9 research outputs found

    Double Roman domination and domatic numbers of graphs

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    A double Roman dominating function on a graph GG with vertex set V(G)V(G) is defined in \cite{bhh} as a function‎ ‎f:V(G){0,1,2,3}f:V(G)\rightarrow\{0,1,2,3\} having the property that if f(v)=0f(v)=0‎, ‎then the vertex vv must have at least two‎ ‎neighbors assigned 2 under ff or one neighbor ww with f(w)=3f(w)=3‎, ‎and if f(v)=1f(v)=1‎, ‎then the vertex vv must have‎ ‎at least one neighbor uu with f(u)2f(u)\ge 2‎. ‎The weight of a double Roman dominating function ff is the sum‎ ‎vV(G)f(v)\sum_{v\in V(G)}f(v)‎, ‎and the minimum weight of a double Roman dominating function on GG is the double Roman‎ ‎domination number γdR(G)\gamma_{dR}(G) of GG‎. ‎A set {f1,f2,,fd}\{f_1,f_2,\ldots,f_d\} of distinct double Roman dominating functions on GG with the property that‎ ‎i=1dfi(v)3\sum_{i=1}^df_i(v)\le 3 for each vV(G)v\in V(G) is called in \cite{v} a double Roman dominating family (of functions)‎ ‎on GG‎. ‎The maximum number of functions in a double Roman dominating family on GG is the double Roman domatic number‎ ‎of GG‎. ‎In this note we continue the study of the double Roman domination and domatic numbers‎. ‎In particular‎, ‎we present‎ ‎a sharp lower bound on γdR(G)\gamma_{dR}(G)‎, ‎and we determine the double Roman domination and domatic numbers of some‎ ‎classes of graphs

    Upper bounds for covering total double Roman domination

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    Let G = (V, E) be a finite simple graph where V = V (G) and E = E(G). Suppose that G has no isolated vertex. A covering total double Roman dominating function (CT DRD function) f of G is a total double Roman dominating function (T DRD function) of G for which the set {v ∈ V (G)|f(v) ≠ 0} is a covering set. The covering total double Roman domination number γctdR(G) is the minimum weight of a CT DRD function on G. In this work, we present some contributions to the study of γctdR(G)-function of graphs. For the non star trees T, we show that γctdR(T) ≤ 4n(T )+5s(T )−4l(T )/3, where n(T), s(T) and l(T) are the order, the number of support vertices and the number of leaves of T respectively. Moreover, we characterize trees T achieve this bound. Then we study the upper bound of the 2-edge connected graphs and show that, for a 2-edge connected graphs G, γctdR(G) ≤ 4n/3 and finally, we show that, for a simple graph G of order n with δ(G) ≥ 2, γctdR(G) ≤ 4n/3 and this bound is sharp.Publisher's Versio

    A new approach on locally checkable problems

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    By providing a new framework, we extend previous results on locally checkable problems in bounded treewidth graphs. As a consequence, we show how to solve, in polynomial time for bounded treewidth graphs, double Roman domination and Grundy domination, among other problems for which no such algorithm was previously known. Moreover, by proving that fixed powers of bounded degree and bounded treewidth graphs are also bounded degree and bounded treewidth graphs, we can enlarge the family of problems that can be solved in polynomial time for these graph classes, including distance coloring problems and distance domination problems (for bounded distances)

    Advances in Discrete Applied Mathematics and Graph Theory

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    The present reprint contains twelve papers published in the Special Issue “Advances in Discrete Applied Mathematics and Graph Theory, 2021” of the MDPI Mathematics journal, which cover a wide range of topics connected to the theory and applications of Graph Theory and Discrete Applied Mathematics. The focus of the majority of papers is on recent advances in graph theory and applications in chemical graph theory. In particular, the topics studied include bipartite and multipartite Ramsey numbers, graph coloring and chromatic numbers, several varieties of domination (Double Roman, Quasi-Total Roman, Total 3-Roman) and two graph indices of interest in chemical graph theory (Sombor index, generalized ABC index), as well as hyperspaces of graphs and local inclusive distance vertex irregular graphs

    Some Progress on the Double Roman Domination in Graphs

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    For a graph G = (V,E), a double Roman dominating function (or just DRDF) is a function f : V → {0, 1, 2, 3} having the property that if f(v) = 0 for a vertex v, then v has at least two neighbors assigned 2 under f or one neighbor assigned 3 under f, and if f(v) = 1, then vertex v must have at least one neighbor ω with f(ω) ≥ 2. The weight of a DRDF f is the sum f(V ) = Σv∈Vf(v), and the minimum weight of a DRDF on G is the double Roman domination number of G, denoted by γdR(G). In this paper, we derive sharp upper and lower bounds on γdR(G) + γdR(Ḡ) and also γdR(G)γdR(Ḡ) ,where Ḡ is the complement of graph G. We also show that the decision problem for the double Roman domination number is NP- complete even when restricted to bipartite graphs and chordal graphs

    Some progress on the double Roman domination in graphs

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