16 research outputs found

    On the geometry of polar varieties

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    We have developed in the past several algorithms with intrinsic complexity bounds for the problem of point finding in real algebraic varieties. Our aim here is to give a comprehensive presentation of the geometrical tools which are necessary to prove the correctness and complexity estimates of these algorithms. Our results form also the geometrical main ingredients for the computational treatment of singular hypersurfaces. In particular, we show the non--emptiness of suitable generic dual polar varieties of (possibly singular) real varieties, show that generic polar varieties may become singular at smooth points of the original variety and exhibit a sufficient criterion when this is not the case. Further, we introduce the new concept of meagerly generic polar varieties and give a degree estimate for them in terms of the degrees of generic polar varieties. The statements are illustrated by examples and a computer experiment

    Polar degrees and closest points in codimension two

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    Suppose that XAPn1X_A\subset \mathbb{P}^{n-1} is a toric variety of codimension two defined by an (n2)×n(n-2)\times n integer matrix AA, and let BB be a Gale dual of AA. In this paper we compute the Euclidean distance degree and polar degrees of XAX_A (along with other associated invariants) combinatorially working from the matrix BB. Our approach allows for the consideration of examples that would be impractical using algebraic or geometric methods. It also yields considerably simpler computational formulas for these invariants, allowing much larger examples to be computed much more quickly than the analogous combinatorial methods using the matrix AA in the codimension two case.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    On the Complexity of the Generalized MinRank Problem

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    We study the complexity of solving the \emph{generalized MinRank problem}, i.e. computing the set of points where the evaluation of a polynomial matrix has rank at most rr. A natural algebraic representation of this problem gives rise to a \emph{determinantal ideal}: the ideal generated by all minors of size r+1r+1 of the matrix. We give new complexity bounds for solving this problem using Gr\"obner bases algorithms under genericity assumptions on the input matrix. In particular, these complexity bounds allow us to identify families of generalized MinRank problems for which the arithmetic complexity of the solving process is polynomial in the number of solutions. We also provide an algorithm to compute a rational parametrization of the variety of a 0-dimensional and radical system of bi-degree (D,1)(D,1). We show that its complexity can be bounded by using the complexity bounds for the generalized MinRank problem.Comment: 29 page

    Computing the dimension of real algebraic sets

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    Let VV be the set of real common solutions to F=(f1,,fs)F = (f_1, \ldots, f_s) in R[x1,,xn]\mathbb{R}[x_1, \ldots, x_n] and DD be the maximum total degree of the fif_i's. We design an algorithm which on input FF computes the dimension of VV. Letting LL be the evaluation complexity of FF and s=1s=1, it runs using O(LDn(d+3)+1)O^\sim \big (L D^{n(d+3)+1}\big ) arithmetic operations in Q\mathbb{Q} and at most Dn(d+1)D^{n(d+1)} isolations of real roots of polynomials of degree at most DnD^n. Our algorithm depends on the real geometry of VV; its practical behavior is more governed by the number of topology changes in the fibers of some well-chosen maps. Hence, the above worst-case bounds are rarely reached in practice, the factor DndD^{nd} being in general much lower on practical examples. We report on an implementation showing its ability to solve problems which were out of reach of the state-of-the-art implementations.Comment: v2: title chang

    Robots, computer algebra and eight connected components

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    Answering connectivity queries in semi-algebraic sets is a long-standing and challenging computational issue with applications in robotics, in particular for the analysis of kinematic singularities. One task there is to compute the number of connected components of the complementary of the singularities of the kinematic map. Another task is to design a continuous path joining two given points lying in the same connected component of such a set. In this paper, we push forward the current capabilities of computer algebra to obtain computer-aided proofs of the analysis of the kinematic singularities of various robots used in industry. We first show how to combine mathematical reasoning with easy symbolic computations to study the kinematic singularities of an infinite family (depending on paramaters) modelled by the UR-series produced by the company ``Universal Robots''. Next, we compute roadmaps (which are curves used to answer connectivity queries) for this family of robots. We design an algorithm for ``solving'' positive dimensional polynomial system depending on parameters. The meaning of solving here means partitioning the parameter's space into semi-algebraic components over which the number of connected components of the semi-algebraic set defined by the input system is invariant. Practical experiments confirm our computer-aided proof and show that such an algorithm can already be used to analyze the kinematic singularities of the UR-series family. The number of connected components of the complementary of the kinematic singularities of generic robots in this family is 88