733 research outputs found

    Geometry of tropical moduli spaces and linkage of graphs

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    We prove the following "linkage" theorem: two p-regular graphs of the same genus can be obtained from one another by a finite alternating sequence of one-edge-contractions; moreover this preserves 3-edge-connectivity. We use the linkage theorem to prove that various moduli spaces of tropical curves are connected through codimension one.Comment: Final version incorporating the referees correction

    Stronger ILPs for the Graph Genus Problem

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    The minimum genus of a graph is an important question in graph theory and a key ingredient in several graph algorithms. However, its computation is NP-hard and turns out to be hard even in practice. Only recently, the first non-trivial approach - based on SAT and ILP (integer linear programming) models - has been presented, but it is unable to successfully tackle graphs of genus larger than 1 in practice. Herein, we show how to improve the ILP formulation. The crucial ingredients are two-fold. First, we show that instead of modeling rotation schemes explicitly, it suffices to optimize over partitions of the (bidirected) arc set A of the graph. Second, we exploit the cycle structure of the graph, explicitly mapping short closed walks on A to faces in the embedding. Besides the theoretical advantages of our models, we show their practical strength by a thorough experimental evaluation. Contrary to the previous approach, we are able to quickly solve many instances of genus > 1

    An extensive English language bibliography on graph theory and its applications, supplement 1

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    Graph theory and its applications - bibliography, supplement

    Topological Quantum Error Correction with Optimal Encoding Rate

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    We prove the existence of topological quantum error correcting codes with encoding rates k/nk/n asymptotically approaching the maximum possible value. Explicit constructions of these topological codes are presented using surfaces of arbitrary genus. We find a class of regular toric codes that are optimal. For physical implementations, we present planar topological codes.Comment: REVTEX4 file, 5 figure

    Hamiltonian cycles and 1-factors in 5-regular graphs

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    It is proven that for any integer g≥0g \ge 0 and k∈{0,…,10}k \in \{ 0, \ldots, 10 \}, there exist infinitely many 5-regular graphs of genus gg containing a 1-factorisation with exactly kk pairs of 1-factors that are perfect, i.e. form a hamiltonian cycle. For g=0g = 0, this settles a problem of Kotzig from 1964. Motivated by Kotzig and Labelle's "marriage" operation, we discuss two gluing techniques aimed at producing graphs of high cyclic edge-connectivity. We prove that there exist infinitely many planar 5-connected 5-regular graphs in which every 1-factorisation has zero perfect pairs. On the other hand, by the Four Colour Theorem and a result of Brinkmann and the first author, every planar 4-connected 5-regular graph satisfying a condition on its hamiltonian cycles has a linear number of 1-factorisations each containing at least one perfect pair. We also prove that every planar 5-connected 5-regular graph satisfying a stronger condition contains a 1-factorisation with at most nine perfect pairs, whence, every such graph admitting a 1-factorisation with ten perfect pairs has at least two edge-Kempe equivalence classes. The paper concludes with further results on edge-Kempe equivalence classes in planar 5-regular graphs.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures; corrected figure

    (3+1)-dimensional topological phases and self-dual quantum geometries encoded on Heegard surfaces

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    We apply the recently suggested strategy to lift state spaces and operators for (2+1)-dimensional topological quantum field theories to state spaces and operators for a (3+1)-dimensional TQFT with defects. We start from the (2+1)-dimensional Turaev-Viro theory and obtain a state space, consistent with the state space expected from the Crane-Yetter model with line defects. This work has important applications for quantum gravity as well as the theory of topological phases in (3+1) dimensions. It provides a self-dual quantum geometry realization based on a vacuum state peaked on a homogeneously curved geometry. The state spaces and operators we construct here provide also an improved version of the Walker-Wang model, and simplify its analysis considerably. We in particular show that the fusion bases of the (2+1)-dimensional theory lead to a rich set of bases for the (3+1)-dimensional theory. This includes a quantum deformed spin network basis, which in a loop quantum gravity context diagonalizes spatial geometry operators. We also obtain a dual curvature basis, that diagonalizes the Walker-Wang Hamiltonian. Furthermore, the construction presented here can be generalized to provide state spaces for the recently introduced dichromatic four-dimensional manifold invariants.Comment: 27 pages, many figures, v2: minor correction

    Coadjoint orbits of symplectic diffeomorphisms of surfaces and ideal hydrodynamics

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    We give a classification of generic coadjoint orbits for the groups of symplectomorphisms and Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of a closed symplectic surface. We also classify simple Morse functions on symplectic surfaces with respect to actions of those groups. This gives an answer to V.Arnold's problem on describing all invariants of generic isovorticed fields for the 2D ideal fluids. For this we introduce a notion of anti-derivatives on a measured Reeb graph and describe their properties.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figures; to appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    Birational cobordism invariance of uniruled symplectic manifolds

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    A symplectic manifold (M,ω)(M,\omega) is called {\em (symplectically) uniruled} if there is a nonzero genus zero GW invariant involving a point constraint. We prove that symplectic uniruledness is invariant under symplectic blow-up and blow-down. This theorem follows from a general Relative/Absolute correspondence for a symplectic manifold together with a symplectic submanifold. A direct consequence is that symplectic uniruledness is a symplectic birational invariant. Here we use Guillemin and Sternberg's notion of cobordism as the symplectic analogue of the birational equivalence.Comment: To appear in Invent. Mat
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