33 research outputs found

    H-matrix accelerated second moment analysis for potentials with rough correlation

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    We consider the efficient solution of partial differential equationsfor strongly elliptic operators with constant coefficients and stochastic Dirichlet data by the boundary integral equation method. The computation of the solution's two-point correlation is well understood if the two-point correlation of the Dirichlet data is known and sufficiently smooth.Unfortunately, the problem becomes much more involved in case of rough data. We will show that the concept of the H-matrix arithmetic provides a powerful tool to cope with this problem. By employing a parametric surface representation, we end up with an H-matrix arithmetic based on balanced cluster trees. This considerably simplifies the implementation and improves the performance of the H-matrix arithmetic. Numerical experiments are provided to validate and quantify the presented methods and algorithms

    Matrix Oriented Reduction of Space-Time Petrov-Galerkin Variational Problems

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    A sparse-grid isogeometric solver

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    Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) typically adopts tensor-product splines and NURBS as a basis for the approximation of the solution of PDEs. In this work, we investigate to which extent IGA solvers can benefit from the so-called sparse-grids construction in its combination technique form, which was first introduced in the early 90s in the context of the approximation of high-dimensional PDEs. The tests that we report show that, in accordance to the literature, a sparse-grid construction can indeed be useful if the solution of the PDE at hand is sufficiently smooth. Sparse grids can also be useful in the case of non-smooth solutions when some a-priori knowledge on the location of the singularities of the solution can be exploited to devise suitable non-equispaced meshes. Finally, we remark that sparse grids can be seen as a simple way to parallelize pre-existing serial IGA solvers in a straightforward fashion, which can be beneficial in many practical situations.Comment: updated version after revie

    Sparse approximation of multilinear problems with applications to kernel-based methods in UQ

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    We provide a framework for the sparse approximation of multilinear problems and show that several problems in uncertainty quantification fit within this framework. In these problems, the value of a multilinear map has to be approximated using approximations of different accuracy and computational work of the arguments of this map. We propose and analyze a generalized version of Smolyak's algorithm, which provides sparse approximation formulas with convergence rates that mitigate the curse of dimension that appears in multilinear approximation problems with a large number of arguments. We apply the general framework to response surface approximation and optimization under uncertainty for parametric partial differential equations using kernel-based approximation. The theoretical results are supplemented by numerical experiments

    Low-rank approximation of continuous functions in Sobolev spaces with dominating mixed smoothness

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    Let Ωi⊂Rni\Omega_i\subset\mathbb{R}^{n_i}, i=1,…,mi=1,\ldots,m, be given domains. In this article, we study the low-rank approximation with respect to L2(Ω1×⋯×Ωm)L^2(\Omega_1\times\dots\times\Omega_m) of functions from Sobolev spaces with dominating mixed smoothness. To this end, we first estimate the rank of a bivariate approximation, i.e., the rank of the continuous singular value decomposition. In comparison to the case of functions from Sobolev spaces with isotropic smoothness, compare \cite{GH14,GH19}, we obtain improved results due to the additional mixed smoothness. This convergence result is then used to study the tensor train decomposition as a method to construct multivariate low-rank approximations of functions from Sobolev spaces with dominating mixed smoothness. We show that this approach is able to beat the curse of dimension

    On the algebraic construction of sparse multilevel approximations of elliptic tensor product problems

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    We consider the solution of elliptic problems on the tensor product of two physical domains as for example present in the approximation of the solution covariance of elliptic partial differential equations with random input. Previous sparse approximation approaches used a geometrically constructed multilevel hierarchy. Instead, we construct this hierarchy for a given discretized problem by means of the algebraic multigrid method. Thereby, we are able to apply the sparse grid combination technique to problems given on complex geometries and for discretizations arising from unstructured grids, which was not feasible before. Numerical results show that our algebraic construction exhibits the same convergence behaviour as the geometric construction, while being applicable even in black-box type PDE solvers