2 research outputs found

    On the ordering of sparse linear systems

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    AbstractIn this paper we consider the algorithms for transforming an n × n sparse matrix A into another matrix B such that Gaussian elimination applied to B takes time asymptotically less than n3. These algorithms take the sparse matrix A as input, and return a pair of permutation matrices P, Q such that B = PAQ has a small bandwidth, or some other desirable form. We study the average effectiveness of these algorithms by using random matrices with Θ(n) nonzero elements. We prove that with high probability these algorithms cannot produce a reduction of the asymptotic cost of the standard Gaussian elimination algorithm.We also study the effectiveness of these algorithms for ordering very sparse matrices. We show that there exist matrices with 3n nonzeros for which reordering rows and columns does not reduce the asymptotic cost of Gaussian elimination. We also prove that each matrix with at most two nonzeros in each row and in each column, can be transformed into a banded matrix with bandwidth five