13,046 research outputs found

    On the Hard-Real-Time Scheduling of Embedded Streaming Applications

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    Computer Systems, Imagery and Medi

    Mode-Controlled Data-Flow Modeling of Real-Time Memory Controllers

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    Accepted in 13th IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia (ESTIMedia 2015), Amsterdam, Netherlands.SDRAM is a shared resource in modern multi-core platforms executing multiple real-time (RT) streaming applications. It is crucial to analyze the minimum guaranteed SDRAM bandwidth to ensure that the requirements of the RT streaming applications are always satisfied. However, deriving the worst-case bandwidth (WCBW) is challenging because of the diverse memory traffic with variable transaction sizes. In fact, existing RT memory controllers either do not efficiently support variable transaction sizes or do not provide an analysis to tightly bound WCBW in their presence. We propose a new mode-controlled data-flow (MCDF) model to capture the command scheduling dependencies of memory transactions with variable sizes. The WCBW can be obtained by employing an existing tool to automatically analyze our MCDF model rather than using existing static analysis techniques, which in contrast to our model are hard to extend to cover different RT memory controllers. Moreover, the MCDF analysis can exploit static information about known transaction sequences provided by the applications or by the memory arbiter. Experimental results show that 77% improvement of WCBW can be achieved compared to the case without known transaction sequences. In addition, the results demonstrate that the proposed MCDF model outperforms state-of-the-art analysis approaches and improves the WCBW by 22% without known transaction sequences

    Modeling, Analysis, and Hard Real-time Scheduling of Adaptive Streaming Applications

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    In real-time systems, the application's behavior has to be predictable at compile-time to guarantee timing constraints. However, modern streaming applications which exhibit adaptive behavior due to mode switching at run-time, may degrade system predictability due to unknown behavior of the application during mode transitions. Therefore, proper temporal analysis during mode transitions is imperative to preserve system predictability. To this end, in this paper, we initially introduce Mode Aware Data Flow (MADF) which is our new predictable Model of Computation (MoC) to efficiently capture the behavior of adaptive streaming applications. Then, as an important part of the operational semantics of MADF, we propose the Maximum-Overlap Offset (MOO) which is our novel protocol for mode transitions. The main advantage of this transition protocol is that, in contrast to self-timed transition protocols, it avoids timing interference between modes upon mode transitions. As a result, any mode transition can be analyzed independently from the mode transitions that occurred in the past. Based on this transition protocol, we propose a hard real-time analysis as well to guarantee timing constraints by avoiding processor overloading during mode transitions. Therefore, using this protocol, we can derive a lower bound and an upper bound on the earliest starting time of the tasks in the new mode during mode transitions in such a way that hard real-time constraints are respected.Comment: Accepted for presentation at EMSOFT 2018 and for publication in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD) as part of the ESWEEK-TCAD special issu

    Design citeria for applications with non-manifest loops

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    In the design process of high-throughput applications, design choices concerning the type of processor architecture and appropriate scheduling mechanism, have to be made. Take a reed-solomon decoder as an example, the amount of clock cycles consumed in decoding a code is dependent on the amount of errors within that code. Since this is not known in advance, and the environment in which the code is transmitted can cause a variable amount of errors within that code, a processor architecture which employs a static scheduling scheme, has to assume the worst case amount of clock cycles in order to cope with the worst case situation and provide correct results. On the other hand a processor that employs a dynamic scheduling scheme, can gain wasted clock cycles, by scheduling the exact amount of clock cycles that are needed and not the amount of clock cycles needed for the worst case situation. Since processor architectures that employ dynamic scheduling schemes have more overhead, designers have to make their choice beforehand. In this paper we address the problem of making the correct choice of whether to use a static or dynamic scheduling scheme. The strategy is to determine whether the application possess non-manifest behavior\ud and weigh out this dynamic behavior against static scheduling solutions which were quite common in the past. We provide criteria for choosing the correct scheduling architecture for a high throughput application based upon the environmental and algorithm-specification constraints. Keywords¿ Non-manifest loop scheduling, variable latency functional units, dynamic hardware scheduling, self\ud scheduling hardware units, optimized data-flow machine architecture

    A Survey of Techniques For Improving Energy Efficiency in Embedded Computing Systems

