331 research outputs found

    On the Dual Risk Models

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    Abstract This thesis focuses on developing and computing ruin-related quantities that are potentially measurements for the dual risk models which was proposed to describe the annuity-type businesses from the perspective of the collective risk theory in 1950’s. In recent years, the dual risk models are revisited by many researchers to quantify the risk of the similar businesses as the annuity-type businesses. The major extensions included in this thesis consist of two aspects: the ïŹrst is to search for new ruin-related quantities that are potentially indices of the risk for well-established dual models; the other aspect is to generalize the settings of the dual models instead of the ruin quantities. There are four separate articles in this thesis, in which the ïŹrst (Chapter 2) and the last (Chapter 5) belong to the ïŹrst type of extensions while the others (Chapter 3 and Chapter 4) belong to the generalizations of the dual models. The ïŹrst article (Chapter 2) studies the discounted moments of the surplus at the time of the last jump before ruin for the compound Poisson dual risk model. The idea comes from that the ruin of the compound Poisson dual models is caused by absence of positive jumps within a period with length being propotional to the surplus at the time of the last jump. As a quantity related to a non-stopping time, the explicit expression of the target quantity is obtained through integro-differential equations. The second article (Chapter 3) investigate the Sparre-Andersen dual risk models in which the epochs are independently, identically distributed generalized Erlang-n random variables. An important difference between this model and some other models such as the Erlang-n dual risk models is that the roots to the generalized Lundberg’s equation are not necessarily distinct. By taking the multiple roots into account, the explicit expressions of the Laplace transform of the time to ruin and expected discounted aggregate dividends under the threshold strategy and exponential distributed revenues are derived. The third article (Chapter 4) revisits the the dual LĂ©vy risk model. The target ruin quantity is the expected discounted aggregate dividends paid up to ruin under the threshold dividend strategy. The explicit expression is obtained in terms of the q-scale functions through constructing a new dividend strategy having the target ruin quantity converging to that under the threshold strategy. Also, the optimality of the threshold strategy among all the absolutely continuous stategies when evaluating the target quantity as a value function is discussed. The fourth article (Chapter 5) initiate the study of the Parisian ruin problem for the general dual LĂ©vy risk models. Unlike the regular ruin for the dual models, the deïŹcit at Parisian ruin is not necessarily equal to zero. Hence we introduce the Gerber-Shiu expected discounted penalty function (EPDF) at the Parisian ruin and obtain an explicit expression for this function. Keywords: Sparre-Andersen dual models, expected discounted aggregate dividends, dual Levy risk models, Parisian ruin, Gerber-Shiu function ii

    On occupation times in the red of L\'evy risk models

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    In this paper, we obtain analytical expression for the distribution of the occupation time in the red (below level 00) up to an (independent) exponential horizon for spectrally negative L\'{e}vy risk processes and refracted spectrally negative L\'{e}vy risk processes. This result improves the existing literature in which only the Laplace transforms are known. Due to the close connection between occupation time and many other quantities, we provide a few applications of our results including future drawdown, inverse occupation time, Parisian ruin with exponential delay, and the last time at running maximum. By a further Laplace inversion to our results, we obtain the distribution of the occupation time up to a finite time horizon for refracted Brownian motion risk process and refracted Cram\'{e}r-Lundberg risk model with exponential claims

    Parisian ruin for the dual risk process in discrete-time

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    In this paper we consider the Parisian ruin probabilities for the dual risk model in a discrete-time setting. By exploiting the strong Markov property of the risk process we derive a recursive expression for the finite-time Parisian ruin probability, in terms of classic discrete-time dual ruin probabilities. Moreover, we obtain an explicit expression for the corresponding infinite-time Parisian ruin probability as a limiting case. In order to obtain more analytic results, we employ a conditioning argument and derive a new expression for the classic infinite-time ruin probability in the dual risk model and hence, an alternative form of the infinite-time Parisian ruin probability. Finally, we explore some interesting special cases, including the binomial/geometric model, and obtain a simple expression for the Parisian ruin probability of the gambler’s ruin problem

    Exit Problems for LĂ©vy and Markov Processes with One-Sided Jumps and Related Topics

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    Exit problems for one-dimensional LĂ©vy processes are easier when jumps only occur in one direction. In the last few years, this intuition became more precise: we know now that a wide variety of identities for exit problems of spectrally-negative LĂ©vy processes may be ergonomically expressed in terms of two q-harmonic functions (or scale functions or positive martingales) W and Z. The proofs typically require not much more than the strong Markov property, which hold, in principle, for the wider class of spectrally-negative strong Markov processes. This has been established already in particular cases, such as random walks, Markov additive processes, LĂ©vy processes with omega-state-dependent killing, and certain LĂ©vy processes with state dependent drift, and seems to be true for general strong Markov processes, subject to technical conditions. However, computing the functions W and Z is still an open problem outside the LĂ©vy and diffusion classes, even for the simplest risk models with state-dependent parameters (say, Ornstein–Uhlenbeck or Feller branching diffusion with phase-type jumps)

    Extended Gaussian Threshold Dependent Risk Models

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    Gerber-Shiu theory for discrete risk processes in a regime switching environment

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    In this paper we develop the Gerber-Shiu theory for the classic and dual discrete risk processes in a Markovian (regime switching) environment. In particular, by expressing the Gerber-Shiu function in terms of potential measures of an upward (downward) skip-free discrete-time and discrete-space Markov Additive Process (MAP), we derive closed form expressions for the Gerber-Shiu function in terms of the so-called (discrete) Wv and Zv scale matrices, which were introduced in [27]. We show that the discrete scale matrices allow for a unified approach for identifying the Gerber-Shiu function as well as the value function of the associated constant dividend barrier problems

