10,510 research outputs found

    On the Expressive Power of Linear Algebra on Graphs

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    Most graph query languages are rooted in logic. By contrast, in this paper we consider graph query languages rooted in linear algebra. More specifically, we consider MATLANG, a matrix query language recently introduced, in which some basic linear algebra functionality is supported. We investigate the problem of characterising equivalence of graphs, represented by their adjacency matrices, for various fragments of MATLANG. A complete picture is painted of the impact of the linear algebra operations in MATLANG on their ability to distinguish graphs

    On the Expressive Power of Query Languages for Matrices

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    We investigate the expressive power of MATLANG, a formal language for matrix manipulation based on common matrix operations and linear algebra. The language can be extended with the operation inv of inverting a matrix. In MATLANG + inv we can compute the transitive closure of directed graphs, whereas we show that this is not possible without inversion. Indeed we show that the basic language can be simulated in the relational algebra with arithmetic operations, grouping, and summation. We also consider an operation eigen for diagonalizing a matrix, which is defined so that different eigenvectors returned for a same eigenvalue are orthogonal. We show that inv can be expressed in MATLANG + eigen. We put forward the open question whether there are boolean queries about matrices, or generic queries about graphs, expressible in MATLANG + eigen but not in MATLANG + inv. The evaluation problem for MATLANG + eigen is shown to be complete for the complexity class Exists R

    On the equivalence between graph isomorphism testing and function approximation with GNNs

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved lots of success on graph-structured data. In the light of this, there has been increasing interest in studying their representation power. One line of work focuses on the universal approximation of permutation-invariant functions by certain classes of GNNs, and another demonstrates the limitation of GNNs via graph isomorphism tests. Our work connects these two perspectives and proves their equivalence. We further develop a framework of the representation power of GNNs with the language of sigma-algebra, which incorporates both viewpoints. Using this framework, we compare the expressive power of different classes of GNNs as well as other methods on graphs. In particular, we prove that order-2 Graph G-invariant networks fail to distinguish non-isomorphic regular graphs with the same degree. We then extend them to a new architecture, Ring-GNNs, which succeeds on distinguishing these graphs and provides improvements on real-world social network datasets

    When Can Matrix Query Languages Discern Matrices?

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    We investigate when two graphs, represented by their adjacency matrices, can be distinguished by means of sentences formed in MATLANG, a matrix query language which supports a number of elementary linear algebra operators. When undirected graphs are concerned, and hence the adjacency matrices are real and symmetric, precise characterisations are in place when two graphs (i.e., their adjacency matrices) can be distinguished. Turning to directed graphs, one has to deal with asymmetric adjacency matrices. This complicates matters. Indeed, it requires to understand the more general problem of when two arbitrary matrices can be distinguished in MATLANG. We provide characterisations of the distinguishing power of MATLANG on real and complex matrices, and on adjacency matrices of directed graphs in particular. The proof techniques are a combination of insights from the symmetric matrix case and results from linear algebra and linear control theory

    Randomisation and Derandomisation in Descriptive Complexity Theory

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    We study probabilistic complexity classes and questions of derandomisation from a logical point of view. For each logic L we introduce a new logic BPL, bounded error probabilistic L, which is defined from L in a similar way as the complexity class BPP, bounded error probabilistic polynomial time, is defined from PTIME. Our main focus lies on questions of derandomisation, and we prove that there is a query which is definable in BPFO, the probabilistic version of first-order logic, but not in Cinf, finite variable infinitary logic with counting. This implies that many of the standard logics of finite model theory, like transitive closure logic and fixed-point logic, both with and without counting, cannot be derandomised. Similarly, we present a query on ordered structures which is definable in BPFO but not in monadic second-order logic, and a query on additive structures which is definable in BPFO but not in FO. The latter of these queries shows that certain uniform variants of AC0 (bounded-depth polynomial sized circuits) cannot be derandomised. These results are in contrast to the general belief that most standard complexity classes can be derandomised. Finally, we note that BPIFP+C, the probabilistic version of fixed-point logic with counting, captures the complexity class BPP, even on unordered structures

