40,879 research outputs found

    Self-tuning diagnosis of routine alarms in rotating plant items

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    Condition monitoring of rotating plant items in the energy generation industry is often achieved through examination of vibration signals. Engineers use this data to monitor the operation of turbine generators, gas circulators and other key plant assets. A common approach in such monitoring is to trigger an alarm when a vibration deviates from a predefined envelope of normal operation. This limit-based approach, however, generates a large volume of alarms not indicative of system damage or concern, such as operational transients that result in temporary increases in vibration. In the nuclear generation context, all alarms on rotating plant assets must be analysed and subjected to auditable review. The analysis of these alarms is often undertaken manually, on a case- by-case basis, but recent developments in monitoring research have brought forward the use of intelligent systems techniques to automate parts of this process. A knowledge- based system (KBS) has been developed to automatically analyse routine alarms, where the underlying cause can be attributed to observable operational changes. The initialisation and ongoing calibration of such systems, however, is a problem, as normal machine state is not uniform throughout asset life due to maintenance procedures and the wear of components. In addition, different machines will exhibit differing vibro- acoustic dynamics. This paper proposes a self-tuning knowledge-driven analysis system for routine alarm diagnosis across the key rotating plant items within the nuclear context common to the UK. Such a system has the ability to automatically infer the causes of routine alarms, and provide auditable reports to the engineering staff

    Self-tuning routine alarm analysis of vibration signals in steam turbine generators

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    This paper presents a self-tuning framework for knowledge-based diagnosis of routine alarms in steam turbine generators. The techniques provide a novel basis for initialising and updating time series feature extraction parameters used in the automated decision support of vibration events due to operational transients. The data-driven nature of the algorithms allows for machine specific characteristics of individual turbines to be learned and reasoned about. The paper provides a case study illustrating the routine alarm paradigm and the applicability of systems using such techniques

    Nonlinear Attitude Filtering: A Comparison Study

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    This paper contains a concise comparison of a number of nonlinear attitude filtering methods that have attracted attention in the robotics and aviation literature. With the help of previously published surveys and comparison studies, the vast literature on the subject is narrowed down to a small pool of competitive attitude filters. Amongst these filters is a second-order optimal minimum-energy filter recently proposed by the authors. Easily comparable discretized unit quaternion implementations of the selected filters are provided. We conduct a simulation study and compare the transient behaviour and asymptotic convergence of these filters in two scenarios with different initialization and measurement errors inspired by applications in unmanned aerial robotics and space flight. The second-order optimal minimum-energy filter is shown to have the best performance of all filters, including the industry standard multiplicative extended Kalman filter (MEKF)

    PID and PID-like controller design by pole assignment within D-stable regions

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    This paper presents a new PID and PID-like controller design method that permits the designer to control the desired dynamic performance of a closed-loop system by first specifying a set of desired D-stable regions in the complex plane and then running a numerical optimisation algorithm to find the controller parameters such that all the roots of the closed-loop system are within the specified regions. This method can be used for stable and unstable plants with high order degree, for plants with time delay, for controller with more than three design parameters, and for various controller configurations. It also allows a unified treatment of the controller design for both continuous and discrete systems. Examples and comparative simulation results are pro-vided to illustrate its merit

    State-Space Interpretation of Model Predictive Control

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    A model predictive control technique based on a step response model is developed using state estimation techniques. The standard step response model is extended so that integrating systems can be treated within the same framework. Based on the modified step response model, it is shown how the state estimation techniques from stochastic optimal control can be used to construct the optimal prediction vector without introducing significant additional numerical complexity. In the case of integrated or double integrated white noise disturbances filtered through general first-order dynamics and white measurement noise, the optimal filter gain is parametrized explicitly in terms of a single parameter between 0 and 1, thus removing the requirement for solving a Riccati equation and equipping the control system with useful on-line tuning parameters. Parallels are drawn to the existing MPC techniques such as Dynamic Matrix Control (DMC), Internal Model Control (IMC) and Generalized Predictive Control (GPC)

    Performance assessment and diagnosis of refinery control loops

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    This paper discusses the application of control loop performance assessment (Desborough and Harris, 1992) in a refinery setting. In a large process it is not feasible to tailor the parameters of the algorithm to every individual control loop. A procedure is illustrated for selecting default values which make it possible to implement the technology on a refinery-wide scale. For instance, it is shown that the prediction horizon perameter in the CLPA algorithm can be set so that the analysis is sensitive to the persistent signals that cause loss of performance. Default values are suggested for refinery applications.A frequent cause of loss of performance in a control loop is a persistent oscillation due to a valve nonlinearity or a tuning fault. The paper presents an operational signatures in the form of an estimate of the closed loop impulse response that suggest the causes of such oscillations

    Experiments in identification and control of flexible-link manipulators

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    Interest in the study of flexible-link manipulators for space-based applications has risen strongly in recent years. Moreover, numerous experimental results have appeared for the various problems in the modeling, identification and control of such systems. Nevertheless, relatively little literature has appeared involving laboratory verification of tuning controllers for certain types of realistic flexible-link manipulators. Specifically flexible-link manipulators which are required to maintain endpoint accuracy while manipulating loads that are possibly unknown and varying as they undergo disturbance effects from the environment and workspace. Endpoint position control of flexible-link manipulators in these areas are discussed, with laboratory setups consisting of one and two-link manipulators