    LĂ©vy insurance risk process with Poissonian taxation

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    The idea of taxation in risk process was first introduced by Albrecher and Hipp (2007), who suggested that a certain proportion of the insurer's income is paid immediately as tax whenever the surplus process is at its running maximum. In this paper, a spectrally negative L'{e}vy insurance risk model under taxation is studied. Motivated by the concept of randomized observations proposed by Albrecher et al. (2011b), we assume that the insurer's surplus level is only observed at a sequence of Poisson arrival times, at which the event of ruin is checked and tax may be collected from the tax authority. In particular, if the observed (pre-tax) level exceeds the maximum of the previously observed (post-tax) values, then a fraction of the excess will be paid as tax. Analytic expressions for the Gerber-Shiu expected discounted penalty function (Gerber and Shiu (1998)) and the expected discounted tax payments until ruin are derived. The Cram'{e}r-Lundberg asymptotic formula is shown to hold true for the Gerber-Shiu function, and it differs from the case without tax by a multiplicative constant. Delayed start of tax payments will be discussed as well. We also take a look at the case where solvency is monitored continuously (while tax is still paid at Poissonian time points), as many of the above results can be derived in a similar manner. Some numerical examples will be given at the end.postprin

    Poissonian potential measures for LĂ©vy risk models

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.insmatheco.2018.07.004 © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/This paper studies the potential (or resolvent) measures of spectrally negative LĂ©vy processes killed on exiting (bounded or unbounded) intervals, when the underlying process is observed at the arrival epochs of an independent Poisson process. Explicit representations of these so-called Poissonian potential measures are established in terms of newly defined Poissonian scale functions. Moreover, Poissonian exit measures are explicitly solved by finding a direct relation with Poissonian potential measures. Our results generalize Albrecher et al. (2016) in which Poissonian exit identities are solved. As an application of Poissonian potential measures, we extend the Gerber–Shiu analysis in Baurdoux et al. (2016) to a (more general) Parisian risk model subject to Poissonian observations.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (341316; 05828)Canada Research Chair ProgramJames C. Hickman Scholar program of the Society of Actuaries, USAEducational Institution Grant of the Society of Actuarie


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    International audienceThis booklet contains the proceedings of the second European Conference in Queueing Theory (ECQT) that was held from the 18th to the 20th of July 2016 at the engineering school ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. ECQT is a biannual event where scientists and technicians in queueing theory and related areas get together to promote research, encourage interaction and exchange ideas. The spirit of the conference is to be a queueing event organized from within Europe, but open to participants from all over the world. The technical program of the 2016 edition consisted of 112 presentations organized in 29 sessions covering all trends in queueing theory, including the development of the theory, methodology advances, computational aspects and applications. Another exciting feature of ECQT2016 was the institution of the TakĂĄcs Award for outstanding PhD thesis on "Queueing Theory and its Applications"

    On Some Stochastic Optimal Control Problems in Actuarial Mathematics

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    The event of ruin (bankruptcy) has long been a core concept of risk management interest in the literature of actuarial science. There are two major research lines. The first one focuses on distributional studies of some crucial ruin-related variables such as the deficit at ruin or the time to ruin. The second one focuses on dynamically controlling the probability that ruin occurs by imposing controls such as investment, reinsurance, or dividend payouts. The content of the thesis will be in line with the second research direction, but under a relaxed definition of ruin, for the reason that ruin is often too harsh a criteria to be implemented in practice. Relaxation of the concept of ruin through the consideration of "exotic ruin" features, including for instance, ruin under discrete observations, Parisian ruin setup, two-sided exit framework, and drawdown setup, received considerable attention in recent years. While there has been a rich literature on the distributional studies of those new features in insurance surplus processes, comparably less contributions have been made to dynamically controlling the corresponding risk. The thesis proposes to analytically study stochastic control problems related to some "exotic ruin" features in the broad area of insurance and finance. In particular, in Chapter 3, we study an optimal investment problem by minimizing the probability that a significant drawdown occurs. In Chapter 4, we take this analysis one step further by proposing a general drawdown-based penalty structure, which include for example, the probability of drawdown considered in Chapter 3 as a special case. Subsequently, we apply it in an optimal investment problem of maximizing a fund manager's expected cumulative income. Moreover, in Chapter 5 we study an optimal investment-reinsurance problem in a two-sided exit framework. All problems mentioned above are considered in a random time horizon. Although the random time horizon is mainly determined by the nature of the problem, we point out that under suitable assumptions, a random time horizon is analytically more tractable in comparison to its finite deterministic counterpart. For each problem considered in Chapters 3--5, we will adopt the dynamic programming principle (DPP) to derive a partial differential equation (PDE), commonly referred to as a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation in the literature, and subsequently show that the value function of each problem is equivalent to a strong solution to the associated HJB equation via a verification argument. The remaining problem is then to solve the HJB equations explicitly. We will develop a new decomposition method in Chapter 3, which decomposes a nonlinear second-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) into two solvable nonlinear first-order ODEs. In Chapters 4 and 5, we use the Legendre transform to build respectively one-to-one correspondence between the original problem and its dual problem, with the latter being a linear free boundary problem that can be solved in explicit forms. It is worth mentioning that additional difficulties arise in the drawdown related problems of Chapters 3 and 4 for the reason that the underlying problems involve the maximum process as an additional dimension. We overcome this difficulty by utilizing a dimension reduction technique. Chapter 6 will be devoted to the study of an optimal investment-reinsurance problem of maximizing the expected mean-variance utility function, which is a typical time-inconsistent problem in the sense that DPP fails. The problem is then formulated as a non-cooperative game, and a subgame perfect Nash equilibrium is subsequently solved. The thesis is finally ended with some concluding remarks and some future research directions in Chapter 7
