 경쟁그래프의 연구

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 사범대학 수학교육과, 2018. 2. 김서령.The \emph{competition graph} C(D)C(D) of a digraph DD is defined to be a graph whose vertex set is the same as DD and which has an edge joining two distinct vertices xx and yy if and only if there are arcs (x,z)(x,z) and (y,z)(y,z) for some vertex zz in DD. Competition graphs have been extensively studied for more than four decades. Cohen~\cite{cohen1968interval, cohen1977food, cohen1978food} empirically observed that most competition graphs of acyclic digraphs representing food webs are interval graphs. Roberts~\cite{roberts1978food} asked whether or not Cohen's observation was just an artifact of the construction, and then concluded that it was not by showing that if GG is an arbitrary graph, then GG together with additional isolated vertices as many as the number of edges of GG is the competition graph of some acyclic digraph. Then he asked for a characterization of acyclic digraphs whose competition graphs are interval graphs. Since then, the problem has remained elusive and it has been one of the basic open problems in the study of competition graphs. There have been a lot of efforts to settle the problem and some progress has been made. While Cho and Kim~\cite{cho2005class} tried to answer his question, they could show that the competition graphs of doubly partial orders are interval graphs. They also showed that an interval graph together with sufficiently many isolated vertices is the competition graph of a doubly partial order. In this thesis, we study the competition graphs of dd-partial orders some of which generalize the results on the competition graphs of doubly partial orders. For a positive integer dd, a digraph DD is called a \emph{dd-partial order} if V(D) \subset \RR^d and there is an arc from a vertex x\mathbf{x} to a vertex y\mathbf{y} if and only if x\mathbf{x} is componentwise greater than y\mathbf{y}. A doubly partial order is a 22-partial order. We show that every graph GG is the competition graph of a dd-partial order for some nonnegative integer dd, call the smallest such dd the \emph{partial order competition dimension} of GG, and denote it by dimpoc(G)\dim_\text{poc}(G). This notion extends the statement that the competition graph of a doubly partial order is interval and the statement that any interval graph can be the competition graph of a doubly partial order as long as sufficiently many isolated vertices are added, which were proven by Cho and Kim~\cite{cho2005class}. Then we study the partial order competition dimensions of some interesting families of graphs. We also study the mm-step competition graphs and the competition hypergraph of dd-partial orders.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Basic notions in graph theory 1 1.2 Competition graphs 6 1.2.1 A brief history of competition graphs 6 1.2.2 Competition numbers 7 1.2.3 Interval competition graphs 10 1.3 Variants of competition graphs 14 1.3.1 m-step competition graphs 15 1.3.2 Competition hypergraphs 16 1.4 A preview of the thesis 18 2 On the competition graphs of d-partial orders 1 20 2.1 The notion of d-partial order 20 2.2 The competition graphs of d-partial orders 21 2.2.1 The regular (d − 1)-dimensional simplex △ d−1 (p) 22 2.2.2 A bijection from H d + to a set of regular (d − 1)-simplices 23 2.2.3 A characterization of the competition graphs of d-partial orders 25 2.2.4 Intersection graphs and competition graphs of d-partial orders 27 2.3 The partial order competition dimension of a graph 29 3 On the partial order competition dimensions of chordal graphs 2 38 3.1 Basic properties on the competition graphs of 3-partial orders 39 3.2 The partial order competition dimensions of diamond-free chordal graphs 42 3.3 Chordal graphs having partial order competition dimension greater than three 46 4 The partial order competition dimensions of bipartite graphs 3 53 4.1 Order types of two points in R 3 53 4.2 An upper bound for the the partial order competition dimension of a graph 57 4.3 Partial order competition dimensions of bipartite graphs 64 5 On the m-step competition graphs of d-partial orders 4 69 5.1 A characterization of the m-step competition graphs of dpartial orders 69 5.2 Partial order m-step competition dimensions of graphs 71 5.3 dim poc (Gm) in the aspect of dim poc (G) 76 5.4 Partial order competition exponents of graphs 79 6 On the competition hypergraphs of d-partial orders 5 81 6.1 A characterization of the competition hypergraphs of d-partial orders 81 6.2 The partial order competition hyper-dimension of a hypergraph 82 6.3 Interval competition hypergraphs 88 Abstract (in Korean) 99Docto

    On the Hypercompetition Numbers of Hypergraphs with Maximum Degree at Most Two

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    In this note, we give an easy and short proof for the theorem by Park and Kim stating that the hypercompetition numbers of hypergraphs with maximum degree at most two is at most two

    On the Hypercompetition Numbers of Hypergraphs with Maximum Degree at Most Two

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    In this note, we give an easy and short proof for the theorem by Park and Kim stating that the hypercompetition numbers of hypergraphs with maximum degree at most two is at most two