69 research outputs found

    Scalable iterative methods for sampling from massive Gaussian random vectors

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    Sampling from Gaussian Markov random fields (GMRFs), that is multivariate Gaussian ran- dom vectors that are parameterised by the inverse of their covariance matrix, is a fundamental problem in computational statistics. In this paper, we show how we can exploit arbitrarily accu- rate approximations to a GMRF to speed up Krylov subspace sampling methods. We also show that these methods can be used when computing the normalising constant of a large multivariate Gaussian distribution, which is needed for both any likelihood-based inference method. The method we derive is also applicable to other structured Gaussian random vectors and, in particu- lar, we show that when the precision matrix is a perturbation of a (block) circulant matrix, it is still possible to derive O(n log n) sampling schemes.Comment: 17 Pages, 4 Figure

    Scharz Preconditioners for Krylov Methods: Theory and Practice

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    Several numerical methods were produced and analyzed. The main thrust of the work relates to inexact Krylov subspace methods for the solution of linear systems of equations arising from the discretization of partial di#11;erential equa- tions. These are iterative methods, i.e., where an approximation is obtained and at each step. Usually, a matrix-vector product is needed at each iteration. In the inexact methods, this product (or the application of a preconditioner) can be done inexactly. Schwarz methods, based on domain decompositions, are excellent preconditioners for thise systems. We contributed towards their under- standing from an algebraic point of view, developed new ones, and studied their performance in the inexact setting. We also worked on combinatorial problems to help de#12;ne the algebraic partition of the domains, with the needed overlap, as well as PDE-constraint optimization using the above-mentioned inexact Krylov subspace methods

    The effect of non-optimal bases on the convergence of Krylov subspace methods

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    There are many examples where non-orthogonality of a basis for Krylov subspace methods arises naturally. These methods usually require less storage or computational effort per iteration than methods using an orthonormal basis (optimal methods), but the convergence may be delayed. Truncated Krylov subspace methods and other examples of non-optimal methods have been shown to converge in many situations, often with small delay, but not in others. We explore the question of what is the effect of having a nonoptimal basis. We prove certain identities for the relative residual gap, i.e., the relative difference between the residuals of the optimal and non-optimal methods. These identities and related bounds provide insight into when the delay is small and convergence is achieved. Further understanding is gained by using a general theory of superlinear convergence recently developed. Our analysis confirms the observed fact that in exact arithmetic the orthogonality of the basis is not important, only the need to maintain linear independence is. Numerical examples illustrate our theoretical results

    Interior-point methods for PDE-constrained optimization

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    In applied sciences PDEs model an extensive variety of phenomena. Typically the final goal of simulations is a system which is optimal in a certain sense. For instance optimal control problems identify a control to steer a system towards a desired state. Inverse problems seek PDE parameters which are most consistent with measurements. In these optimization problems PDEs appear as equality constraints. PDE-constrained optimization problems are large-scale and often nonconvex. Their numerical solution leads to large ill-conditioned linear systems. In many practical problems inequality constraints implement technical limitations or prior knowledge. In this thesis interior-point (IP) methods are considered to solve nonconvex large-scale PDE-constrained optimization problems with inequality constraints. To cope with enormous fill-in of direct linear solvers, inexact search directions are allowed in an inexact interior-point (IIP) method. This thesis builds upon the IIP method proposed in [Curtis, Schenk, Wächter, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2010]. SMART tests cope with the lack of inertia information to control Hessian modification and also specify termination tests for the iterative linear solver. The original IIP method needs to solve two sparse large-scale linear systems in each optimization step. This is improved to only a single linear system solution in most optimization steps. Within this improved IIP framework, two iterative linear solvers are evaluated: A general purpose algebraic multilevel incomplete L D L^T preconditioned SQMR method is applied to PDE-constrained optimization problems for optimal server room cooling in three space dimensions and to compute an ambient temperature for optimal cooling. The results show robustness and efficiency of the IIP method when compared with the exact IP method. These advantages are even more evident for a reduced-space preconditioned (RSP) GMRES solver which takes advantage of the linear system's structure. This RSP-IIP method is studied on the basis of distributed and boundary control problems originating from superconductivity and from two-dimensional and three-dimensional parameter estimation problems in groundwater modeling. The numerical results exhibit the improved efficiency especially for multiple PDE constraints. An inverse medium problem for the Helmholtz equation with pointwise box constraints is solved by IP methods. The ill-posedness of the problem is explored numerically and different regularization strategies are compared. The impact of box constraints and the importance of Hessian modification on the optimization algorithm is demonstrated. A real world seismic imaging problem is solved successfully by the RSP-IIP method