380 research outputs found

    On the calculation of the minimax-converse of the channel coding problem

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    A minimax-converse has been suggested for the general channel coding problem by Polyanskiy etal. This converse comes in two flavors. The first flavor is generally used for the analysis of the coding problem with non-vanishing error probability and provides an upper bound on the rate given the error probability. The second flavor fixes the rate and provides a lower bound on the error probability. Both converses are given as a min-max optimization problem of an appropriate binary hypothesis testing problem. The properties of the first converse were studies by Polyanskiy and a saddle point was proved. In this paper we study the properties of the second form and prove that it also admits a saddle point. Moreover, an algorithm for the computation of the saddle point, and hence the bound, is developed. In the DMC case, the algorithm runs in a polynomial time.Comment: Extended version of a submission to ISIT 201

    A Minimax Converse for Quantum Channel Coding

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    We prove a one-shot "minimax" converse bound for quantum channel coding assisted by positive partial transpose channels between sender and receiver. The bound is similar in spirit to the converse by Polyanskiy, Poor, and Verdu [IEEE Trans. Info. Theory 56, 2307-2359 (2010)] for classical channel coding, and also enjoys the saddle point property enabling the order of optimizations to be interchanged. Equivalently, the bound can be formulated as a semidefinite program satisfying strong duality. The convex nature of the bound implies channel symmetries can substantially simplify the optimization, enabling us to explicitly compute the finite blocklength behavior for several simple qubit channels. In particular, we find that finite blocklength converse statements for the classical erasure channel apply to the assisted quantum erasure channel, while bounds for the classical binary symmetric channel apply to both the assisted dephasing and depolarizing channels. This implies that these qubit channels inherit statements regarding the asymptotic limit of large blocklength, such as the strong converse or second-order converse rates, from their classical counterparts. Moreover, for the dephasing channel, the finite blocklength bounds are as tight as those for the classical binary symmetric channel, since coding for classical phase errors yields equivalently-performing unassisted quantum codes.Comment: merged with arXiv:1504.04617 version 1 ; see version

    The third-order term in the normal approximation for singular channels

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    For a singular and symmetric discrete memoryless channel with positive dispersion, the third-order term in the normal approximation is shown to be upper bounded by a constant. This finding completes the characterization of the third-order term for symmetric discrete memoryless channels. The proof method is extended to asymmetric and singular channels with constant composition codes, and its connection to existing results, as well as its limitation in the error exponents regime, are discussed.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor

    Multiplicativity of completely bounded pp-norms implies a strong converse for entanglement-assisted capacity

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    The fully quantum reverse Shannon theorem establishes the optimal rate of noiseless classical communication required for simulating the action of many instances of a noisy quantum channel on an arbitrary input state, while also allowing for an arbitrary amount of shared entanglement of an arbitrary form. Turning this theorem around establishes a strong converse for the entanglement-assisted classical capacity of any quantum channel. This paper proves the strong converse for entanglement-assisted capacity by a completely different approach and identifies a bound on the strong converse exponent for this task. Namely, we exploit the recent entanglement-assisted "meta-converse" theorem of Matthews and Wehner, several properties of the recently established sandwiched Renyi relative entropy (also referred to as the quantum Renyi divergence), and the multiplicativity of completely bounded pp-norms due to Devetak et al. The proof here demonstrates the extent to which the Arimoto approach can be helpful in proving strong converse theorems, it provides an operational relevance for the multiplicativity result of Devetak et al., and it adds to the growing body of evidence that the sandwiched Renyi relative entropy is the correct quantum generalization of the classical concept for all α>1\alpha>1.Comment: 21 pages, final version accepted for publication in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Random Access Channel Coding in the Finite Blocklength Regime

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    Consider a random access communication scenario over a channel whose operation is defined for any number of possible transmitters. Inspired by the model recently introduced by Polyanskiy for the Multiple Access Channel (MAC) with a fixed, known number of transmitters, we assume that the channel is invariant to permutations on its inputs, and that all active transmitters employ identical encoders. Unlike Polyanskiy, we consider a scenario where neither the transmitters nor the receiver know which transmitters are active. We refer to this agnostic communication setup as the Random Access Channel, or RAC. Scheduled feedback of a finite number of bits is used to synchronize the transmitters. The decoder is tasked with determining from the channel output the number of active transmitters (kk) and their messages but not which transmitter sent which message. The decoding procedure occurs at a time ntn_t depending on the decoder's estimate tt of the number of active transmitters, kk, thereby achieving a rate that varies with the number of active transmitters. Single-bit feedback at each time ni,itn_i, i \leq t, enables all transmitters to determine the end of one coding epoch and the start of the next. The central result of this work demonstrates the achievability on a RAC of performance that is first-order optimal for the MAC in operation during each coding epoch. While prior multiple access schemes for a fixed number of transmitters require 2k12^k - 1 simultaneous threshold rules, the proposed scheme uses a single threshold rule and achieves the same dispersion.Comment: Presented at ISIT18', submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Strong converse exponents for the feedback-assisted classical capacity of entanglement-breaking channels

