13 research outputs found

    Hard Communication Channels for Steganography

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    This paper considers steganography - the concept of hiding the presence of secret messages in legal communications - in the computational setting and its relation to cryptography. Very recently the first (non-polynomial time) steganographic protocol has been shown which, for any communication channel, is provably secure, reliable, and has nearly optimal bandwidth. The security is unconditional, i.e. it does not rely on any unproven complexity-theoretic assumption. This disproves the claim that the existence of one-way functions and access to a communication channel oracle are both necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of secure steganography in the sense that secure and reliable steganography exists independently of the existence of one-way functions. In this paper, we prove that this equivalence also does not hold in the more realistic setting, where the stegosystem is polynomial time bounded. We prove this by constructing (a) a channel for which secure steganography exists if and only if one-way functions exist and (b) another channel such that secure steganography implies that no one-way functions exist. We therefore show that security-preserving reductions between cryptography and steganography need to be treated very carefully

    Constant-Round Concurrent Zero-Knowledge From Falsifiable Assumptions

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    We present a constant-round concurrent zero-knowledge protocol for \NP. Our protocol is sound against uniform polynomial-time attackers, and relies on the existence of families of collision-resistant hash functions, and a new (but in our eyes, natural) falsifiable intractability assumption: Roughly speaking, that Micali's non-interactive CS-proofs are sound for languages in ¶\P

    Act natural! : Having a Private Chat on a Public Blockchain

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    Chats have become an essential means of interpersonal interaction. Yet untraceable private communication remains an elusive goal, as most messengers hide content, but not communication patterns. The knowledge of communication patterns can by itself reveal too much, as happened e.g., in the context of the Arab Spring. The subliminal channel in cryptographic systems - as introduced by Simmons in his pioneering works - enables untraceable private communication in plain sight. In this context, blockchains are a natural object for subliminal communication: accessing them is innocuous, as they rely on distributed access for verification and extension. At the same time, blockchain transactions generate hundreds of thousands transactions per day that are individually signed and placed on the blockchain. This significantly increases the availability of publicly accessible cryptographic transactions where subliminal channels can be placed. In this paper we propose a public-key subliminal channel using ECDSA signatures on blockchains and prove that our construction is undetectable in the random oracle model under a common cryptographic assumption. While our approach is applicable to any blockchain platform relying on (variants of) ECDSA signatures, we present a proof of concept of our method for the popular Bitcoin protocol and show the simplicity and practicality of our approach

    Security \& Indistinguishability in the Presence of Traffic Analysis

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    Traffic analysis (TA) is a powerful tool against the security and privacy of cryptographic primitives, permitting an adversary to monitor the frequency and timing characteristics of transmissions in order to distinguish the senders or the receivers of possibly encrypted communication. Briefly, adversaries may leak implementation-specific information even for schemes that are provably secure with respect to a classical model, resulting in a breach of security and/or privacy. In this work we introduce the notion of \emph{indistinguishability in the presence of traffic analysis}, enhancing \emph{any} classical security model such that no adversary can distinguish between two protocol runs (possibly implemented on different machines) with respect to a TA oracle (leaking information about each protocol run). This new notion models an attack where the adversary taps a single node of in- and outgoing communication and tries to relate two sessions of the same protocol, either run by two senders or for two receivers. Our contributions are threefold: (1) We first define a framework for indistinguishability in the presence of TA, then we (2) fully relate various notions of indistinguishability, depending on the adversary\u27s goal and the type of TA information it has. Finally we (3) show how to use our framework for the SSH protocol and for a concrete application of RFID authentication

    Constant-Round Concurrent Zero-knowledge from Indistinguishability Obfuscation

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    We present a constant-round concurrent zero-knowledge protocol for NP. Our protocol relies on the existence of families of collision-resistant hash functions, one-way permutations, and indistinguishability obfuscators for P/poly (with slightly super-polynomial security)

    Constant Round Non-Malleable Protocols using One Way Functions

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    We provide the first constant round constructions of non-malleable commitment and zero-knowledge protocols based only on one-way functions. This improves upon several previous (incomparable) works which required either: (a) super-constant number of rounds, or, (b) non-standard or sub-exponential hardness assumptions, or, (c) non-black-box simulation and collision resistant hash functions. These constructions also allow us to obtain the first constant round multi-party computation protocol relying only on the existence of constant round oblivious transfer protocols. Our primary technique can be seen as a means of implementing the previous ``two-slot simulation idea in the area of non-malleability with only black-box simulation. A simple modification of our commitment scheme gives a construction which makes use of the underlying one-way function in a black-box way. The modified construction satisfies the notion of what we call \emph{non-malleability w.r.t. replacement}. Non-malleability w.r.t. replacement is a slightly weaker yet natural notion of non-malleability which we believe suffices for many application of non-malleable commitments. We show that a commitment scheme which is non-malleable only w.r.t. replacement is sufficient to obtain a (fully) black-box multi-party computation protocol. This allows us to obtain a constant round multi-party computation protocol making only a black-box use of the standard cryptographic primitives with polynomial-time hardness thus directly improving upon the recent work of Wee (FOCS\u2710)

