13,359 research outputs found

    Maximizing the Total Resolution of Graphs

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    A major factor affecting the readability of a graph drawing is its resolution. In the graph drawing literature, the resolution of a drawing is either measured based on the angles formed by consecutive edges incident to a common node (angular resolution) or by the angles formed at edge crossings (crossing resolution). In this paper, we evaluate both by introducing the notion of "total resolution", that is, the minimum of the angular and crossing resolution. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time where the problem of maximizing the total resolution of a drawing is studied. The main contribution of the paper consists of drawings of asymptotically optimal total resolution for complete graphs (circular drawings) and for complete bipartite graphs (2-layered drawings). In addition, we present and experimentally evaluate a force-directed based algorithm that constructs drawings of large total resolution

    Notes on large angle crossing graphs

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    A graph G is an a-angle crossing (aAC) graph if every pair of crossing edges in G intersect at an angle of at least a. The concept of right angle crossing (RAC) graphs (a=Pi/2) was recently introduced by Didimo et. al. It was shown that any RAC graph with n vertices has at most 4n-10 edges and that there are infinitely many values of n for which there exists a RAC graph with n vertices and 4n-10 edges. In this paper, we give upper and lower bounds for the number of edges in aAC graphs for all 0 < a < Pi/2

    Optimal 3D Angular Resolution for Low-Degree Graphs

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    We show that every graph of maximum degree three can be drawn in three dimensions with at most two bends per edge, and with 120-degree angles between any two edge segments meeting at a vertex or a bend. We show that every graph of maximum degree four can be drawn in three dimensions with at most three bends per edge, and with 109.5-degree angles, i.e., the angular resolution of the diamond lattice, between any two edge segments meeting at a vertex or bend.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures. Extended version of paper to appear in Proc. 18th Int. Symp. Graph Drawing, Konstanz, Germany, 201

    Exploring the relative importance of crossing number and crossing angle

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    Recent research has indicated that human graph reading performance can be affected by the size of crossing angle. Crossing angle is closely related to another aesthetic criterion: number of edge crossings. Although crossing number has been previously identified as the most important aesthetic, its relative impact on performance of human graph reading is unknown, compared to crossing angle. In this paper, we present an exploratory user study investigating the relative importance between crossing number and crossing angle. This study also aims to further examine the effects of crossing number and crossing angle not only on task performance measured as response time and accuracy, but also on cognitive load and visualization efficiency. The experimental results reinforce the previous findings of the effects of the two aesthetics on graph comprehension. The study demonstrates that on average these two closely related aesthetics together explain 33% of variance in the four usability measures: time, accuracy, mental effort and visualization efficiency, with about 38% of the explained variance being attributed to the crossing angle. Copyright © 2010 ACM

    Axis-Parallel Right Angle Crossing Graphs

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    A RAC graph is one admitting a RAC drawing, that is, a polyline drawing in which each crossing occurs at a right angle. Originally motivated by psychological studies on readability of graph layouts, RAC graphs form one of the most prominent graph classes in beyond planarity. In this work, we study a subclass of RAC graphs, called axis-parallel RAC (or apRAC, for short), that restricts the crossings to pairs of axis-parallel edge-segments. apRAC drawings combine the readability of planar drawings with the clarity of (non-planar) orthogonal drawings. We consider these graphs both with and without bends. Our contribution is as follows: (i) We study inclusion relationships between apRAC and traditional RAC graphs. (ii) We establish bounds on the edge density of apRAC graphs. (iii) We show that every graph with maximum degree 8 is 2-bend apRAC and give a linear time drawing algorithm. Some of our results on apRAC graphs also improve the state of the art for general RAC graphs. We conclude our work with a list of open questions and a discussion of a natural generalization of the apRAC model

    Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Computing RAC Drawings of Graphs

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    In a right-angle crossing (RAC) drawing of a graph, each edge is represented as a polyline and edge crossings must occur at an angle of exactly 90∘90^\circ, where the number of bends on such polylines is typically restricted in some way. While structural and topological properties of RAC drawings have been the focus of extensive research, little was known about the boundaries of tractability for computing such drawings. In this paper, we initiate the study of RAC drawings from the viewpoint of parameterized complexity. In particular, we establish that computing a RAC drawing of an input graph GG with at most bb bends (or determining that none exists) is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by either the feedback edge number of GG, or bb plus the vertex cover number of GG.Comment: Accepted at GD 202

    Axis-Parallel Right Angle Crossing Graphs

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    A RAC graph is one admitting a RAC drawing, that is, a polyline drawing in which each crossing occurs at a right angle. Originally motivated by psychological studies on readability of graph layouts, RAC graphs form one of the most prominent graph classes in beyond planarity. In this work, we study a subclass of RAC graphs, called axis-parallel RAC (or apRAC, for short), that restricts the crossings to pairs of axis-parallel edge-segments. apRAC drawings combine the readability of planar drawings with the clarity of (non-planar) orthogonal drawings. We consider these graphs both with and without bends. Our contribution is as follows: (i) We study inclusion relationships between apRAC and traditional RAC graphs. (ii) We establish bounds on the edge density of apRAC graphs. (iii) We show that every graph with maximum degree 8 is 2-bend apRAC and give a linear time drawing algorithm. Some of our results on apRAC graphs also improve the state of the art for general RAC graphs. We conclude our work with a list of open questions and a discussion of a natural generalization of the apRAC model

    On Compact RAC Drawings

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    We present new bounds for the required area of Right Angle Crossing (RAC) drawings for complete graphs, i.e. drawings where any two crossing edges are perpendicular to each other. First, we improve upon results by Didimo et al. [Walter Didimo et al., 2011] and Di Giacomo et al. [Emilio Di Giacomo et al., 2011] by showing how to compute a RAC drawing with three bends per edge in cubic area. We also show that quadratic area can be achieved when allowing eight bends per edge in general or with three bends per edge for p-partite graphs. As a counterpart, we prove that in general quadratic area is not sufficient for RAC drawings with three bends per edge

    Drawing equirectangular VR panoramas with ruler, compass, and protractor

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    This work presents a method for drawing Virtual Reality panoramas by ruler and compass operations. VR panoramas are immersive anamorphoses rendered from equirectangular spherical perspective data. This data is usually photographic, but some artists are creating handdrawn equirectangular perspectives to be visualized in VR. This practice, that lies interestingly at the interface between analog and digital drawing, is hindered by a lack of method, as these drawings are usually done by trial-and-error, with ad-hoc measurements and interpolation of pre-computed grids, a process with considerable artistic limitations. I develop here the analytic tools for plotting all great circles, line images and their vanishing points, and then show how to achieve these constructions through descriptive geometry diagrams that can be executed using only ruler, compass, and protractor. Approximations of line images by circular arcs and sinusoids are shown to have acceptable errors for low values of angular elevation. The symmetries of the perspective are studied and their uses for improving gridding methods are discussed
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