67 research outputs found

    Chromaticity of Certain Bipartite Graphs

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    Since the introduction of the concepts of chromatically unique graphs and chromatically equivalent graphs, numerous families of such graphs have been obtained. The purpose of this thesis is to continue with the search of families of chromatically unique bipartite graphs. In Chapters 1 and 2, we define the concept of graph colouring, the associated chromatic polynomial and some properties of a chromatic polynomial. We also give some necessary conditions for graphs that are chromatically unique or chromatically equivalent. We end this chapter by stating some known results on the chromaticity of bipartite graphs, denoted as K(p,q)

    Chromaticity of Certain 2-Connected Graphs

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    Since the introduction of the concepts of chromatically unique graphs and chromatically equivalent graphs, many families of such graphs have been obtained. In this thesis, we continue with the search of families of chromatically unique graphs and chromatically equivalent graphs. In Chapter 1, we define the concept of graph colouring, the associated chromatic polynomial and some properties of a chromatic polynomial. We also give some necessary conditions for graphs that are chromatically unique or chromatically equivalent. Chapter 2 deals with the chromatic classes of certain existing 2-connected (n, n + 1,)-graphs for z = 0, 1, 2 and 3. Many families of chromatically unique graphs and chromatically equivalent graphs of these classes have been obtained. At the end of the chapter, we re-determine the chromaticity of two families of 2-connected (n, n + 3)-graphs with at least two triangles. Our main results in this thesis are presented in Chapters 3, 4 and 5. In Chapter 3, we classify all the 2-connected (n, n + 4)-graphs wit h at least four triangles . In Chapter 4 , we classify all the 2-connected (n, n + 4)-graphs wit h t hree triangles and one induced 4-cycle. In Chapter 5, we classify all the 2-connected (n, n + 4)graphs with three triangles and at least two induced 4-cycles . In each chapter, we obtain new families of chromatically unique graphs and chromatically equivalent graphs. We end the thesis by classifying all the 2-connected (n, n + 4)-graphs with exactly three triangles. We also determine the chromatic polynomial of all these graphs. The determination of the chromaticity of most classes of these graphs is left as an open problem for future research

    Chromatic Equivalence Classes and Chromatic Defining Numbers of Certain Graphs

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    There are two parts in this dissertation: the chromatic equivalence classes and the chromatic defining numbers of graphs. In the first part the chromaticity of the family of generalized polygon trees with intercourse number two, denoted by Cr (a, b; c, d), is studied. It is known that Cr( a, b; c, d) is a chromatic equivalence class if min {a, b, c, d} ≥ r+3. We consider Cr( a, b; c, d) when min{ a, b, c, d} ≤ r + 2. The necessary and sufficient conditions for Cr(a, b; c, d) with min {a, b, c, d} ≤ r + 2 to be a chromatic equivalence class are given. Thus, the chromaticity of Cr (a, b; c, d) is completely characterized. In the second part the defining numbers of regular graphs are studied. Let d(n, r, X = k) be the smallest value of defining numbers of all r-regular graphs of order n and the chromatic number equals to k. It is proved that for a given integer k and each r ≥ 2(k - 1) and n ≥ 2k, d(n, r, X = k) = k - 1. Next, a new lower bound for the defining numbers of r-regular k-chromatic graphs with k < r < 2( k - 1) is found. Finally, the value of d( n , r, X = k) when k < r < 2(k - 1) for certain values of n and r is determined

    The chromaticity of wheels with a missing spoke II

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    AbstractIn the previous paper, it was shown that the graph Un + 1 obtained from the wheel Wn + 1 by deleting a spoke is uniquely determined by its chromatic polynomial if n ⩾ 3 is odd. In this paper, we show that the result is also true for even n ⩾ 4 except when n = 6 in which case, the graph W given in the paper is the only graph having the same chromatic polynomial as that of U7. The relevant tool is the notion of nearly uniquely colorable graph

    Exact Results on Potts Model Partition Functions in a Generalized External Field and Weighted-Set Graph Colorings

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    We present exact results on the partition function of the qq-state Potts model on various families of graphs GG in a generalized external magnetic field that favors or disfavors spin values in a subset Is={1,...,s}I_s = \{1,...,s\} of the total set of possible spin values, Z(G,q,s,v,w)Z(G,q,s,v,w), where vv and ww are temperature- and field-dependent Boltzmann variables. We remark on differences in thermodynamic behavior between our model with a generalized external magnetic field and the Potts model with a conventional magnetic field that favors or disfavors a single spin value. Exact results are also given for the interesting special case of the zero-temperature Potts antiferromagnet, corresponding to a set-weighted chromatic polynomial Ph(G,q,s,w)Ph(G,q,s,w) that counts the number of colorings of the vertices of GG subject to the condition that colors of adjacent vertices are different, with a weighting ww that favors or disfavors colors in the interval IsI_s. We derive powerful new upper and lower bounds on Z(G,q,s,v,w)Z(G,q,s,v,w) for the ferromagnetic case in terms of zero-field Potts partition functions with certain transformed arguments. We also prove general inequalities for Z(G,q,s,v,w)Z(G,q,s,v,w) on different families of tree graphs. As part of our analysis, we elucidate how the field-dependent Potts partition function and weighted-set chromatic polynomial distinguish, respectively, between Tutte-equivalent and chromatically equivalent pairs of graphs.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figur

    Chromaticity Of Certain K4-Homeomorphs

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    The chromaticity of graphs is the term used referring to the question of chromatic equivalence and chromatic uniqueness of graphs. Since the arousal of the interest on the chromatically equivalent and chromatically unique graphs, various concepts and results under the said areas of research have been discovered and many families of such graphs have been obtained. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute new results on the chromatic equivalence and chromatic uniqueness of graphs, specifically, K4-homeomorphs

    Master index to volumes 251-260

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