5,290 research outputs found

    Successor-Invariant First-Order Logic on Graphs with Excluded Topological Subgraphs

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    We show that the model-checking problem for successor-invariant first-order logic is fixed-parameter tractable on graphs with excluded topological subgraphs when parameterised by both the size of the input formula and the size of the exluded topological subgraph. Furthermore, we show that model-checking for order-invariant first-order logic is tractable on coloured posets of bounded width, parameterised by both the size of the input formula and the width of the poset. Our result for successor-invariant FO extends previous results for this logic on planar graphs (Engelmann et al., LICS 2012) and graphs with excluded minors (Eickmeyer et al., LICS 2013), further narrowing the gap between what is known for FO and what is known for successor-invariant FO. The proof uses Grohe and Marx's structure theorem for graphs with excluded topological subgraphs. For order-invariant FO we show that Gajarsk\'y et al.'s recent result for FO carries over to order-invariant FO

    Local tree-width, excluded minors, and approximation algorithms

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    The local tree-width of a graph G=(V,E) is the function ltw^G: N -> N that associates with every natural number r the maximal tree-width of an r-neighborhood in G. Our main graph theoretic result is a decomposition theorem for graphs with excluded minors that essentially says that such graphs can be decomposed into trees of graphs of bounded local tree-width. As an application of this theorem, we show that a number of combinatorial optimization problems, such as Minimum Vertex Cover, Minimum Dominating Set, and Maximum Independent Set have a polynomial time approximation scheme when restricted to a class of graphs with an excluded minor

    Minors and dimension

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    It has been known for 30 years that posets with bounded height and with cover graphs of bounded maximum degree have bounded dimension. Recently, Streib and Trotter proved that dimension is bounded for posets with bounded height and planar cover graphs, and Joret et al. proved that dimension is bounded for posets with bounded height and with cover graphs of bounded tree-width. In this paper, it is proved that posets of bounded height whose cover graphs exclude a fixed topological minor have bounded dimension. This generalizes all the aforementioned results and verifies a conjecture of Joret et al. The proof relies on the Robertson-Seymour and Grohe-Marx graph structure theorems.Comment: Updated reference

    The structure of graphs not admitting a fixed immersion

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    We present an easy structure theorem for graphs which do not admit an immersion of the complete graph. The theorem motivates the definition of a variation of tree decompositions based on edge cuts instead of vertex cuts which we call tree-cut decompositions. We give a definition for the width of tree-cut decompositions, and using this definition along with the structure theorem for excluded clique immersions, we prove that every graph either has bounded tree-cut width or admits an immersion of a large wall

    On the Monadic Second-Order Transduction Hierarchy

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    We compare classes of finite relational structures via monadic second-order transductions. More precisely, we study the preorder where we set C \subseteq K if, and only if, there exists a transduction {\tau} such that C\subseteq{\tau}(K). If we only consider classes of incidence structures we can completely describe the resulting hierarchy. It is linear of order type {\omega}+3. Each level can be characterised in terms of a suitable variant of tree-width. Canonical representatives of the various levels are: the class of all trees of height n, for each n \in N, of all paths, of all trees, and of all grids

    The structure of graphs not admitting a fixed immersion

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    We present an easy structure theorem for graphs which do not admit an immersion of the complete graph. The theorem motivates the definition of a variation of tree decompositions based on edge cuts instead of vertex cuts which we call tree-cut decompositions. We give a definition for the width of tree-cut decompositions, and using this definition along with the structure theorem for excluded clique immersions, we prove that every graph either has bounded tree-cut width or admits an immersion of a large wall

    Approximating acyclicity parameters of sparse hypergraphs

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    The notions of hypertree width and generalized hypertree width were introduced by Gottlob, Leone, and Scarcello in order to extend the concept of hypergraph acyclicity. These notions were further generalized by Grohe and Marx, who introduced the fractional hypertree width of a hypergraph. All these width parameters on hypergraphs are useful for extending tractability of many problems in database theory and artificial intelligence. In this paper, we study the approximability of (generalized, fractional) hyper treewidth of sparse hypergraphs where the criterion of sparsity reflects the sparsity of their incidence graphs. Our first step is to prove that the (generalized, fractional) hypertree width of a hypergraph H is constant-factor sandwiched by the treewidth of its incidence graph, when the incidence graph belongs to some apex-minor-free graph class. This determines the combinatorial borderline above which the notion of (generalized, fractional) hypertree width becomes essentially more general than treewidth, justifying that way its functionality as a hypergraph acyclicity measure. While for more general sparse families of hypergraphs treewidth of incidence graphs and all hypertree width parameters may differ arbitrarily, there are sparse families where a constant factor approximation algorithm is possible. In particular, we give a constant factor approximation polynomial time algorithm for (generalized, fractional) hypertree width on hypergraphs whose incidence graphs belong to some H-minor-free graph class

    On the Parameterized Intractability of Monadic Second-Order Logic

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    One of Courcelle's celebrated results states that if C is a class of graphs of bounded tree-width, then model-checking for monadic second order logic (MSO_2) is fixed-parameter tractable (fpt) on C by linear time parameterized algorithms, where the parameter is the tree-width plus the size of the formula. An immediate question is whether this is best possible or whether the result can be extended to classes of unbounded tree-width. In this paper we show that in terms of tree-width, the theorem cannot be extended much further. More specifically, we show that if C is a class of graphs which is closed under colourings and satisfies certain constructibility conditions and is such that the tree-width of C is not bounded by \log^{84} n then MSO_2-model checking is not fpt unless SAT can be solved in sub-exponential time. If the tree-width of C is not poly-logarithmically bounded, then MSO_2-model checking is not fpt unless all problems in the polynomial-time hierarchy can be solved in sub-exponential time
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