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    Quantum entanglement can be used in a communication scheme to establish a correlation between successive channel inputs that is impossible by classical means. It is known that the classical capacity of quantum channels can be enhanced by such entangled encoding schemes, but this is not always the case. In this paper, we prove that a strong converse theorem holds for the classical capacity of an entanglement-breaking channel even when it is assisted by a classical feedback link from the receiver to the transmitter. In doing so, we identify a bound on the strong converse exponent, which determines the exponentially decaying rate at which the success probability tends to zero, for a sequence of codes with communication rate exceeding capacity. Proving a strong converse, along with an achievability theorem, shows that the classical capacity is a sharp boundary between reliable and unreliable communication regimes. One of the main tools in our proof is the sandwiched Renyi relative entropy. The same method of proof is used to derive an exponential bound on the success probability when communicating over an arbitrary quantum channel assisted by classical feedback, provided that the transmitter does not use entangled encoding schemes.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, v4: final version accepted for publication in Problems of Information Transmissio

    Saddle Point in the Minimax Converse for Channel Coding

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    A minimax metaconverse has recently been proposed as a simultaneous generalization of a number of classical results and a tool for the nonasymptotic analysis. In this paper, it is shown that the order of optimizing the input and output distributions can be interchanged without affecting the bound. In the course of the proof, a number of auxiliary results of separate interest are obtained. In particular, it is shown that the optimization problem is convex and can be solved in many cases by the symmetry considerations. As a consequence, it is demonstrated that in the latter cases, the (multiletter) input distribution in information-spectrum (Verdú-Han) converse bound can be taken to be a (memoryless) product of single-letter ones. A tight converse for the binary erasure channel is rederived by computing the optimal (nonproduct) output distribution. For discrete memoryless channels, a conjecture of Poor and Verdú regarding the tightness of the information spectrum bound on the error exponents is resolved in the negative. Concept of the channel symmetry group is established and relations with the definitions of symmetry by Gallager and Dobrushin are investigated.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Center for Science of Information, under Grant CCF-0939370

    On converse bounds for classical communication over quantum channels

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    We explore several new converse bounds for classical communication over quantum channels in both the one-shot and asymptotic regimes. First, we show that the Matthews-Wehner meta-converse bound for entanglement-assisted classical communication can be achieved by activated, no-signalling assisted codes, suitably generalizing a result for classical channels. Second, we derive a new efficiently computable meta-converse on the amount of classical information unassisted codes can transmit over a single use of a quantum channel. As applications, we provide a finite resource analysis of classical communication over quantum erasure channels, including the second-order and moderate deviation asymptotics. Third, we explore the asymptotic analogue of our new meta-converse, the Υ\Upsilon-information of the channel. We show that its regularization is an upper bound on the classical capacity, which is generally tighter than the entanglement-assisted capacity and other known efficiently computable strong converse bounds. For covariant channels we show that the Υ\Upsilon-information is a strong converse bound.Comment: v3: published version; v2: 18 pages, presentation and results improve

    Properties of Noncommutative Renyi and Augustin Information

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    The scaled R\'enyi information plays a significant role in evaluating the performance of information processing tasks by virtue of its connection to the error exponent analysis. In quantum information theory, there are three generalizations of the classical R\'enyi divergence---the Petz's, sandwiched, and log-Euclidean versions, that possess meaningful operational interpretation. However, these scaled noncommutative R\'enyi informations are much less explored compared with their classical counterpart, and lacking crucial properties hinders applications of these quantities to refined performance analysis. The goal of this paper is thus to analyze fundamental properties of scaled R\'enyi information from a noncommutative measure-theoretic perspective. Firstly, we prove the uniform equicontinuity for all three quantum versions of R\'enyi information, hence it yields the joint continuity of these quantities in the orders and priors. Secondly, we establish the concavity in the region of s(1,0)s\in(-1,0) for both Petz's and the sandwiched versions. This completes the open questions raised by Holevo [\href{https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/868501/}{\textit{IEEE Trans.~Inf.~Theory}, \textbf{46}(6):2256--2261, 2000}], Mosonyi and Ogawa [\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s00220-017-2928-4/}{\textit{Commun.~Math.~Phys}, \textbf{355}(1):373--426, 2017}]. For the applications, we show that the strong converse exponent in classical-quantum channel coding satisfies a minimax identity. The established concavity is further employed to prove an entropic duality between classical data compression with quantum side information and classical-quantum channel coding, and a Fenchel duality in joint source-channel coding with quantum side information in the forthcoming papers

    Finite Blocklength Analysis of Gaussian Random Coding in AWGN Channels under Covert Constraint

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    This paper considers the achievability and converse bounds on the maximal channel coding rate at a given blocklength and error probability over AWGN channels. The problem stems from covert communication with Gaussian codewords. By re-visiting [18], we first present new and more general achievability bounds for random coding schemes under maximal or average probability of error requirements. Such general bounds are then applied to covert communication in AWGN channels where codewords are generated from Gaussian distribution while meeting the maximal power constraint. Further comparison is made between the new achievability bounds and existing one with deterministic codebooks.Comment: 18 page