17 research outputs found

    On the computational power of probabilistic and quantum branching program

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    In this paper, we show that one-qubit polynomial time computations are as powerful as NC1 circuits. More generally, we define syntactic models for quantum and stochastic branching programs of bounded width and prove upper and lower bounds on their power. We show that any NC1 language can be accepted exactly by a width-2 quantum branching program of polynomial length, in contrast to the classical case where width 5 is necessary unless NC 1 = ACC. This separates width-2 quantum programs from width-2 doubly stochastic programs as we show the latter cannot compute the middle bit of multiplication. Finally, we show that bounded-width quantum and stochastic programs can be simulated by classical programs of larger but bounded width, and thus are in NC1. For read-once quantum branching programs (QBPs), we give a symmetric Boolean function which is computable by a read-once QBP with O (log n) width, but not by a deterministic read-once BP with o (n) width, or by a classical randomized read-once BP with o (n) width which is "stable" in the sense that its transitions depend on the value of the queried variable but do not vary from step to step. Finally, we present a general lower bound on the width of read-once QBPs, showing that our O (log n) upper bound for this symmetric function is almost tight. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Unary probabilistic and quantum automata on promise problems

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    We continue the systematic investigation of probabilistic and quantum finite automata (PFAs and QFAs) on promise problems by focusing on unary languages. We show that bounded-error QFAs are more powerful than PFAs. But, in contrary to the binary problems, the computational powers of Las-Vegas QFAs and bounded-error PFAs are equivalent to deterministic finite automata (DFAs). Lastly, we present a new family of unary promise problems with two parameters such that when fixing one parameter QFAs can be exponentially more succinct than PFAs and when fixing the other parameter PFAs can be exponentially more succinct than DFAs.Comment: Minor correction

    Dequantizing read-once quantum formulas

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    Quantum formulas, defined by Yao [FOCS '93], are the quantum analogs of classical formulas, i.e., classical circuits in which all gates have fanout one. We show that any read-once quantum formula over a gate set that contains all single-qubit gates is equivalent to a read-once classical formula of the same size and depth over an analogous classical gate set. For example, any read-once quantum formula over Toffoli and single-qubit gates is equivalent to a read-once classical formula over Toffoli and NOT gates. We then show that the equivalence does not hold if the read-once restriction is removed. To show the power of quantum formulas without the read-once restriction, we define a new model of computation called the one-qubit model and show that it can compute all boolean functions. This model may also be of independent interest.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, to appear in proceedings of TQC 201

    Nondeterministic unitary OBDDs

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2017.We investigate the width complexity of nondeterministic uni-tary OBDDs (NUOBDDs). Firstly, we present a generic lower bound on their widths based on the size of strong 1-fooling sets. Then, we present classically "cheap" functions that are "expensive" for NUOBDDs and vice versa by improving the previous gap. We also present a function for which neither classical nor unitary nondeterminism does help. More-over, based on our results, we present a width hierarchy for NUOBDDs. Lastly, we provide the bounds on the widths of NUOBDDs for the basic Boolean operations negation, union, and intersection

    Reordering method and hierarchies for quantum and classical ordered binary decision diagrams

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2017.We consider Quantum OBDD model. It is restricted version of read-once Quantum Branching Programs, with respect to “width” complexity. It is known that maximal complexity gap between determin-istic and quantum model is exponential. But there are few examples of such functions. We present method (called “reordering”), which allows to build Boolean function g from Boolean Function f, such that if for f we have gap between quantum and deterministic OBDD complexity for natural order of variables, then we have almost the same gap for function g, but for any order. Using it we construct the total function REQ which deterministic OBDD complexity is 2Ω(n/logn) and present quantum OBDD of width O(n2). It is bigger gap for explicit function that was known before for OBDD of width more than linear. Using this result we prove the width hierarchy for complexity classes of Boolean functions for quantum OBDDs. Additionally, we prove the width hierarchy for complexity classes of Boolean functions for bounded error probabilistic OBDDs. And using “reordering” method we extend a hierarchy for k-OBDD of polynomial size, for k = o(n/log3n). Moreover, we proved a similar hierarchy for bounded error probabilistic k-OBDD. And for deterministic and proba-bilistic k-OBDDs of superpolynomial and subexponential size

    Error-free affine, unitary, and probabilistic OBDDS

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    © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2018. We introduce the affine OBDD model and show that zero-error affine OBDDs can be exponentially narrower than bounded-error unitary and probabilistic OBDDs on certain problems. Moreover, we show that Las Vegas unitary and probabilistic OBDDs can be quadratically narrower than deterministic OBDDs. We also obtain the same results for the automata versions of these models