    GraphBLAS: Solving Graph Algorithms with Linear Algebra

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    GraphBLAS is a C library written by Dr. Davis that allows users to easily represent graphs as sparse matrices. GraphBLAS also allows linear algebra operations on its graphs, so that users can develop graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra. Concluding that GraphBLAS is a more efficient and concise way of writing graph algorithms is important to academia, as it’d introduce a better approach for researchers and students to learn and write graph algorithms. The ability to write graph algorithms efficiently will allow researchers to test what they’re needing to do at a quicker pace. Instructors will also be able to teach and explain graph algorithms to their students in a way that they can easily grasp the material. In return, the students will get to learn the material in a new way and be able to test their understanding. My outcomes will further the validation and understanding of GraphBLAS as an alternative to regular graph algorithms. Furthermore, such graph algorithms will also allow for software developers in industry to write graph algorithms quickly. Such algorithms are crucial to various situations such as figuring out bots on Facebook and search results on Google. Kepner and Gilbert prefaced that graph algorithms “have become essential in controlling the power grid, telephone systems, and, of course, computer networks (xxv)”, further validating how impactful a new way to compute these algorithms could be. Previous research on this topic conducted by Buluc and Gilbert detail how to approach many different graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra. That research can be referred to gather information on how to better approach graph algorithms in GraphBLAS. We will be able to compare how easy and efficient it is to write such algorithms to the regular method using adjacency matrix or vertexes to test my research statement of GraphBLAS being a powerful and expressive way to develop graph algorithms

    On Spatial Conjunction as Second-Order Logic

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    Spatial conjunction is a powerful construct for reasoning about dynamically allocated data structures, as well as concurrent, distributed and mobile computation. While researchers have identified many uses of spatial conjunction, its precise expressive power compared to traditional logical constructs was not previously known. In this paper we establish the expressive power of spatial conjunction. We construct an embedding from first-order logic with spatial conjunction into second-order logic, and more surprisingly, an embedding from full second order logic into first-order logic with spatial conjunction. These embeddings show that the satisfiability of formulas in first-order logic with spatial conjunction is equivalent to the satisfiability of formulas in second-order logic. These results explain the great expressive power of spatial conjunction and can be used to show that adding unrestricted spatial conjunction to a decidable logic leads to an undecidable logic. As one example, we show that adding unrestricted spatial conjunction to two-variable logic leads to undecidability. On the side of decidability, the embedding into second-order logic immediately implies the decidability of first-order logic with a form of spatial conjunction over trees. The embedding into spatial conjunction also has useful consequences: because a restricted form of spatial conjunction in two-variable logic preserves decidability, we obtain that a correspondingly restricted form of second-order quantification in two-variable logic is decidable. The resulting language generalizes the first-order theory of boolean algebra over sets and is useful in reasoning about the contents of data structures in object-oriented languages.Comment: 16 page

    RadiX-Net: Structured Sparse Matrices for Deep Neural Networks

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    The sizes of deep neural networks (DNNs) are rapidly outgrowing the capacity of hardware to store and train them. Research over the past few decades has explored the prospect of sparsifying DNNs before, during, and after training by pruning edges from the underlying topology. The resulting neural network is known as a sparse neural network. More recent work has demonstrated the remarkable result that certain sparse DNNs can train to the same precision as dense DNNs at lower runtime and storage cost. An intriguing class of these sparse DNNs is the X-Nets, which are initialized and trained upon a sparse topology with neither reference to a parent dense DNN nor subsequent pruning. We present an algorithm that deterministically generates RadiX-Nets: sparse DNN topologies that, as a whole, are much more diverse than X-Net topologies, while preserving X-Nets' desired characteristics. We further present a functional-analytic conjecture based on the longstanding observation that sparse neural network topologies can attain the same expressive power as dense counterpartsComment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted at IEEE IPDPS 2019 GrAPL workshop. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1809.0524
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