9 research outputs found

    Who shot optical packet switching?

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    Looking at the volume of publications dealing with Optical Packet (OPS) and those dealing with Elastic Optical Networking (EON) in the period from 2000 to 2016, one clearly can observe that between 2004 and 2009 there is a boom of the OPS publications and then they start to diminish. At the same time, EON publications start to take-off (around 2011) and is steadily growing. EON is an emerging technology that may be considered as a killer technology in the sense that its performance, flexibility, associated cost, ease of deployment and marketing seem to be displacing OPS from the optical networking arena. The purpose of this paper is discuss if, effectively, EON is the killer technology of OPS. So then, besides review the EON technology, the paper analyzes its actual deployment possibilities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Greenfield gradual migration planning toward spectrally-spatially flexible optical networks

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThis article identifies the unavoidably required upgrade of short-term realizable elastic optical networks (EONs) operating over single-mode fibers toward spectrally-spatially flexible optical networks (SS-FONs), exploiting spatial division multiplexing (SDM) technology in order to cope with the expected mid- and long-term future traffic forecasts. Since a complete EON to SS-FON network migration overnight is unrealistic, this article proposes a gradual greenfield migration strategy employing novel heuristic planning solutions. These solutions allow identifying which network components should be SDM-capable so as to support the forecasted traffic increase at a given time. To allow transmission in an SS-FON, links should be extended with SDM-capable fibers and nodes should be equipped with SDM-capable reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers. Using the proposed solutions, a migration case study in a national reference core network is provided and analyzed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The Strict-Sense Nonblocking Multirate l

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    This paper considers the nonblocking conditions for a multirate logd(N,0,p) switching network at the connection level. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the discrete bandwidth model, as well as sufficient and, in particular cases, also necessary conditions for the continuous bandwidth model, were given. The results given for dn-1/2f0≥f1+1 in the discrete bandwidth model are the same as those proposed by Hwang et al. (2005); however, in this paper, these results were extended to other values of f0, f1, and d. In the continuous bandwidth model for B+b>1, the results given in this paper are also the same as those by Hwang et al. (2005); however, for B+b≤1, it was proved that a smaller number of vertically stacked logdN switching networks are needed

    Evaluation of cloud based approaches to data quality management

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    Quality of data is critical for making data driven business decisions. Enhancing the quality of data enables companies to make better decisions and prevent business losses. Systems similar to Extract Transform and Load (ETL) are often used to clean and improve the quality of data. Currently, businesses tend to collect a massive amount of customer data, store it in the cloud, and analyze the data to gain statistical inferences about their products, services, and customers. Cheaper storage, constantly improving approaches to data privacy and security provided by cloud vendors, such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Service, seem to be the key driving forces behind this process. This thesis implements Azure Data Factory based ETL system that serves the purpose of data quality management in the Microsoft Azure Cloud platform. In addition to Azure Data Factory, there are four other key components in the system: (1) Azure Storage for storing raw, and semi cleaned data; (2) HDInsight for processing raw and semi cleaned data using Hadoop clusters and Hive queries; (3) Azure ML Studio for processing raw and semi cleaned data using R scripts and other machine learning algorithms; (4) Azure SQL database for storing the cleaned data. This thesis shows that using Azure Data factory as the core component offers many benefits because it helps in scheduling jobs, and monitoring the whole data transformation processes. Thus, it makes data intake process more timely, guarantees data reliability, simplifies data auditing. The developed system was tested and validated using sample raw data

