2,649 research outputs found

    Complexity Analysis of Optimal Recharge Scheduling for Electric Vehicles

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    IEEE early access articleInternational audienceThe massive introduction of Electric Vehicles (EVs) will make fleet managers spend a significant amount of money to buy electric energy. If energy price changes over time, accurate scheduling of recharging times may result in significant savings. In this paper we evaluate the complexity of the optimal scheduling problem considering a scenario with a fleet manager having full knowledge of the customers’ traveling needs at the beginning of the scheduling horizon. We prove that the problem has polynomial complexity and provide complexity lower and upperbounds. Moreover, we propose an online sub-optimal scheduling heuristic that schedules the EVs’ recharge based on historical travelling data. We compare the performance of the optimal and sub-optimal methods to a benchmark online approach that does not rely on any prior knowledge of the customers’ requests, in order to evaluate whether the additional complexity required by the proposed strategies is worth the achieved economicadvantages. Numerical results show up to of 35% cost savings with respect to the benchmark approach

    Efficient heuristic algorithms for location of charging stations in electric vehicle routing problems

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    IndexaciĂłn: Scopus.This work has been partially supported by CONICYT FONDECYT by grant 11150370, FONDEF IT17M10012 and the “Grupo de LogĂ­stica y Transporte” at the Universidad del BĂ­o-BĂ­o.. This support is gratefully acknowledged.Eco-responsible transportation contributes at making a difference for companies devoted to product delivery operations. Two specific problems related to operations are the location of charging stations and the routing of electric vehicles. The first one involves locating new facilities on potential sites to minimise an objective function related to fixed and operational opening costs. The other one, electric vehicle routing problem, involves the consolidation of an electric-type fleet in order to meet a particular demand and some guidelines to optimise costs. It is determined by the distance travelled, considering the limited autonomy of the fleet, and can be restored by recharging its battery. The literature provides several solutions for locating and routing problems and contemplates restrictions that are closer to reality. However, there is an evident lack of techniques that addresses both issues simultaneously. The present article offers four solution strategies for the location of charging stations and a heuristic solution for fleet routing. The best results were obtained by applying the location strategy at the site of the client (relaxation of the VRP) to address the routing problem, but it must be considered that there are no displacements towards the recharges. Of all the other three proposals, K-means showed the best performance when locating the charging stations at the centroid of the cluster. © 2012-2018. National Institute for R and D in Informatics.https://sic.ici.ro/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Art.-8-Issue-1-2018-SIC.pd

    Planning UAV Activities for Efficient User Coverage in Disaster Areas

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    Climate changes brought about by global warming as well as man-made environmental changes are often the cause of sever natural disasters. ICT, which is itself responsible for global warming due to its high carbon footprint, can play a role in alleviating the consequences of such hazards by providing reliable, resilient means of communication during a disaster crisis. In this paper, we explore the provision of wireless coverage through UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) to complement, or replace, the traditional communication infrastructure. The use of UAVs is indeed crucial in emergency scenarios, as they allow for the quick and easy deployment of micro and pico cellular base stations where needed. We characterize the movements of UAVs and define an optimization problem to determine the best UAV coverage that maximizes the user throughput, while maintaining fairness across the different parts of the geographical area that has been affected by the disaster. To evaluate our strategy, we simulate a flooding in San Francisco and the car traffic resulting from people seeking safety on higher ground


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    The rapid development of increasingly complex in-vehicle electronics now offers an unprecedented level of convenience and versatility as well as accelerates the demand for connected driving experience, which can only be achieved in a comprehensive Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technology based architecture. While a number of charging and range related issues continue to impede the Electric Vehicle (EV) market growth, integrating ITS technologies with EVs has the potential to address the problems and facilitate EV operations. This dissertation presents an ITS based vehicle infrastructure communication architecture in which abundant information can be exchanged in real time through vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to- infrastructure communication, so that a variety of in-vehicle applications can be built to enhance the performance of EVs. This dissertation emphasizes on developing two applications that are specifically designed for EVs. First, an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based routing and recharging strategy dedicated to accommodate EV trips was devised. The algorithm developed in this study seeks, in real time, the lowest cost route possible without violating the energy constraint and can quickly provide an alternate suboptimal route in the event of unexpected situations (such as traffic congestion, traffic incident and road closure). If the EV battery requires a recharge, the algorithm can be utilized to develop a charging schedule based on recharging locations, recharging cost and wait time, and to simultaneously maintain the minimum total travel time and energy consumption objectives. The author also elucidates a charge scheduling model that maximizes the net profit for each vehicle-to-grid (V2G) enabled EV owner who participates in the grid ancillary services while the energy demands for their trips can be guaranteed as well. By applying ITS technologies, the charge scheduling model can rapidly adapt to changes of variables or coefficients within the model for the purpose of developing the latest optimal charge/discharge schedule. The performance of EVs involved in the architecture was validated by a series of simulations. A roadway network in Charleston, SC was created in the simulator and a comparison between ordinary EVs and connected EVs was performed with a series of simulation experiments. Analysis revealed that the vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to- infrastructure communication technology resulted in not only a reduction of the total travel time and energy consumption, but also in the reduction of the amount of the recharged electricity and corresponding cost, thus significantly relieving the concerns of range anxiety. The routing and recharging strategy also potentially allows for a reduction in the EV battery capacity, in turn reducing the cost of the energy storage system to a reasonable level. The efficiency of the charge scheduling model was validated by estimating optimal annual financial benefits and leveling the additional load from EV charging to maintain a reliable and robust power grid system. The analysis showed that the scheduling model can indeed optimize the profit which substantially offsets the annual energy cost for EV owners and that EV participants can even make a positive net profit with a higher power of the electrical circuit. In addition, the extra load distribution from the optimized EV charging operations was more balanced than that from the unmanaged EV operations. Grid operators can monitor and ease the load in real time by adjusting the prices should the load exceed the capacity. The ITS supported architecture presented in this dissertation can be used in the evolution of a new generation of EVs with new features and benefits for prospective owners. This study suggests a great promise for the integration of EVs with ITS technologies for purpose of promoting sustainable transportation system development

    New logistical issues in using electric vehicle fleets with battery exchange infrastructure

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    AbstractThere is much reason to believe that fleets of service vehicles of many organizations will transform their vehicles that utilize alternative fuels that are more sustainable. The electric vehicle (EV) is a good candidate for this transformation, especially which “refuels” by exchanging its spent batteries with charged ones. This paper discusses some new logistical issues that must be addressed by such EV fleets, principally the issues related to the limited driving range of each EV's set of charged batteries and the possible detouring for battery exchanges. In particular, the paper addresses (1) the routing and scheduling of the fleet, (2) the locations of battery-exchange stations, and (3) the sizing of each facility. An overview of the literature on the topic is provided and some initial results are presented

    Minimizing residential distribution system operating costs through intelligently scheduled plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging

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    Rising fuel prices and environmental concerns are threatening the stability of current electrical grid systems. These factors are pushing the automobile industry towards more effcient, hybrid vehicles. Current trends show petroleum is being edged out in favor of electricity as the main vehicular motive force. The proposed methods create an optimized charging control schedule for all participating Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles in a distribution grid. The optimization will minimize daily operating costs, reduce system losses, and improve power quality. This requires participation from Vehicle-to-Grid capable vehicles, load forecasting, and Locational Marginal Pricing market predictions. Vehicles equipped with bidirectional chargers further improve the optimization results by lowering peak demand and improving power quality