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    Recent technological advances have greatly improved the performance and features of embedded systems. With the number of just mobile devices now reaching nearly equal to the population of earth, embedded systems have truly become ubiquitous. These trends, however, have also made the task of managing their power consumption extremely challenging. In recent years, several techniques have been proposed to address this issue. In this paper, we survey the techniques for managing power consumption of embedded systems. We discuss the need of power management and provide a classification of the techniques on several important parameters to highlight their similarities and differences. This paper is intended to help the researchers and application-developers in gaining insights into the working of power management techniques and designing even more efficient high-performance embedded systems of tomorrow

    The Chameleon Architecture for Streaming DSP Applications

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    We focus on architectures for streaming DSP applications such as wireless baseband processing and image processing. We aim at a single generic architecture that is capable of dealing with different DSP applications. This architecture has to be energy efficient and fault tolerant. We introduce a heterogeneous tiled architecture and present the details of a domain-specific reconfigurable tile processor called Montium. This reconfigurable processor has a small footprint (1.8 mm2^2 in a 130 nm process), is power efficient and exploits the locality of reference principle. Reconfiguring the device is very fast, for example, loading the coefficients for a 200 tap FIR filter is done within 80 clock cycles. The tiles on the tiled architecture are connected to a Network-on-Chip (NoC) via a network interface (NI). Two NoCs have been developed: a packet-switched and a circuit-switched version. Both provide two types of services: guaranteed throughput (GT) and best effort (BE). For both NoCs estimates of power consumption are presented. The NI synchronizes data transfers, configures and starts/stops the tile processor. For dynamically mapping applications onto the tiled architecture, we introduce a run-time mapping tool

    A Power-Aware Framework for Executing Streaming Programs on Networks-on-Chip

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    Nilesh Karavadara, Simon Folie, Michael Zolda, Vu Thien Nga Nguyen, Raimund Kirner, 'A Power-Aware Framework for Executing Streaming Programs on Networks-on-Chip'. Paper presented at the Int'l Workshop on Performance, Power and Predictability of Many-Core Embedded Systems (3PMCES'14), Dresden, Germany, 24-28 March 2014.Software developers are discovering that practices which have successfully served single-core platforms for decades do no longer work for multi-cores. Stream processing is a parallel execution model that is well-suited for architectures with multiple computational elements that are connected by a network. We propose a power-aware streaming execution layer for network-on-chip architectures that addresses the energy constraints of embedded devices. Our proof-of-concept implementation targets the Intel SCC processor, which connects 48 cores via a network-on- chip. We motivate our design decisions and describe the status of our implementation

    Real-Time Stream Processing in Embedded Systems

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    Modern real-time embedded systems often involve computational-intensive data processing algorithms to meet their application requirements. As a result, there has been an increase in the use of multiprocessor platforms. The stream processing programming model aims to facilitate the construction of concurrent data processing programs to exploit the parallelism available on these architectures. However, most current stream processing frameworks or languages are not designed for use in real-time systems, let alone systems that might also have hard real-time control algorithms. This thesis contends that a generic architecture of a real-time stream processing infrastructure can be created to support predictable processing of both batched and live streaming data sources, and integrated with hard real-time control algorithms. The thesis first reviews relevant stream processing techniques, and identifies the open issues. Then a real-time stream processing task model, and an architecture for supporting that model is proposed. An approach to the integration of stream processing tasks into a real-time environment that also has hard real-time components is presented. Data is processed in parallel using execution-time servers allocated to each core. An algorithm is presented for selecting the parameters of the servers that maximises their capacities (within an overall deadline) and ensures that hard real-time components remain schedulable. Response-time analysis is derived to guarantee that the real-time requirements (deadlines for batched data processing, and latency for each data item for live data) for the stream processing activity are met. A framework, called SPRY, is implemented to support the proposed real-time stream processing architecture. The framework supports fully-partitioned applications that are scheduled using fixed priority-based scheduling techniques. A case study based on a modified Generic Avionics Platform is given to demonstrate the overall approach. Finally, the evaluation shows that the presented approach provides a better schedulability than alternative approaches

    Formal and Informal Methods for Multi-Core Design Space Exploration

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    We propose a tool-supported methodology for design-space exploration for embedded systems. It provides means to define high-level models of applications and multi-processor architectures and evaluate the performance of different deployment (mapping, scheduling) strategies while taking uncertainty into account. We argue that this extension of the scope of formal verification is important for the viability of the domain.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2014, arXiv:1406.156