14 research outputs found

    An average case analysis of the minimum spanning tree heuristic for the range assignment problem

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    We present an average case analysis of the minimum spanning tree heuristic for the range assignment problem on a graph with power weighted edges. It is well-known that the worst-case approximation ratio of this heuristic is 2. Our analysis yields the following results: (1) In the one dimensional case (d=1d = 1), where the weights of the edges are 1 with probability pp and 0 otherwise, the average-case approximation ratio is bounded from above by 2−p2-p. (2) When d=1d =1 and the distance between neighboring vertices is drawn from a uniform [0,1][0,1]-distribution, the average approximation ratio is bounded from above by 2−2−α2-2^{-\alpha} where α\alpha denotes the distance power radient. (3) In Euclidean 2-dimensional space, with distance power gradient α=2\alpha = 2, the average performance ratio is bounded from above by 1+log⁥21 + \log 2

    The Traveling Salesman Problem Under Squared Euclidean Distances

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    Let PP be a set of points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, and let α≄1\alpha \ge 1 be a real number. We define the distance between two points p,q∈Pp,q\in P as ∣pq∣α|pq|^{\alpha}, where ∣pq∣|pq| denotes the standard Euclidean distance between pp and qq. We denote the traveling salesman problem under this distance function by TSP(d,αd,\alpha). We design a 5-approximation algorithm for TSP(2,2) and generalize this result to obtain an approximation factor of 3α−1+6α/33^{\alpha-1}+\sqrt{6}^{\alpha}/3 for d=2d=2 and all α≄2\alpha\ge2. We also study the variant Rev-TSP of the problem where the traveling salesman is allowed to revisit points. We present a polynomial-time approximation scheme for Rev-TSP(2,α)(2,\alpha) with α≄2\alpha\ge2, and we show that Rev-TSP(d,α)(d, \alpha) is APX-hard if d≄3d\ge3 and α>1\alpha>1. The APX-hardness proof carries over to TSP(d,α)(d, \alpha) for the same parameter ranges.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. (v2) Minor linguistic change

    Compact and Extended Formulations for Range Assignment Problems

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    We devise two new integer programming models for range assignment problems arising in wireless network design. Building on an arbitrary set of feasible network topologies, e.g., all spanning trees, we explicitly model the power consumption at a given node as a weighted maximum over edge variables. We show that the standard ILP model is an extended formulation of the new models. For all models, we derive complete polyhedral descriptions in the unconstrained case where all topologies are allowed. These results give rise to tight relaxations even in the constrained case. We can show experimentally that the compact formulations compare favorably to the standard approach

    Compact and Extended Formulations for Range Assignment Problems

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    We devise two new integer programming models for range assignment problems arising in wireless network design. Building on an arbitrary set of feasible network topologies, e.g., all spanning trees, we explicitly model the power consumption at a given node as a weighted maximum over edge variables. We show that the standard ILP model is an extended formulation of the new models. For all models, we derive complete polyhedral descriptions in the unconstrained case where all topologies are allowed. These results give rise to tight relaxations even in the constrained case. We can show experimentally that the compact formulations compare favorably to the standard approach

    The Online Broadcast Range-Assignment Problem

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    Let P={p0,
,pn−1}P=\{p_0,\ldots,p_{n-1}\} be a set of points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, modeling devices in a wireless network. A range assignment assigns a range r(pi)r(p_i) to each point pi∈Pp_i\in P, thus inducing a directed communication graph GrG_r in which there is a directed edge (pi,pj)(p_i,p_j) iff dist(pi,pj)≀r(pi)\textrm{dist}(p_i, p_j) \leq r(p_i), where dist(pi,pj)\textrm{dist}(p_i,p_j) denotes the distance between pip_i and pjp_j. The range-assignment problem is to assign the transmission ranges such that GrG_r has a certain desirable property, while minimizing the cost of the assignment; here the cost is given by ∑pi∈Pr(pi)α\sum_{p_i\in P} r(p_i)^{\alpha}, for some constant α>1\alpha>1 called the distance-power gradient. We introduce the online version of the range-assignment problem, where the points pjp_j arrive one by one, and the range assignment has to be updated at each arrival. Following the standard in online algorithms, resources given out cannot be taken away -- in our case this means that the transmission ranges will never decrease. The property we want to maintain is that GrG_r has a broadcast tree rooted at the first point p0p_0. Our results include the following. - For d=1d=1, a 1-competitive algorithm does not exist. In particular, for α=2\alpha=2 any online algorithm has competitive ratio at least 1.57. - For d=1d=1 and d=2d=2, we analyze two natural strategies: Upon the arrival of a new point pjp_j, Nearest-Neighbor increases the range of the nearest point to cover pjp_j and Cheapest Increase increases the range of the point for which the resulting cost increase to be able to reach pjp_j is minimal. - We generalize the problem to arbitrary metric spaces, where we present an O(log⁥n)O(\log n)-competitive algorithm.Comment: Preliminary version in ISAAC 202

    The Homogeneous Broadcast Problem in Narrow and Wide Strips

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    Let PP be a set of nodes in a wireless network, where each node is modeled as a point in the plane, and let s∈Ps\in P be a given source node. Each node pp can transmit information to all other nodes within unit distance, provided pp is activated. The (homogeneous) broadcast problem is to activate a minimum number of nodes such that in the resulting directed communication graph, the source ss can reach any other node. We study the complexity of the regular and the hop-bounded version of the problem (in the latter, ss must be able to reach every node within a specified number of hops), with the restriction that all points lie inside a strip of width ww. We almost completely characterize the complexity of both the regular and the hop-bounded versions as a function of the strip width ww.Comment: 50 pages, WADS 2017 submissio

    Connecting a Set of Circles with Minimum Sum of Radii

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    Abstract. We consider the problem of assigning radii to a given set of points in the plane, such that the resulting set of circles is connected, and the sum of radii is minimized. We show that the problem is polynomially solvable if a connectivity tree is given. If the connectivity tree is unknown, the problem is NP-hard if there are upper bounds on the radii and open otherwise. We give approximation guarantees for a variety of polynomialtime algorithms, describe upper and lower bounds (which are matching in some of the cases), provide polynomial-time approximation schemes, and conclude with experimental results and open problems