15 research outputs found

    Tangles, tree-decompositions, and grids in matroids

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    A tangle in a matroid is an obstruction to small branch-width. In particular, the maximum order of a tangle is equal to the branch-width. We prove that: (i) there is a tree-decomposition of a matroid that “displays” all of the maximal tangles, and (ii) when M is representable over a finite field, each tangle of sufficiently large order “dominates” a large grid-minor. This extends results of Robertson and Seymour concerning Graph Minors

    Branchwidth of graphic matroids.

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    Answering a question of Geelen, Gerards, Robertson and Whittle, we prove that the branchwidth of a bridgeless graph is equal to the branch- width of its cycle matroid. Our proof is based on branch-decompositions of hypergraph

    Branch-decomposition heuristics for linear matroids

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    This thesis present two new heuristics which utilize classification and max-flow algorithm respectively to derive near-optimal branch-decompositions for linear matroids. In the literature, there are already excellent heuristics for graphs, however, no practical branch-decomposition methods for general linear matroids have been addressed yet. Introducing a "measure" which compares the "similarity" of elements of a linear matroid, this work reforms the linear matroid into a similarity graph. Then, two different methods, classification method and max-flow method, both basing on the similarity graph are developed into heuristics. Computational results using the classification method and the max-flow method on linear matroid instances are shown respectively

    Tree automata and pigeonhole classes of matroids -- I

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    Hlineny's Theorem shows that any sentence in the monadic second-order logic of matroids can be tested in polynomial time, when the input is limited to a class of F-representable matroids with bounded branch-width (where F is a finite field). If each matroid in a class can be decomposed by a subcubic tree in such a way that only a bounded amount of information flows across displayed separations, then the class has bounded decomposition-width. We introduce the pigeonhole property for classes of matroids: if every subclass with bounded branch-width also has bounded decomposition-width, then the class is pigeonhole. An efficiently pigeonhole class has a stronger property, involving an efficiently-computable equivalence relation on subsets of the ground set. We show that Hlineny's Theorem extends to any efficiently pigeonhole class. In a sequel paper, we use these ideas to extend Hlineny's Theorem to the classes of fundamental transversal matroids, lattice path matroids, bicircular matroids, and H-gain-graphic matroids, where H is any finite group. We also give a characterisation of the families of hypergraphs that can be described via tree automata: a family is defined by a tree automaton if and only if it has bounded decomposition-width. Furthermore, we show that if a class of matroids has the pigeonhole property, and can be defined in monadic second-order logic, then any subclass with bounded branch-width has a decidable monadic second-order theory.Comment: Slightly extending the main theorem to cover a more expressive logi

    Finding branch-decompositions of matroids, hypergraphs, and more

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    Given nn subspaces of a finite-dimensional vector space over a fixed finite field F\mathcal F, we wish to find a "branch-decomposition" of these subspaces of width at most kk, that is a subcubic tree TT with nn leaves mapped bijectively to the subspaces such that for every edge ee of TT, the sum of subspaces associated with leaves in one component of TeT-e and the sum of subspaces associated with leaves in the other component have the intersection of dimension at most kk. This problem includes the problems of computing branch-width of F\mathcal F-represented matroids, rank-width of graphs, branch-width of hypergraphs, and carving-width of graphs. We present a fixed-parameter algorithm to construct such a branch-decomposition of width at most kk, if it exists, for input subspaces of a finite-dimensional vector space over F\mathcal F. Our algorithm is analogous to the algorithm of Bodlaender and Kloks (1996) on tree-width of graphs. To extend their framework to branch-decompositions of vector spaces, we developed highly generic tools for branch-decompositions on vector spaces. The only known previous fixed-parameter algorithm for branch-width of F\mathcal F-represented matroids was due to Hlin\v{e}n\'y and Oum (2008) that runs in time O(n3)O(n^3) where nn is the number of elements of the input F\mathcal F-represented matroid. But their method is highly indirect. Their algorithm uses the non-trivial fact by Geelen et al. (2003) that the number of forbidden minors is finite and uses the algorithm of Hlin\v{e}n\'y (2005) on checking monadic second-order formulas on F\mathcal F-represented matroids of small branch-width. Our result does not depend on such a fact and is completely self-contained, and yet matches their asymptotic running time for each fixed kk.Comment: 73 pages, 10 figure

    Algorithmic Meta-Theorems

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    Algorithmic meta-theorems are general algorithmic results applying to a whole range of problems, rather than just to a single problem alone. They often have a "logical" and a "structural" component, that is they are results of the form: every computational problem that can be formalised in a given logic L can be solved efficiently on every class C of structures satisfying certain conditions. This paper gives a survey of algorithmic meta-theorems obtained in recent years and the methods used to prove them. As many meta-theorems use results from graph minor theory, we give a brief introduction to the theory developed by Robertson and Seymour for their proof of the graph minor theorem and state the main algorithmic consequences of this theory as far as they are needed in the theory of algorithmic meta-theorems