    Fairness versus efficiency in spectrum allocation on elastic optical networks

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    Orientador: Helio WaldmanDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: O crescimento do tráfego na rede mundial de computadores tem impulsionado a pesquisa em tecnologias que consigam usar a infraestrutura já instalada da forma mais eficiente possível. Essa infraestrutura é, em maior parte, composta de fibra óptica. Para aumentar sua eficiência, foi proposto que a próxima geração de redes ópticas se utilize do paradigma flexível, que aumenta o aproveitamento do espectro em até 40%. Entretanto, a alocação eficiente de recursos gera diversos problemas, entre eles, a discriminação de classes de acesso para tráfego multiclasses. Dessa forma, nesse trabalho, as políticas de alocação espectral que visam a eliminação da discriminação de classes são estudadas e seu desempenho comparado com as políticas que visam somente a eficiência. Assim, o estudo apresenta uma análise quantitativa do trade-off entre eficiência espectral e imparcialidade na alocação espectral. Os resultados apontam que o uso de imparcialidade pode gerar ganho no tráfego total agregado médio de um sistema óptico para certas configurações e em carga de tráfego altaAbstract: The traffic growth on the global computer network have been boosting the research on technologies that are able to use the installed infrastructure in the most efficient way. This infrastructure is, in most part, composed by optical fiber. To improve its efficiency, it was proposed that the next generation of optical networks uses the flexible paradigm, which improves the spectrum use by up to 40%. However, the efficient use of resources generates several problems, between them, the discrimination of access classes on multiclass traffic. Thus, on this work, the spectrum allocation policies that aim to end the discrimination of classes are studied and their performance are compared with the policies that aim only efficiency. Therefore, the study presents a quantitative analysis on the trade-off between spectral efficiency and fairness on spectrum allocation. The obtained results showed that, by applying fairness in the spectrum allocation, the mean total throughput of the network can be increased for certain settings and high traffic loadMestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestre em Engenharia Elétrica159677/2015-7CNP

    Efficiency and fairness in an elastic optical network under heavy traffic

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    Orientador: Helio WaldmanDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: O crescimento do tráfego na rede mundial de computadores tem impulsionado a pesquisa em tecnologias que consigam usar a infraestrutura já instalada da forma mais eficiente possível. Essa infraestrutura é, em maior parte, composta de fibra óptica. Para aumentar sua eficiência foi proposta uma nova geração de redes ópticas, chamadas redes elásticas, que adotam um paradigma flexível de ocupação do espectro óptico aumentando substancialmente seu aproveitamento. Contudo, um ambiente heterogêneo no qual diferentes classes de tráfego convivem pode levar a uma competição e discriminação de algumas classes em detrimento de outras. Neste trabalho estudamos políticas de alocação espectral que visam garantir um eficiente uso da banda óptica, mantendo uma alta ocupação do espectro e eliminando a discriminação entre classes de acesso em uma rede sob alta carga de tráfegoAbstract: The traffic growth in the global computer network has driven the research on technologies that are able to use the infrastructure already installed as efficiently as possible. This infrastructure is, for the most part, composed of optical networks. In order to increase its efficiency, a new generation of optical networks, called elastic networks, was proposed adopting a flexible paradigm of optical spectrum occupancy, substantially increasing its utilization. However, a heterogeneous environment where different classes of traffic coexist can lead to competition and discrimination of some classes to the detriment of others. This work studies spectral allocation policies aimed at guaranteeing an efficient use of the optical bandwidth, maintaining a high spectral occupation and eliminating the discrimination between access classes in a network under a heavy trafficMestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestre em Engenharia Elétrica1554016CAPE

