13,657 research outputs found

    Localic completion of uniform spaces

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    We extend the notion of localic completion of generalised metric spaces by Steven Vickers to the setting of generalised uniform spaces. A generalised uniform space (gus) is a set X equipped with a family of generalised metrics on X, where a generalised metric on X is a map from the product of X to the upper reals satisfying zero self-distance law and triangle inequality. For a symmetric generalised uniform space, the localic completion lifts its generalised uniform structure to a point-free generalised uniform structure. This point-free structure induces a complete generalised uniform structure on the set of formal points of the localic completion that gives the standard completion of the original gus with Cauchy filters. We extend the localic completion to a full and faithful functor from the category of locally compact uniform spaces into that of overt locally compact completely regular formal topologies. Moreover, we give an elementary characterisation of the cover of the localic completion of a locally compact uniform space that simplifies the existing characterisation for metric spaces. These results generalise the corresponding results for metric spaces by Erik Palmgren. Furthermore, we show that the localic completion of a symmetric gus is equivalent to the point-free completion of the uniform formal topology associated with the gus. We work in Aczel's constructive set theory CZF with the Regular Extension Axiom. Some of our results also require Countable Choice.Comment: 39 page

    Relation lifting, with an application to the many-valued cover modality

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    We introduce basic notions and results about relation liftings on categories enriched in a commutative quantale. We derive two necessary and sufficient conditions for a 2-functor T to admit a functorial relation lifting: one is the existence of a distributive law of T over the "powerset monad" on categories, one is the preservation by T of "exactness" of certain squares. Both characterisations are generalisations of the "classical" results known for set functors: the first characterisation generalises the existence of a distributive law over the genuine powerset monad, the second generalises preservation of weak pullbacks. The results presented in this paper enable us to compute predicate liftings of endofunctors of, for example, generalised (ultra)metric spaces. We illustrate this by studying the coalgebraic cover modality in this setting.Comment: 48 pages, accepted for publication in LMC

    Magnitude cohomology

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    Magnitude homology was introduced by Hepworth and Willerton in the case of graphs, and was later extended by Leinster and Shulman to metric spaces and enriched categories. Here we introduce the dual theory, magnitude cohomology, which we equip with the structure of an associative unital graded ring. Our first main result is a 'recovery theorem' showing that the magnitude cohomology ring of a finite metric space completely determines the space itself. The magnitude cohomology ring is non-commutative in general, for example when applied to finite metric spaces, but in some settings it is commutative, for example when applied to ordinary categories. Our second main result explains this situation by proving that the magnitude cohomology ring of an enriched category is graded-commutative whenever the enriching category is cartesian. We end the paper by giving complete computations of magnitude cohomology rings for several large classes of graphs.Comment: 27 page

    Categories, norms and weights

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    The well-known Lawvere category R of extended real positive numbers comes with a monoidal closed structure where the tensor product is the sum. But R has another such structure, given by multiplication, which is *-autonomous. Normed sets, with a norm in R, inherit thus two symmetric monoidal closed structures, and categories enriched on one of them have a 'subadditive' or 'submultiplicative' norm, respectively. Typically, the first case occurs when the norm expresses a cost, the second with Lipschitz norms. This paper is a preparation for a sequel, devoted to 'weighted algebraic topology', an enrichment of directed algebraic topology. The structure of R, and its extension to the complex projective line, might be a first step in abstracting a notion of algebra of weights, linked with physical measures.Comment: Revised version, 16 pages. Some minor correction

    Topology from enrichment: the curious case of partial metrics

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    For any small quantaloid \Q, there is a new quantaloid \D(\Q) of diagonals in \Q. If \Q is divisible then so is \D(\Q) (and vice versa), and then it is particularly interesting to compare categories enriched in \Q with categories enriched in \D(\Q). Taking Lawvere's quantale of extended positive real numbers as base quantale, \Q-categories are generalised metric spaces, and \D(\Q)-categories are generalised partial metric spaces, i.e.\ metric spaces in which self-distance need not be zero and with a suitably modified triangular inequality. We show how every small quantaloid-enriched category has a canonical closure operator on its set of objects: this makes for a functor from quantaloid-enriched categories to closure spaces. Under mild necessary-and-sufficient conditions on the base quantaloid, this functor lands in the category of topological spaces; and an involutive quantaloid is Cauchy-bilateral (a property discovered earlier in the context of distributive laws) if and only if the closure on any enriched category is identical to the closure on its symmetrisation. As this now applies to metric spaces and partial metric spaces alike, we demonstrate how these general categorical constructions produce the "correct" definitions of convergence and Cauchyness of sequences in generalised partial metric spaces. Finally we describe the Cauchy-completion, the Hausdorff contruction and exponentiability of a partial metric space, again by application of general quantaloid-enriched category theory.Comment: Apart from some minor corrections, this second version contains a revised section on Cauchy sequences in a partial metric spac

    Quantum logic and decohering histories

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    An introduction is given to an algebraic formulation and generalisation of the consistent histories approach to quantum theory. The main technical tool in this theory is an orthoalgebra of history propositions that serves as a generalised temporal analogue of the lattice of propositions of standard quantum logic. Particular emphasis is placed on those cases in which the history propositions can be represented by projection operators in a Hilbert space, and on the associated concept of a `history group'.Comment: 14 pages LaTeX; Writeup of lecture given at conference ``Theories of fundamental interactions'', Maynooth Eire 24--26 May 1995

    Non-extremal black holes from the generalised r-map

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    We review the timelike dimensional reduction of a class of five-dimensional theories that generalises 5D, N = 2 supergravity coupled to vector multiplets. As an application we construct instanton solutions to the four-dimensional Euclidean theory, and investigate the criteria for solutions to lift to static non-extremal black holes in five dimensions. We focus specifically on two classes of models: STU-like models, and models with a block diagonal target space metric. For STU-like models the second order equations of motion of the four-dimensional theory can be solved explicitly, and we obtain the general solution. For block diagonal models we find a restricted class of solutions, where the number of independent scalar fields depends on the number of blocks. When lifting these solutions to five dimensions we show, by explicit calculation, that one obtains static non-extremal black holes with scalar fields that take finite values on the horizon only if the number of integration constants reduces by exactly half.Comment: 22 pages. Based on talk by OV at "Black Objects in Supergravity School" (BOSS2011), INFN, Frascati, Italy, 9-13 May, 201

    Ramsey expansions of metrically homogeneous graphs

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    We discuss the Ramsey property, the existence of a stationary independence relation and the coherent extension property for partial isometries (coherent EPPA) for all classes of metrically homogeneous graphs from Cherlin's catalogue, which is conjectured to include all such structures. We show that, with the exception of tree-like graphs, all metric spaces in the catalogue have precompact Ramsey expansions (or lifts) with the expansion property. With two exceptions we can also characterise the existence of a stationary independence relation and the coherent EPPA. Our results can be seen as a new contribution to Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il's classification programme of Ramsey classes and as empirical evidence of the recent convergence in techniques employed to establish the Ramsey property, the expansion (or lift or ordering) property, EPPA and the existence of a stationary independence relation. At the heart of our proof is a canonical way of completing edge-labelled graphs to metric spaces in Cherlin's classes. The existence of such a "completion algorithm" then allows us to apply several strong results in the areas that imply EPPA and respectively the Ramsey property. The main results have numerous corollaries on the automorphism groups of the Fra\"iss\'e limits of the classes, such as amenability, unique ergodicity, existence of universal minimal flows, ample generics, small index property, 21-Bergman property and Serre's property (FA).Comment: 57 pages, 14 figures. Extends results of arXiv:1706.00295. Minor revisio