93,174 research outputs found

    Catching up with Method and Process Practice: An Industry-Informed Baseline for Researchers

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    Software development methods are usually not applied by the book.companies are under pressure to continuously deploy software products that meet market needs and stakeholders\u27 requests. To implement efficient and effective development processes, companies utilize multiple frameworks, methods and practices, and combine these into hybrid methods. A common combination contains a rich management framework to organize and steer projects complemented with a number of smaller practices providing the development teams with tools to complete their tasks. In this paper, based on 732 data points collected through an international survey, we study the software development process use in practice. Our results show that 76.8% of the companies implement hybrid methods.company size as well as the strategy in devising and evolving hybrid methods affect the suitability of the chosen process to reach company or project goals. Our findings show that companies that combine planned improvement programs with process evolution can increase their process\u27 suitability by up to 5%

    Validating adequacy and suitability of business-IT alignment criteria in an inter-enterprise maturity model

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    Aligning requirements of a business with its information technology is currently a major issue in enterprise computing. Existing literature indicates important criteria to judge the level of alignment between business and IT within a single enterprise. However, identifying such criteria in an inter-enterprise setting – or re-thinking the existing ones – is hardly addressed at all. Business-IT alignment in such settings poses new challenges, as in inter-enterprise collaborations, alignment is driven by economic processes instead of centralized decision-making processes. In our research, we develop a maturity model for business-IT alignment in inter-enterprise settings that takes this difference into account. In this paper, we report on a multi-method approach we devised to confront the validation of the business-IT alignment criteria that we included in the maturity model. As independent feedback is critical for our validation, we used a focus group session and a case study as instruments to take the first step in validating the business-IT alignment criteria. We present how we applied our approach, what we learnt, and what the implications were for our model

    A Case Study on Artefact-based RE Improvement in Practice

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    Most requirements engineering (RE) process improvement approaches are solution-driven and activity-based. They focus on the assessment of the RE of a company against an external norm of best practices. A consequence is that practitioners often have to rely on an improvement approach that skips a profound problem analysis and that results in an RE approach that might be alien to the organisational needs. In recent years, we have developed an RE improvement approach (called \emph{ArtREPI}) that guides a holistic RE improvement against individual goals of a company putting primary attention to the quality of the artefacts. In this paper, we aim at exploring ArtREPI's benefits and limitations. We contribute an industrial evaluation of ArtREPI by relying on a case study research. Our results suggest that ArtREPI is well-suited for the establishment of an RE that reflects a specific organisational culture but to some extent at the cost of efficiency resulting from intensive discussions on a terminology that suits all involved stakeholders. Our results reveal first benefits and limitations, but we can also conclude the need of longitudinal and independent investigations for which we herewith lay the foundation

    Bridging the divide in language and approach between pedagogy and programming: the case of IMS Learning Design

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    Even though the IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) specification has offered a way for expressing multiple-learner scenarios, the language thus provided is far from the language, teaching practitioners use. To bridge this divide, we have developed IMS LD authoring software that translates from the learning designer perspective to the technical perspective. To aid adequate software developments, an analysis was performed to identify uses of level B properties in expert units of learning. In a second analysis, which is described in this paper, these uses were matched with demands of typical pedagogical methods. Some restrictions of the IMS LD specification are pointed out in this regard. As an outcome of the analyses, interfaces employing pedagogical language were integrated in the IMS LD authoring software in order to provide teaching practitioners access to level B functionalities despite their highly technical nature

    On Agent-Based Software Engineering

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    Agent-based computing represents an exciting new synthesis both for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, more generally, Computer Science. It has the potential to significantly improve the theory and the practice of modeling, designing, and implementing computer systems. Yet, to date, there has been little systematic analysis of what makes the agent-based approach such an appealing and powerful computational model. Moreover, even less effort has been devoted to discussing the inherent disadvantages that stem from adopting an agent-oriented view. Here both sets of issues are explored. The standpoint of this analysis is the role of agent-based software in solving complex, real-world problems. In particular, it will be argued that the development of robust and scalable software systems requires autonomous agents that can complete their objectives while situated in a dynamic and uncertain environment, that can engage in rich, high-level social interactions, and that can operate within flexible organisational structures

    On the Identification of Agents in the Design of Production Control Systems

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    This paper describes a methodology that is being developed for designing and building agent-based systems for the domain of production control. In particular, this paper deals with the steps that are involved in identifying the agents and in specifying their responsibilities. The methodology aims to be usable by engineers who have a background in production control but who have no prior experience in agent technology. For this reason, the methodology needs to be very prescriptive with respect to the agent-related aspects of design

    Student teamwork: developing virtual support for team projects

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    In the 21st century team working increasingly requires online cooperative skills as well as more traditional skills associated with face to face team working. Virtual team working differs from face to face team working in a number of respects, such as interpreting the alternatives to visual cues, adapting to synchronous communication, developing trust and cohesion and cultural interpretations. However, co-located student teams working within higher education can only simulate team working as it might be experienced in organisations today. For example, students can learn from their mistakes in a non-threatening environment, colleagues tend to be established friends and assessing teamwork encourages behaviour such as “free-riding”. Using a prototyping approach, which involves students and tutors, a system has been designed to support learners engaged in team working. This system helps students to achieve to their full potential and appreciate issues surrounding virtual teamwork. The Guardian Agent system enables teams to allocate project tasks and agree ground rules for the team according to individuals’ preferences. Results from four cycles of its use are presented, together with modifications arising from iterations of testing. The results show that students find the system useful in preparing for team working, and have encouraged further development of the system

    A Systematic Aspect-Oriented Refactoring and Testing Strategy, and its Application to JHotDraw

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    Aspect oriented programming aims at achieving better modularization for a system's crosscutting concerns in order to improve its key quality attributes, such as evolvability and reusability. Consequently, the adoption of aspect-oriented techniques in existing (legacy) software systems is of interest to remediate software aging. The refactoring of existing systems to employ aspect-orientation will be considerably eased by a systematic approach that will ensure a safe and consistent migration. In this paper, we propose a refactoring and testing strategy that supports such an approach and consider issues of behavior conservation and (incremental) integration of the aspect-oriented solution with the original system. The strategy is applied to the JHotDraw open source project and illustrated on a group of selected concerns. Finally, we abstract from the case study and present a number of generic refactorings which contribute to an incremental aspect-oriented refactoring process and associate particular types of crosscutting concerns to the model and features of the employed aspect language. The contributions of this paper are both in the area of supporting migration towards aspect-oriented solutions and supporting the development of aspect languages that are better suited for such migrations.Comment: 25 page