    Models of vertical interconnection in the future internet networks

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    Interkonekcija, čiji primarni cilj je omogućavanje korisnicima jednog učesnika na tržištu telekomunikacija da komuniciraju sa korisnicima drugog učesnika, odnosno, obezbeđivanje pristupa servisima koje obezbeđuje drugi učesnik, javila se nakon liberalizacije tržišta telekomunikacija. Vertikalna interkonekcija predstavlja fizičko i logičko povezivanje učesnika na različitim nivoima mreže. U okruženju budućeg Interneta, sagledavanje tehničko-ekonomskih aspekata interkonekcije predstavlja pitanje od izuzetnog značaja. U opštem slučaju, učesnici u vertikalnoj interkonekciji u okruženju budućeg Interneta mogu biti provajderi sadržaja i aplikacija, provajderi Internet servisa, Content Delivery Network (CDN) provajderi i cloud provajderi. Pojava Cloud Computing-a uvela je značajne promene u Internet okruženju koje se pre svega odnose na mogućnost pristupa skalabilnim i deljivim, fizičkim ili virtuelnim resursima. Na taj način, stvara se elastična platforma koja obezbeđuje dinamičnu i jednostavnu skalabilnost, pojednostavljuje se obezbeđivanje infrastrukture i omogućava se unapređenje performansi. Razvoj servisa i aplikacija zahtevnih u pogledu propusnog opsega praćen širom implementacijom Cloud Computing-a utiče na kontinuiran rast Internet saobraćaja, što zahteva primenu tehnologija koje mogu zadovoljiti sve strože zahteve. Kao rešenje za transportni nivo mreže, razvijene su elastične optičke mreže koje mogu obezbediti dovoljne propusne opsege uz efikasno iskorišćenje spektra. Imajući u vidu promene koje prate razvoj okruženja budućeg Interneta, kao i značaj vertikalne interkonekcije, neophodno je razmotriti i jasno definisati tehničko-ekonomske relacije između učesnika u budućem Internetu, što je predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije. U okviru disertacije predložen je model koji ima za cilj određivanje adekvatnog ugovora o interkonekciji između učesnika u vertikalnoj interkonekciji, i to provajdera sadržaja i aplikacija i provajdera Internet servisa u procesu obezbeđivanja sadržaja krajnjim korisnicima, uz mogućnost parcijalne migracije sadržaja na resurse cloud provajdera. Analiza obuhvata različite ugovore o interkonekciji i određuje adekvatan ugovor, u zavisnosti od ciljnih profita provajdera koji učestvuju u vertikalnoj interkonekciji i prihvatljive stope odbijenih zahteva za obezbeđivanje sadržaja krajnjim korisnicima. Data analiza je proširena istraživanjem adekvatnog mehanizma tarifiranja i alokacije resursa cloud provajdera. Predložen je nov, hibridni model pristupa resursima cloud provajdera koji obezbeđuje zadovoljavajuće rezultate u kontekstu minimizacije troškova i minimizacije stope odbijenih zahteva za pristup sadržajima...Interconnection, whose primary aim is enabling communication between end users of different undertakings, i.e. enabling access to the other undertaking's services, was introduced after the telecommunication market liberalization. Vertical interconnection represents the physical and logical linking of the undertakings on different network levels. Consideration of technical and economic aspects of the interconnection is a crucial issue in the future Internet environment. In general, undertakings in vertical interconnection in the future Internet environment include content and application providers, Internet service providers, Content Delivery Network (CDN) providers and Cloud providers. The development of Cloud Computing introduced significant changes in the Internet environment in terms of enabling access to scalable and shareable, physical or virtual resources. Therefore, the elastic platform for dynamic and simple scalability is enabled, the access to infrastructure is simplified and performances are improved. High bandwidth demanding services and applications, along with the wide adoption of Cloud Computing causes permanent growth of Internet traffic. This indicates that the introduction of new technologies, capable to satisfy high bandwidth requirements, is necessary. Elastic optical networks are proposed as a promising solution for transport networks. These networks provide enough bandwidth, along with high efficiency in spectrum utilization. Forasmuch changes in the future Internet environment and the importance of the vertical interconnection, it is mandatory to consider and properly define technical and economic relations between undertakings in the future Internet environment, which is the research subject of this doctoral dissertation. Within dissertation, a model for the determination of a proper interconnection agreement between undertakings in the vertical interconnection, content and application provider and an Internet service provider, in the content provisioning process with partial cloud migration is proposed. The analysis comprises different interconnection agreements and determines appropriate agreement, depending on the targeted providers' profits and satisfying requests' for content provisioning rejection rate. This analysis is extended to determine adequate pricing and allocation mechanism for cloud provider's resources. A new, hybrid model for enabling access to cloud resources is proposed. The model provides satisfying results in terms of the costs' minimization and the minimization of requests' rejection rate..