7 research outputs found

    Applying the Givenness Hierarchy Framework : Methodological Issues

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    Pronominale demonstrativer: Nye perspektiver fra norsk og svensk

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    Denne artikkelen diskuterer pronominale demonstrativer i eldre norsk talespråk og i svensk skriftspråk fra1800-tallet og moderne tid. Vi viser at pronominale demonstrativer er belagt hos talere født både i Sverige og i ulike deler av Norge på 1800-tallet, men at bruksbetingelsene ernoe ulike i de to språkene. Vi viser at han/honi svensk ikke fungerer som demonstrativer, formelt sett, og antar isteden at de er syntaktisk reduserte pronomen som står høyt oppe i kanten av DP, høyere enn posisjonen for demonstrativer, og dublerer trekklenger nede i nominalfrasen. I norsk, på den andre siden, ser han/hun ut til å brukes som demonstrativer allerede på 1800-tallet, på samme måte som beskrevet av Johannessen (2008a,b).This paper is concerned with pronominal demonstatives (referred to as psychologically distal demonstratives by Johannessen 2008a, b) in older Norwegian spoken language, and written Swedish from the 19th century and the present-day. We show that pronominal demonstratives can be attested in speakers born in different parts of Norway in the 19th century, and in Swedish texts from the same period. However, the pronominal forms do not seem to be used in precisely the same way in the two languages. In Swedish, han/hon ‘he/she’ do not seem to behave formally like demonstratives. Instead, we propose that they are syntactically reduced pronouns at the edge of the DP, above the position for demonstratives, and that they double features lower down in the noun phrase. In Norwegian, on the other hand, han/hun are used as demonstratives already in the 19th century, in the way described for present-day Norwegian by Johannessen (2008a, b).publishedVersio

    Funkční a překladová korespondence ukazovacích zájmen v determinační funkci v překladu z angličtiny

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je popsat překladové protějšky anglických demonstrativ v determinační funkci v překladu z angličtiny do češtiny a zmapovat míru korespondence užívání ukazovacích zájmen v obou jazycích. Teoretická kapitola se nejdříve zaměřuje na anglická demonstrativa a definuje je coby determinátory z hlediska morfologického a syntaktického. Ukazovací zájmena slouží jako prostředky situační nebo textové reference, kterou lze rozdělit do tří podkategorií: anafora, katafora a tzv. neforická reference. Systém demonstrativ se dále dělí na formy odkazující na singulárové (this/that) nebo plurálové antecedenty (these/those). Na výběr demonstrativa má navíc vliv i vzdálenost mluvčího a referenta příslušného demonstrativa, přičemž percepce vzdálenosti se netýká pouze vztahu fyzické vzdálenosti či blízkosti. Teoretická část také postihuje relativně řídké případy, kdy se demonstrativum objevuje ve spojení s vlastním jménem (Vantage Theory) nebo funguje jako prostředek textové roviny (Gradient focus theory). Druhá část teoretického úvodu je zaměřena na morfo-syntaktický popis českých demonstrativ. Důležitým aspektem je neexistence kategorie určenosti v češtině a celkový flektivní charakter češtiny, což má za následek různou realizaci určitých gramatických struktur. Kvantitativně několikanásobně větší...The aim of this thesis is to analyse Czech translation counterparts of English demonstrative determiners and determine the degree of correspondence in the use of demonstratives in both languages. The first half of the theoretical chapter defines the English demonstrative determiners on the morpho-syntactic level. Demonstrative determiners in English carry either situational or textual reference, which can be further divided into anaphora, cataphora and the non-phoric reference. Demonstratives also distinguish between singular forms (this/that) and plural forms (these/those), as well as between proximal (this/these) and distal forms (that/those). The choice of either a proximal or a distal form is not always influenced by solely spatial relationships. Less frequent instances of a co- occurrence of a demonstrative and a proper name (Vantage Theory), and of demonstratives with prominent cohesive features (Gradient focus theory), are also discussed. The second half of the theoretical introduction is focused on a morpho-syntactic classification of Czech demonstratives. The inflectional character of Czech, together with the absence of the category of definiteness results in different realisations of certain grammatical structures. The quantitatively larger set of Czech demonstratives is classified...Department of the English Language and ELT MethodologyÚstav anglického jazyka a didaktikyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Interactional dynamics and the production of collective experience: the case of paranormal research groups

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    This research examines how paranormal experiences are shared and understood collectively. The study focuses on the multimodal practices produced during a paranormal event, and observes the interactive resources drawn upon by individuals to manage, disclose and share extraordinary experiences. Drawing upon a methodological approach informed by conversation analysis, this research uses video data to observe and analyse multimodal practices. The video data presents paranormal experiences as they happen, in the moment, and was collected by the researcher prior to research-led interests. Due to the researcher’s presence as a reflective participant in the analysis of data, this study also draws upon ethnographic reflections to compliment the analytical process. The findings from this study reveal that collective paranormal experiences are noticed, their features established, and their status as paranormal determined, by organised social practices. Despite the ontological and psychological factors that may contribute to an experience, paranormal events are noticed, talked about and displayed in the presence of others. Through these practices individuals construct turns that engender certain qualities towards an event, are sensitive to the epistemic status of themselves and co-participants, and through their construction inform the future trajectory of interaction. Thus, this study argues that the experience of an individual in the context of a collective paranormal event is one that can be seen as socially constructed. Overall, this study contributes to a developing body of research that examines paranormal experiences from a sociological perspective. However, through these findings this analysis also contributes more broadly to research concerning demonstrative practice, talk and epistemics, and embodied practice

    Vietnamese demonstratives: A spatially-based polysemy network

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    On the generation and interpretation of demonstrative expressions

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