    Revisiting Covert Multiparty Computation

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    Is it feasible for parties to securely evaluate a function on their joint inputs, while hiding not only their private input, but even the very fact that they are taking part to the protocol? This intriguing question was given a positive answer in the two-party case at STOC’05, and in the general case at FOCS’07, under the name of covert multiparty computation (CMPC). A CMPC protocol allows n players with inputs (x1 ···xn) to compute a function f with the following guarantees: – If all the parties are taking part to the protocol, and if the result of the computation is favorable to all the parties, then they get to learn f(x1,··· ,xn) (and nothing more) – Else, when the result is not favorable to all the parties, or if some player does not participate to the computation, no one gets to learn anything (and in particular, no player can learn whether any of the other parties was indeed participating to the protocol) While previous works proved the existence of CMPC under standard assumptions, their candidate CMPC protocols were exclusively of theoretical interest. In this work, we revisit the design of CMPC protocols and show that, perhaps surprisingly, this very strong security notion can be achieved essentially for free. More specifically, we show how to build a CMPC protocol out of a standard, state-of-the-art MPC protocol, where both the communication and the computation are the same than the original protocol, up to an additive factor independent of the size of the circuit. Along the way, we prove two variants of the UC theorem which greatly simplify the design and the security analysis of CMPC protocols

    A New Approach to Round-Optimal Secure Multiparty Computation

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    We present a new approach towards constructing round-optimal secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols against malicious adversaries without trusted setup assumptions. Our approach builds on ideas previously developed in the context of covert multiparty computation [Chandran et al., FOCS\u2707] even though we do not seek covert security. Using our new approach, we obtain the following results: 1. A five round MPC protocol based on the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption. 2. A four round MPC protocol based on one-way permutations and sub-exponentially secure DDH. This result is {\em optimal} in the number of rounds. Previously, no four-round MPC protocol for general functions was known and five-round protocols were only known based on indistinguishability obfuscation (and some additional assumptions) [Garg et al., EUROCRYPT\u2716]

    Efficient Covert Two-Party Computation

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    Covert computation of general functions strengthens the notion of secure computation, so that the computation hides not only everything about the participants\u27 inputs except for what is revealed by the function output, but it also hides the very fact that the computation is taking place, by ensuring that protocol participants are indistinguishable from random beacons, except when the function output explicitly reveals the fact that a computation took place. General covert computation protocols proposed before have non-constant round complexity [16,4] and their efficiency is orders of magnitude away from known non-covert secure computation protocols. Furthermore, [8] showed that constant-round covert computation of non-trivial functionalities with black-box simulation is impossible in the plain model. However, the lower-bound of [8] does not disallow constant-round covert computation given some relaxation in the computation model. Indeed, in this work we propose the first constant-round protocol for covert Two-Party Computation (2PC) of general functions, secure against malicious adversaries under concurrent composition, assuming the Common Reference String (CRS) model. Our protocol is a covert variant of a well-known paradigm in standard, i.e. non-covert, secure 2PC, using cut-and-choose technique over O(security parameter) copies of Yao\u27s garbled circuit protocol, and its efficiency is only a constant factor away from non-covert secure 2PC protocols that use cut-and-choose over garbled circuits. An essential tool in the protocol is a concurrently secure covert simulation-sound Conditional KEM (CKEM) for arithmetic languages in prime-order groups. We show that the Implicit Zero-Knowledge arguments in the CRS model of Benhamouda et al. [2] provide covert CKEM\u27s for all languages needed in our covert 2PC protocol. We also show that in the Random Oracle Model the covert CKEM\u27s of [11] also satisfy concurrent security and simulation-soundness. The ROM-based covert CKEM\u27s of [11] match the cost of ROM-based NIZK\u27s for the same languages, while the CRS-model CKEM\u27s of [2] are (only) 2-4 times more expensive

    Short Concurrent Covert Authenticated Key Exchange (Short cAKE)

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    Von Ahn, Hopper and Langford introduced the notion of steganographic a.k.a. covert computation, to capture distributed computation where the attackers must not be able to distinguish honest parties from entities emitting random bitstrings. This indistinguishability should hold for the duration of the computation except for what is revealed by the intended outputs of the computed functionality. An important case of covert computation is mutually authenticated key exchange, a.k.a. mutual authentication. Mutual authentication is a fundamental primitive often preceding more complex secure protocols used for distributed computation. However, standard authentication implementations are not covert, which allows a network adversary to target or block parties who engage in authentication. Therefore, mutual authentication is one of the premier use cases of covert computation and has numerous real-world applications, e.g., for enabling authentication over steganographic channels in a network controlled by a discriminatory entity. We improve on the state of the art in covert authentication by presenting a protocol that retains covertness and security under concurrent composition, has minimal message complexity, and reduces protocol bandwidth by an order of magnitude compared to previous constructions. To model the security of our scheme we develop a UC model which captures standard features of secure mutual authentication but extends them to covertness. We prove our construction secure in this UC model. We also provide a proof-of-concept implementation of our scheme